Antonyms and synonyms are great for improving your English vocabulary. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, like “hot” and “cold,” while synonyms are words with similar meanings, like “happy” and “joyful.” Antonyms show differences, and synonyms help you avoid repetition.
To learn them, find word pairs, read to see them in context, or use tools like thesauruses. Word games also make learning fun. Understanding antonyms and synonyms will expand your vocabulary, improve reading comprehension, and help you express yourself more clearly.
Synonyms and Antonyms – With AWords Synonyms Antonyms Abate moderate, decrease aggravate Absolve pardon, forgive compel, accuse Abject despicable, servile commendable, praiseworthy Abash disconcert, rattle uphold, discompose Abjure forsake, renounce approve, sanction Abolish abrogate, annul setup, establish Abortive vain, unproductive productive Abound flourish, proliferate deficient, destitute Acumen awareness, brilliance stupidity, ignorance Accord agreement, harmony discord Acrimony harshness, bitterness courtesy, benevolence Admonish counsel, reprove approve, applaud Adherent follower, disciple rival, adversary Adhere comply, observe condemn, disjoin Adversity misfortune, calamity prosperity, fortune Adamant stubborn, inflexible flexible, soft Adjunct joined, added separated, subtracted Alleviate abate, relieve aggravate, enhance Allay pacify, soothe aggravate, excite Alien foreigner, outside native, resident Allure entice, fascinate repulse, repel Amplify augment, deepen lessen, contract Arraign incriminate, indict exculpate, pardon Ascend climb escalate descend, decline Audacity boldness, courage mildness, cowardice Authentic accurate, credible fictitious, unreal Awkward rude, blundering adroit, clever Axiom adage, truism absurdity, blunder
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With BWords Synonyms Antonyms Bawdy erotic, coarse decent, moral Barrier barricade, obstacle link, assistance Barren desolate, sterile damp, fertile Baroque florid, gilt plain, unadorned Barbarous frustrate, perplex civilized Baffle astound, faze facilitate, clarify Base vulgar, coarse summit, noble Batty insane, silly sane Befogged becloud, dim clear-headed, uncloud Benevolent benign, generous malevolent, miserly Benign favorable, friendly malignant, cruel Bewitching alluring, charming repulsive, repugnant Bind predicament release Bleak austere, blank bright, cheerful Bleak grim, austere bright, pleasant Blunt dull, insensitive keen, sharp Boisterous clamorous, rowdy placid, calm Bold adventurous timid Brittle breakable, crisp tough, enduring Bustle commotion, tumult slowness, quiet Busy active, engaged idle, lazy
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With CWords Synonyms Antonyms Calumny defamation, aspersion commendation, praise Calculating canny, devious artless, honest Callous insensitive, indurated kind, merciful Calamity adversity, misfortune fortune Calm harmonious, unruffled stormy, turbulent Camouflage cloak, disguise Reveal Candid blunt, bluff evasive Captivate beguile, bewitch repel Captivate charm, fascinate disillusion offend Captivity imprisonment, confinement freedom, liberty Carnal earthly, fleshly spiritual Catholic generic, liberal narrow- minded Cease terminate, desist begin, originate Celebrated acclaimed, lionized unknown, inglorious Cement plaster, mortar disintegrate Censure rebuke, reprimand praise, acceptance Chastise punish, admonish cheer, encourage Chaste virtuous, pure sullied, lustful Cheap competitive, inexpensive dear, unreasonable Clandestine covert, furtive open, legal Classic simple, typical romantic, unusual Coarse bawdy, boorish fine, chaste Compassion kindness, sympathy cruelty, barbarity Comic clown, jester Tragic, tragedian Comprise include, contain reject, lack Compact bunched, thick loose, diffuse Compress abbreviate, shrink amplify, expand Consequence effect, outcome origin, start Contrary dissimilar, conflicting similar, alike Consent agree, permit object disagree Conceit egotism, immodesty modesty Consolidate centralize, fortify weaken Consolidate solidify, strengthen separate, weaken Condemn castigate, chide approve, praise Contradict deny, oppose approve, confirm Contempt scorn, disregard regard, praise Concur approve, agree differ, disagree Confident bold, undaunted diffident, cowardly Concord agreement, accord discord Conspicuous prominent, obvious concealed, hidden Courtesy generosity, reverence disdain, rudeness Creation formation, foundation destruction Cunning acute, smart naive, coarse
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With DWords Synonyms Antonyms Deceit deception, artifice veracity, sincerity Decay collapse, decompose flourish, progress Decipher interpret, reveal misinterpret, distort Defile contaminate, pollute purify, sanctity Defray spend, pay disclaim, repudiate Deliberate cautious, intentional rash, sudden Demolish ruin, devastate repair, construct Denounce blame, boycott defend Dense opaque, piled sparse, brainy Deprive despoil, divest restore, renew Deride mock, taunt inspire, encourage Derogatory sarcastic, critical laudatory, appreciative Despair depression, misery contentment, hope Destructive catastrophic, pernicious creative, constructive Dissuade remonstrate, counsel persuade Disdain detest, despise approve, praise Docile pliable, pliant headstrong, obstinate Dwarf diminutive, petite huge, giant
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With EWords Synonyms Antonyms Eager keen, acquisitive indifferent, apathetic Eccentric abnormal natural, conventional Eclipse diminution, dimming shine, eclipse Ecstasy delight, exultation despair, calamity Efface destroy, obliterate retain, maintain Eloquence expression, fluency halting, stammering Encumbrance hindrance, obstacle incentive, stimulant Endeavor undertake, aspire cease, quit Enormous colossal, mammoth diminutive, negligible Epitome precise, example increment, expansion Equivocal uncertain, hazy obvious, lucid Eradicate destroy, exterminate secure, plant
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With FWords Synonyms Antonyms Fabricate construct, produce destroy, dismantle Falter stumble, demur persist, endure Fallacy delusion, mistake veracity, truth Fanatical narrow-minded, biased liberal, tolerant Feeble weak, frail strong, robust Ferocious cruel, fierce gentle, sympathetic Feud strife, quarrel harmony, fraternity Fluctuate deflect, vacillate stabilize, resolve Frantic violent, agitated subdued, gentle Fragile weak, infirm enduring, tough Frivolous petty, worthless solemn, significant Frugality economy, providence lavishness, extravagance Forsake desert, renounce hold, maintain
Synonyms and Antonyms – With G Words Synonyms Antonyms Gather converge, huddle disperse, dissemble Genuine absolute, factual spurious Generosity altruism, bounty stinginess, greed Glory dignity, renown shame, disgrace Gloom obscurity, darkness delight, mirth Gloomy bleak, cloudy gay, bright Guile cunning, deceit honesty, frankness Glut stuff, satiate starve, abstain Gracious courteous, beneficent rude, unforgiving Grisly disgusting, atrocious pleasing, attractive Grudge hatred, aversion benevolence, affection Gorgeous magnificent, dazzling dull, unpretentious
Synonyms and Antonyms – With H Words Synonyms Antonyms Hamstrung cripple debilitate strengthen, encourage Hamper retard, prevent promote, facilitate Harass irritate, molest assist, comfort Harmony conformity, amicability discord, discord Hapless unfortunate, ill-fated fortunate, lucky Hasty abrupt, impetuous leisurely, cautious Haughty arrogant, pompous humble, submissive Hazard peril, danger conviction, security Heretic non-conformist, secularist conformable, religious Hideous frightful, shocking attractive, alluring Honor adoration, reverence denunciation, shame Humble meek, timid proud, assertive Humility resignation , fawningboldness, pride Hypocrisy deception, pharisaism sincerity, frankness
Synonyms and Antonyms – With IWords Synonyms Antonyms Immaculate exquisite, impeccable defiled, tarnished Immense huge, enormous puny, insignificant Imminent impending, brewing distant, receding Immerse submerge, involve emerge, uncover Immunity prerogative, privilege blame, censure Immaculate unsullied, spotless defiled, tarnished Impute attribute, ascribe exculpate, support Impenitent uncontrite, obdurate repentant Impious irreligious, unholy pious, devout Impulsive flaky, impetuous cautious, deliberate Impediment hurdle, obstruction assistant, concurrence Impair diminish, deteriorate restore, revive Impartial just, unbiased prejudiced, biased Inclination disposition, affection indifference, disinclination Incongruous inappropriate, absurd compatible, harmonious Incompetent inefficient, unskilled dexterous, skilled Indigent destitute, impoverished rich, affluent Indifferent equitable, haughty partial, biased Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained unlikely, doubtful Infernal damned, accursed heavenly Infringe violate, encroach comply, concur Ingenuous undisguised, naive wily, crafty Insinuate allude, hint conceal, camouflage Insipid tasteless, vapid delicious, luscious Instill inculcate, inject eradicate, extract Insipid tedious, prosaic pleasing, appetizing Insolvent indigent, destitute wealthy, solvent Intrigue scheme, conspiracy candor, sincerity Intrinsic genuine, fundamental extraneous, incidental Interesting enchanting, riveting dull, uninteresting Intricate tangled, complicated regulated, orderly Invective accusation, censure approval, acclamation Invincible unconquerable, impregnable effeminate, languid Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined composed, hesitant
Synonyms and Antonyms – With J Words Synonyms Antonyms Jaded tired, exhausted renewed, recreated Jejune dull, boring interesting, exciting Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant melancholy, depressing Judicious thoughtful, prudent irrational, foolish Just honest, impartial unequal, unfair Justify defend, exculpate impute, arraign Juvenile young, tender dotage, antiquated Jovial frolicsome, cheerful solemn, morose
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With K Words Synonyms Antonyms Keen sharp, poignant vapid, insipid Kindred relation, species unrelated, dissimilar Knave dishonest, scoundrel paragon, innocent Knell the death knell, last blow reconstruction, rediscovery Knotty complicated difficult simple, manageable
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With LWords Synonyms Antonyms Languid sluggish, apathetic energetic, spirited Lavish abundant, excessive scarce, deficient Lax slack, careless firm, reliable Lenient compassionate, merciful cruel, severe Liable accountable, bound unaccountable, apt to Liberal magnanimous, generous stingy, malicious Linger loiter, prolong hasten, quicken Lucid sound, rational obscure, hidden Lunacy delusion, insanity normalcy, sanity Lure attract, entice repel, dissuade Luscious palatable, delicious unsavory, tart Luxuriant profuse, abundant scanty, meager
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With MWords Synonyms Antonyms Malice vengefulness, grudge goodwill, kindness Mandatory imperative, requisite optional Masculine gallant, strapping feminine, meek Merit stature, asset demerit, dishonor Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary ordinary, trivial Mitigate alleviate, relieve augment enhance Munificent liberal, hospitable frugal, penurious Murky dusky, dreary bright, shining Mutual joint, identical separate, distinct Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent submissive, faithful Modest humble, courteous arrogant, pompous Molest harass, tease console, soothe Mollify appease, assuage irritate, infuriate Monotonous irksome, tedious varied, pleasant Momentous notable, eventful trivial, insignificant Morbid nasty, macabre healthy, cheerful
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With NWords Synonyms Antonyms Niggardly miser, covetous generous, profuse Nimble prompt, brisk sluggish, languid Nullify cancel, annual confirm, uphold Numerous profuse, various scarce, deficient Nonchalant indifferent, negligent attentive, considerate Notion conceit, apprehension reality, concrete Novice tyro, beginner veteran, ingenious Noxious baneful, injurious healing, profitable
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With O Words Synonyms Antonyms Obliging complaisant, willing mulish, obstinate Obstinate stubborn, adamant pliable, flexible Obstruct impede, prevent hasten, encourage Obscure arcane, vague prominent Obtain access, inherit forfeit Obvious evident, apparent obscure, ambiguous Occult latent, ambiguous intelligible, transparent Odious malevolent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating Offensive abhorrent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating Offspring descendant, sibling ancestor, forefather Ominous menacing, foreboding auspicious Opaque obscure, shady transparent, bright Optimist idealist pessimist Oracular Cryptic, vague lucid, distinct Ordain order, impose revoke abolish Ornamental decorative, adorned unseemly, plain Outrage offense, maltreatment praise, favour Outbreak eruption, insurrection compliance, subjection
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With P Words Synonyms Antonyms Pacify appease, chasten irritate, worsen Pamper flatter, indulge deny, disparage Paramount foremost, eminent trivial, inferior Peevish perverse, sullen suave, amiable Peerless matchless, unrivaled mediocre, commonplace Placid tranquil, calm turbulent, hostile Persuade cajole, impress dissuade, halt Perturbed flustered, anxious Calm Pertness flippancy, impudence modesty, diffidence Perverse petulant, obstinate complacent, docile Precarious doubtful, insecure Assured Predicament plight, dilemma resolution, confidence Progress pace, betterment retrogress, worsening Prompt precise, punctual slow, negligent Propagate inseminate, fecundate suppress, deplete Prudence vigilance, discretion Indiscretion Pompous Haughty, arrogant unpretentious, humble
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With Q Words Synonyms Antonyms Quack impostor, deceiver upright, unfeigned Quaint queer, strange familiar, usual Quarantine seclude, screen befriend, socialize Quell subdue, reduce exacerbate, agitate Quibble equivocate, prevaricate unfeigned, plain
Synonyms and Antonyms – With RWords Synonyms Antonyms Raid incursion, foray retreat, release Rapidity quickness, velocity inertia, liquidity Ratify consent, approve deny, dissent Ravage destroy, ruin reconstruct, renovate Reason acumen, bounds folly, speculation Rebellious restless, attacking submissive, compliant Rectify amend, remedy falsify, worsen Redeem recover, liberate conserve lose Reluctant cautious, averse anxious, eager Remnant residue, piece entire, whole Remorse regret, penitence ruthlessness, obduracy Remonstrate censure, protest agree, loud Rescind annul, abrogate delegate, permit Resentment displeasure, wrath content, cheer Restrain detain, confine incite Retract recant, withdraw confirm, assert Reverence respect, esteem disrespect, affront Rustic rural, uncivilized cultured, refined Ruthless remorseless, inhumane Compassionate, lenient Rout vanquish, overthrow succumb, withdraw
Synonyms and Antonyms – With SWords Synonyms Antonyms Sacred cherish, divine ungodly, profane Sarcastic ironical, derisive courteous, gracious Saucy impudent, insolent modest, humble Savage wild, untamed polished, civilized Scanty scarce, insufficient lavish, multitude Servile slavish, docile aggressive, dominant Shabby miserable, impoverished prosperous, thriving Shrewd cunning, craftly simple, imbecile Slander defame, malign applaud, approve Sneer mock, scorn flatter, praise Solicit entreat, implore protest oppose Spry nimble, brisk lethargic, sluggish Spurious fake, counterfeit genuine, authentic Sporadic intermittent, scattered incessant, frequent Squalid dirty, filthy tidy, attractive Stain blemish, tarnish honor, purify Startled frightened, shocked waveringly Sterile barren, impotent profitable, potent Steep course, lofty flat, gradual Stupor lethargy, unconsciousness sensibility, consciousness Stranger immigrant, guest acquaintance, national Sublime magnificent, eminent ridiculous Subvert demolish, sabotage generate, organize Substantial considerable, solid tenuous, fragile Subsequent consequent, following preceding, previous Subterfuge deceit, stratagem frankness, openness Successful propitious, felicitous destitute, untoward Succinct concise, terse lengthy, polite Superficial partial, shallow profound, discerning Sycophant parasite, flatterer devoted, loyal Sympathy tenderness, harmony antipathy, discord System scheme, entity chaos, disorder
Synonyms and Antonyms – With T Words Synonyms Antonyms Taboo prohibit, ban permit, consent Taciturn reserved, silent talkative, extrovert Tame compliant, subdued wild, untamed Tedious wearisome. irksome exhilarating, lively Temperate cool, moderate boisterous, violent Tenement apartment, digs breakeven, dislodge Tenacious stubborn, dodge docile, non- resinous Terse incisive, compact diffuse, gentle Thrifty frugal, prudent extravagant Throng assembly, crowd dispersion, sparsity Timid diffident, coward bold, intrepid Transparent diaphanous opaque Tranquil peaceful, composed violent, furious Transient temporal, transitory lasting, enduring Tranquil amicable, calm agitated, fierce Trenchant assertive, forceful feeble, ambiguous Treacherous dishonest, duplicitous forthright, reliable Tremble vibrate steady Trivial trifling, insignificant significant, veteran Tumultuous violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious
1000 Words With Synonyms and Antonyms A To Z Synonyms and Antonyms – With UWords Synonyms Antonyms Umbrage chagrin, offense sympathy, goodwill Uncouth awkward, ungraceful elegant, compensate Urchin foundling, orphan creep, knave Urge incite, implore abhorrence, abomination Utterly completely, entirely deficiently, incomplete
Synonyms And Antonyms with USynonyms and Antonyms – With V Words Synonyms Antonyms Vagrant wander, roaming steady, settled Vain arrogant, egoistic modest Valor bravery, prowess fear, cowardice Vanity conceit, pretension modesty , humilityVenerable esteemed, honored unworthy, immature Veteran ingenious, experienced novice, tyro Venom poison, malevolence antidote, benevolent Vicious corrupt, obnoxious noble, virtuous Vigilant cautious, alert careless, negligent Vilify malign, slur, defame cherish, commend Virtue ethic, morality vice, dishonesty Vivacious spirited, energetic dispirited, unattractive Vivid eloquent, lucid dull, dim Vouch confirm, consent repudiate, prohibit\8
Synonyms And Antonyms with V Synonyms and Antonyms – With WWords Synonyms Antonyms Waive relinquish, remove impose, clamp Wan pale, faded bright, healthy Wane decline, dwindle ameliorate, rise Wary cautious, circumspect heedless, negligent Wed marry, combine divorce, separate Wicked vicious, immoral virtuous, noble Wield exert, employ forgo, avoid Wile trickery, artifice naivety, honor Wilt wither, perish revive, bloom Winsome beautiful, comely alluring, rapturous
Synonyms And Antonyms with W Synonyms and Antonyms – With YWords Synonyms Antonyms Yearn languish, crave content, satisfy Yell shout, shriek whisper muted Yield surrender abdicate resist, protest Yoke connect, harness liberate, release
Synonyms And Antonyms starting with Y Synonyms and Antonyms – With ZWords Synonyms Antonyms Zeal eagerness, fervor apathy, lethargy Zenith summit, apex nadir, base Zest delight, enthusiasm disgust, passive Zig -zag oblique, wayward straight, unbent
FAQsWhat are antonyms and synonyms? Antonyms are words that mean the opposite . They help us talk about things that are very different.Synonyms are words that mean almost the same thing . You can use them to make your writing say something in a different way.
What are the 8 example sentences of antonyms? Here are 8 simple example sentences with antonyms : 1. The big dog chased the small cat. 2. She felt happy , but he looked sad . 3. The car was going fast , and the bike was going slow . 4. The soup is hot , but the ice is cold . 5. He is strong , but she feels weak . 6. The room is clean , but the kitchen is dirty . 7. The test was easy , but the homework was hard . 8. The movie was good , but the game was bad .
What are the 8 synonyms? Here is a list of 8 synonyms for commonly used words: 1. Big → Large, Huge, Giant 2. Small → Tiny, Little, Mini 3. Happy → Joyful, Cheerful, Glad 4. Sad → Unhappy, Miserable, Downcast 5. Fast → Quick, Speedy, Rapid 6. Slow → Sluggish, Delayed, Unhurried 7. Smart → Intelligent, Clever, Bright 8. Easy → Simple, Effortless, Straightforward
What are the 8 example sentences of synonyms? Here are 8 simple example sentences with synonyms (words with similar meanings): 1. The big house is very large . 2. She is always happy and feels joyful . 3. The car is fast , but the bike is quick . 4. The coffee is hot , and the soup is warm . 5. He is strong , and she is powerful . 6. The room is clean , and the desk is tidy . 7. The task was easy , but the test was simple . 8. The movie was good , and the book was great .
What are the 8 antonyms? Here are 8 antonyms for common words: 1. Big – Small 2. Happy – Sad 3. Fast – Slow 4. Hot – Cold 5. Easy – Hard 6. Old – New 7. Strong – Weak 8. Light – Dark
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