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اِنَّھَا السَّاعَۃُ وِفٛقًا لِسَاعَتِیٛ(inna has sa’eto wifqan lisa’eti)It’s 7 o’clock according to my watch. |
ھَذِہِ السَّاعَۃُ مُنٛتَظِمَۃٌ جِدًّا فِی سَیٛرِھَا(hazihis sa’eto montazimaton jiddan fi syiriha)This watch work very correctly. |
ھَلِ الٛوَقٛتُ مُتَأَخِّرٌ؟(halil waqto motakhiron?)Is it late? |
مَازَالَ الٛوَقٛتُ مُکَبِّرًا(mazalal wqzto mokbiran)It’s too early. |
لَقَدٛ کَانَ وَقٛتُ النُّھُوٛضِ(la qad kana wqton nohodo)It is time to get up. |
سَتَدُقُ السَّاعَۃُالسَّابِعَۃَحَالاً(satadoqos sa’etos sa’ebi’eta Haln(The watch |
اِنَّہُ مُنٛتَصَفُ اللَّیٛلُ(innho montasafol lailo)It is midnight. |
جِئٛتَ فِی الٛوَقٛتِ الٛمُنَاسِبِ(jita fil waqtil monasibi)You have come at the right time. |
أَیُّ یَوٛمٍ ھَذَا(ayo yawmin haza)What day is it today? |
مَا ھُوَالتَّارِیٛخُ الٛیَوٛمَ؟(ma howat tarikhol ywma)What is the date today? |
ھَلٛ عِنٛدَکَ تَقٛوِیٛمٌ؟(hl e’ndaka taqwimon?)Do you have a calendar? |
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