Arabic Conversation between Friends about studies with PDF


Learn Arabic English Conversation about school and studies between Teacher, students and Friends with English translation and Meanings given in PDF. . You will be able to improve your English translation skills from Arabic to English and English to Arabic. You will also be provided with a free downloadable PDF version of these sentences.

Arabic Conversation with English Translation and English Spelling of Arabic 

اَیٛنَ تَتَعَلَّمَ؟

(aina tata’elama)

Where do you study?

اَتَعَلَّمُ فِی الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ

(a ta’ellamo fil mdrasati)

I study in the school.

مَا ذَا تَتَعَلَّمُ؟

(ma za tata’elamo?)

What are you studying?

اَ تَتَعَلَّمُ الٛلُّغَۃَالٛعَرَبِیَّۃَ

(a tata’elamol logatal e’rabiyata)

I am studying the Arabic language.

مَتٰی تَذٛھَبُ اِلیَ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ؟

(mata tzhabo ilal mdrasati?)

When do you go to the school?

اَ ذٛھَبُ اِلیَ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ فِی الصَّبَاحِ.

(azhabo ilal mdrasati fissabaHi.)

I go to school in the morning.

اَیٛنَ تَجٛلِسُ فِی الفَصٛلِ؟

(aina tjliso fil fsli)

Where do you sit in your classroom?

اَجٛلِسُ فِی الصَّفِ الٛاَّوَّلِ۔

(ajliso fil sffil awali)

I sit in the first row.

کَیفَ یُعَلِّمُکَ الٛاُسٛتَاذَ؟

(kaifa yo’elmokl ostaza?)

How does your teacher tech you?

اَلٛاُسٛتَاذُیَنٛطِقُ کَلِمَۃً وَاَنَا اُرَدِّدُھَا

(al ostaza yantiqo kalimatan wa aana orddidoha.)

My teacher pronounces a word and I repeat it.

مُنٛذُکُمٛ مُدَّۃٍ تَتَعَلَّمُ فِی ھَذِہِ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ؟

(monzokom mddatin tata’ellamo f hazihil mdrasat)

For how long have you been studying in this school?

اَنَا اَتَعَلَّمُ فِی ھَذِہِ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ مُنٛذُ سَنَتَیٛن

(ana at’ellamo fi hzihil mdrasati monzo sanatain.)

I have been studying in this school for two years.

ھَلٛ تُذَاکِرُ دَرَسَکَ یَوٛمِیِّاً؟

(hl tozakiro daraska ywmiyan?)

Do you learn lesson daily?

نَعَمٛ: اَذَاکِرُ الدَّرُسَ یَوٛمِیِّا

(na’em azakirod drosa yamiyan)

Yes: I learn the lesson daily.

ھَلٛ تَقٛرَاُ الٛکُتُبَ فِی الٛمَسَاءِ؟

(hl tqraol kotobo filmasai?

Do you read books in the evening?

لَا:لِاَنِّی اَلٛعَبُ فِی الٛمَسَاءِمَعَ اَصٛدِقَائِی

(la:lianni al’ebo filmsae ma’e asdiqai)

No; because, I play with my friends in the evening.

Arabic English Conversation about school and studies with PDF

Arabic English Conversation about school and studies with PDFArabic English Conversation about school and studies with PDF

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Arabic English Conversation about school and studies with PDF


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