HomeAntonyms1000 Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

1000 Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Antonyms and synonyms are great for improving your English vocabulary. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, like “hot” and “cold,” while synonyms are words with similar meanings, like “happy” and “joyful.” Antonyms show differences, and synonyms help you avoid repetition.

To learn them, find word pairs, read to see them in context, or use tools like thesauruses. Word games also make learning fun. Understanding antonyms and synonyms will expand your vocabulary, improve reading comprehension, and help you express yourself more clearly.

Synonyms and Antonyms – With A

Abatemoderate, decreaseaggravate
Absolvepardon, forgivecompel, accuse
Abjectdespicable, servilecommendable, praiseworthy
Abashdisconcert, rattleuphold, discompose
Abjureforsake, renounceapprove, sanction
Abolishabrogate, annulsetup, establish
Abortivevain, unproductiveproductive
Aboundflourish, proliferatedeficient, destitute
Acumenawareness, brilliancestupidity, ignorance
Accordagreement, harmonydiscord
Acrimonyharshness, bitternesscourtesy, benevolence
Admonishcounsel, reproveapprove, applaud
Adherentfollower, disciplerival, adversary
Adherecomply, observecondemn, disjoin
Adversitymisfortune, calamityprosperity, fortune
Adamantstubborn, inflexibleflexible, soft
Adjunctjoined, addedseparated, subtracted
Alleviateabate, relieveaggravate, enhance
Allaypacify, sootheaggravate, excite
Alienforeigner, outsidenative, resident
Allureentice, fascinaterepulse, repel
Amplifyaugment, deepenlessen, contract
Arraignincriminate, indictexculpate, pardon
Ascendclimb escalatedescend, decline
Audacityboldness, couragemildness, cowardice
Authenticaccurate, crediblefictitious, unreal
Awkwardrude, blunderingadroit, clever
Axiomadage, truismabsurdity, blunder
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With B

Bawdyerotic, coarsedecent, moral
Barrierbarricade, obstaclelink, assistance
Barrendesolate, steriledamp, fertile
Baroqueflorid, giltplain, unadorned
Barbarousfrustrate, perplexcivilized
Baffleastound, fazefacilitate, clarify
Basevulgar, coarsesummit, noble
Battyinsane, sillysane
Befoggedbecloud, dimclear-headed, uncloud
Benevolentbenign, generousmalevolent, miserly
Benignfavorable, friendlymalignant, cruel
Bewitchingalluring, charmingrepulsive, repugnant
Bleakaustere, blankbright, cheerful
Bleakgrim, austerebright, pleasant
Bluntdull, insensitivekeen, sharp
Boisterousclamorous, rowdyplacid, calm
Brittlebreakable, crisptough, enduring
Bustlecommotion, tumultslowness, quiet
Busyactive, engagedidle, lazy
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With C

Calumnydefamation, aspersioncommendation, praise
Calculatingcanny, deviousartless, honest
Callousinsensitive, induratedkind, merciful
Calamityadversity, misfortunefortune
Calmharmonious, unruffledstormy, turbulent
Camouflagecloak, disguiseReveal
Candidblunt, bluffevasive
Captivatebeguile, bewitchrepel
Captivatecharm, fascinatedisillusion offend
Captivityimprisonment, confinementfreedom, liberty
Carnalearthly, fleshlyspiritual
Catholicgeneric, liberalnarrow- minded
Ceaseterminate, desistbegin, originate
Celebratedacclaimed, lionizedunknown, inglorious
Cementplaster, mortardisintegrate
Censurerebuke, reprimandpraise, acceptance
Chastisepunish, admonishcheer, encourage
Chastevirtuous, puresullied, lustful
Cheapcompetitive, inexpensivedear, unreasonable
Clandestinecovert, furtiveopen, legal
Classicsimple, typicalromantic, unusual
Coarsebawdy, boorishfine, chaste
Compassionkindness, sympathycruelty, barbarity
Comicclown, jesterTragic, tragedian
Compriseinclude, containreject, lack
Compactbunched, thickloose, diffuse
Compressabbreviate, shrinkamplify, expand
Consequenceeffect, outcomeorigin, start
Contrarydissimilar, conflictingsimilar, alike
Consentagree, permitobject disagree
Conceitegotism, immodestymodesty
Consolidatecentralize, fortifyweaken
Consolidatesolidify, strengthenseparate, weaken
Condemncastigate, chideapprove, praise
Contradictdeny, opposeapprove, confirm
Contemptscorn, disregardregard, praise
Concurapprove, agreediffer, disagree
Confidentbold, undaunteddiffident, cowardly
Concordagreement, accorddiscord
Conspicuousprominent, obviousconcealed, hidden
Courtesygenerosity, reverencedisdain, rudeness
Creationformation, foundationdestruction
Cunningacute, smartnaive, coarse
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With D

Deceitdeception, artificeveracity, sincerity
Decaycollapse, decomposeflourish, progress
Decipherinterpret, revealmisinterpret, distort
Defilecontaminate, pollutepurify, sanctity
Defrayspend, paydisclaim, repudiate
Deliberatecautious, intentionalrash, sudden
Demolishruin, devastaterepair, construct
Denounceblame, boycottdefend
Denseopaque, piledsparse, brainy
Deprivedespoil, divestrestore, renew
Deridemock, tauntinspire, encourage
Derogatorysarcastic, criticallaudatory, appreciative
Despairdepression, miserycontentment, hope
Destructivecatastrophic, perniciouscreative, constructive
Dissuaderemonstrate, counselpersuade
Disdaindetest, despiseapprove, praise
Docilepliable, pliantheadstrong, obstinate
Dwarfdiminutive, petitehuge, giant
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With E

Eagerkeen, acquisitiveindifferent, apathetic
Eccentric abnormalnatural, conventional
Eclipsediminution, dimmingshine, eclipse
Ecstasydelight, exultationdespair, calamity
Effacedestroy, obliterateretain, maintain
Eloquenceexpression, fluencyhalting, stammering
Encumbrancehindrance, obstacleincentive, stimulant
Endeavorundertake, aspirecease, quit
Enormouscolossal, mammothdiminutive, negligible
Epitomeprecise, exampleincrement, expansion
Equivocaluncertain, hazyobvious, lucid
Eradicatedestroy, exterminatesecure, plant
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With F

Fabricateconstruct, producedestroy, dismantle
Falterstumble, demurpersist, endure
Fallacydelusion, mistakeveracity, truth
Fanaticalnarrow-minded, biasedliberal, tolerant
Feebleweak, frailstrong, robust
Ferociouscruel, fiercegentle, sympathetic
Feudstrife, quarrelharmony, fraternity
Fluctuatedeflect, vacillatestabilize, resolve
Franticviolent, agitatedsubdued, gentle
Fragileweak, infirmenduring, tough
Frivolouspetty, worthlesssolemn, significant
Frugalityeconomy, providencelavishness, extravagance
Forsakedesert, renouncehold, maintain

500 Synonyms And Antonyms PDF

Synonyms and Antonyms – With G

Gatherconverge, huddledisperse, dissemble
Genuineabsolute, factualspurious
Generosityaltruism, bountystinginess, greed
Glorydignity, renownshame, disgrace
Gloomobscurity, darknessdelight, mirth
Gloomybleak, cloudygay, bright
Guilecunning, deceithonesty, frankness
Glutstuff, satiatestarve, abstain
Graciouscourteous, beneficentrude, unforgiving
Grislydisgusting, atrociouspleasing, attractive
Grudgehatred, aversionbenevolence, affection
Gorgeousmagnificent, dazzlingdull, unpretentious

500 Synonyms And Antonyms PDF

Synonyms and Antonyms – With H

Hamstrungcripple debilitatestrengthen, encourage
Hamperretard, preventpromote, facilitate
Harassirritate, molestassist, comfort
Harmonyconformity, amicabilitydiscord, discord
Haplessunfortunate, ill-fatedfortunate, lucky
Hastyabrupt, impetuousleisurely, cautious
Haughtyarrogant, pompoushumble, submissive
Hazardperil, dangerconviction, security
Hereticnon-conformist, secularistconformable, religious
Hideousfrightful, shockingattractive, alluring
Honoradoration, reverencedenunciation, shame
Humblemeek, timidproud, assertive
Humilityresignation, fawningboldness, pride
Hypocrisydeception, pharisaismsincerity, frankness

Synonyms And Antonyms List A To Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With I

Immaculateexquisite, impeccabledefiled, tarnished
Immensehuge, enormouspuny, insignificant
Imminentimpending, brewingdistant, receding
Immersesubmerge, involveemerge, uncover
Immunityprerogative, privilegeblame, censure
Immaculateunsullied, spotlessdefiled, tarnished
Imputeattribute, ascribeexculpate, support
Impenitentuncontrite, obduraterepentant
Impiousirreligious, unholypious, devout
Impulsiveflaky, impetuouscautious, deliberate
Impedimenthurdle, obstructionassistant, concurrence
Impairdiminish, deterioraterestore, revive
Impartialjust, unbiasedprejudiced, biased
Inclinationdisposition, affectionindifference, disinclination
Incongruousinappropriate, absurdcompatible, harmonious
Incompetentinefficient, unskilleddexterous, skilled
Indigentdestitute, impoverishedrich, affluent
Indifferentequitable, haughtypartial, biased
Inevitableunavoidable, ascertainedunlikely, doubtful
Infernaldamned, accursedheavenly
Infringeviolate, encroachcomply, concur
Ingenuousundisguised, naivewily, crafty
Insinuateallude, hintconceal, camouflage
Insipidtasteless, vapiddelicious, luscious
Instillinculcate, injecteradicate, extract
Insipidtedious, prosaicpleasing, appetizing
Insolventindigent, destitutewealthy, solvent
Intriguescheme, conspiracycandor, sincerity
Intrinsicgenuine, fundamentalextraneous, incidental
Interestingenchanting, rivetingdull, uninteresting
Intricatetangled, complicatedregulated, orderly
Invectiveaccusation, censureapproval, acclamation
Invincibleunconquerable, impregnableeffeminate, languid
Irrepressibleirresistible, unconfinedcomposed, hesitant

Synonyms And Antonyms List A To Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With J

Jadedtired, exhaustedrenewed, recreated
Jejunedull, boringinteresting, exciting
Jubilantrejoicing, triumphantmelancholy, depressing
Judiciousthoughtful, prudentirrational, foolish
Justhonest, impartialunequal, unfair
Justifydefend, exculpateimpute, arraign
Juvenileyoung, tenderdotage, antiquated
Jovialfrolicsome, cheerfulsolemn, morose
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With K

Keensharp, poignantvapid, insipid
Kindredrelation, speciesunrelated, dissimilar
Knavedishonest, scoundrelparagon, innocent
Knellthe death knell, last blowreconstruction, rediscovery
Knottycomplicated difficultsimple, manageable
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With L

Languidsluggish, apatheticenergetic, spirited
Lavishabundant, excessivescarce, deficient
Laxslack, carelessfirm, reliable
Lenientcompassionate, mercifulcruel, severe
Liableaccountable, boundunaccountable, apt to
Liberalmagnanimous, generousstingy, malicious
Lingerloiter, prolonghasten, quicken
Lucidsound, rationalobscure, hidden
Lunacydelusion, insanitynormalcy, sanity
Lureattract, enticerepel, dissuade
Lusciouspalatable, deliciousunsavory, tart
Luxuriantprofuse, abundantscanty, meager
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With M

Malicevengefulness, grudgegoodwill, kindness
Mandatoryimperative, requisiteoptional
Masculinegallant, strappingfeminine, meek
Meritstature, assetdemerit, dishonor
Miraculousmarvelous, extraordinaryordinary, trivial
Mitigatealleviate, relieveaugment enhance
Munificentliberal, hospitablefrugal, penurious
Murkydusky, drearybright, shining
Mutualjoint, identicalseparate, distinct
Mutinousrecalcitrant, insurgentsubmissive, faithful
Modesthumble, courteousarrogant, pompous
Molestharass, teaseconsole, soothe
Mollifyappease, assuageirritate, infuriate
Monotonousirksome, tediousvaried, pleasant
Momentousnotable, eventfultrivial, insignificant
Morbidnasty, macabrehealthy, cheerful
1000+ Antonyms and Synonyms List A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With N

Niggardlymiser, covetousgenerous, profuse
Nimbleprompt, brisksluggish, languid
Nullifycancel, annualconfirm, uphold
Numerousprofuse, variousscarce, deficient
Nonchalantindifferent, negligentattentive, considerate
Notionconceit, apprehensionreality, concrete
Novicetyro, beginnerveteran, ingenious
Noxiousbaneful, injurioushealing, profitable
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With O

Obligingcomplaisant, willingmulish, obstinate
Obstinatestubborn, adamantpliable, flexible
Obstructimpede, preventhasten, encourage
Obscurearcane, vagueprominent
Obtainaccess, inheritforfeit
Obviousevident, apparentobscure, ambiguous
Occultlatent, ambiguousintelligible, transparent
Odiousmalevolent, obnoxiousengaging, fascinating
Offensiveabhorrent, obnoxiousengaging, fascinating
Offspringdescendant, siblingancestor, forefather
Ominousmenacing, forebodingauspicious
Opaqueobscure, shadytransparent, bright
OracularCryptic, vaguelucid, distinct
Ordainorder, imposerevoke abolish
Ornamentaldecorative, adornedunseemly, plain
Outrageoffense, maltreatmentpraise, favour
Outbreakeruption, insurrectioncompliance, subjection
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With P

Pacifyappease, chastenirritate, worsen
Pamperflatter, indulgedeny, disparage
Paramountforemost, eminenttrivial, inferior
Peevishperverse, sullensuave, amiable
Peerlessmatchless, unrivaledmediocre, commonplace
Placidtranquil, calmturbulent, hostile
Persuadecajole, impressdissuade, halt
Perturbedflustered, anxiousCalm
Pertnessflippancy, impudencemodesty, diffidence
Perversepetulant, obstinatecomplacent, docile
Precariousdoubtful, insecureAssured
Predicamentplight, dilemmaresolution, confidence
Progresspace, bettermentretrogress, worsening
Promptprecise, punctualslow, negligent
Propagateinseminate, fecundatesuppress, deplete
Prudencevigilance, discretionIndiscretion
PompousHaughty, arrogantunpretentious, humble
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z
List of 1000 + Antonyms and Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With Q

Quackimpostor, deceiverupright, unfeigned
Quaintqueer, strangefamiliar, usual
Quarantineseclude, screenbefriend, socialize
Quellsubdue, reduceexacerbate, agitate
Quibbleequivocate, prevaricateunfeigned, plain

1000 Synonyms and Antonyms PDF Free Download

Synonyms and Antonyms – With R

Raidincursion, forayretreat, release
Rapidityquickness, velocityinertia, liquidity
Ratifyconsent, approvedeny, dissent
Ravagedestroy, ruinreconstruct, renovate
Reasonacumen, boundsfolly, speculation
Rebelliousrestless, attackingsubmissive, compliant
Rectifyamend, remedyfalsify, worsen
Redeemrecover, liberateconserve lose
Reluctantcautious, averseanxious, eager
Remnantresidue, pieceentire, whole
Remorseregret, penitenceruthlessness, obduracy
Remonstratecensure, protestagree, loud
Rescindannul, abrogatedelegate, permit
Resentmentdispleasure, wrathcontent, cheer
Restraindetain, confineincite
Retractrecant, withdrawconfirm, assert
Reverencerespect, esteemdisrespect, affront
Rusticrural, uncivilizedcultured, refined
Ruthlessremorseless, inhumaneCompassionate, lenient
Routvanquish, overthrowsuccumb, withdraw

100 Words With Synonyms and Antonyms A To Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With S

Sacredcherish, divineungodly, profane
Sarcasticironical, derisivecourteous, gracious
Saucyimpudent, insolentmodest, humble
Savagewild, untamedpolished, civilized
Scantyscarce, insufficientlavish, multitude
Servileslavish, docileaggressive, dominant
Shabbymiserable, impoverishedprosperous, thriving
Shrewdcunning, craftlysimple, imbecile
Slanderdefame, malignapplaud, approve
Sneermock, scornflatter, praise
Solicitentreat, imploreprotest oppose
Sprynimble, brisklethargic, sluggish
Spuriousfake, counterfeitgenuine, authentic
Sporadicintermittent, scatteredincessant, frequent
Squaliddirty, filthytidy, attractive
Stainblemish, tarnishhonor, purify
Startledfrightened, shockedwaveringly
Sterilebarren, impotentprofitable, potent
Steepcourse, loftyflat, gradual
Stuporlethargy, unconsciousnesssensibility, consciousness
Strangerimmigrant, guestacquaintance, national
Sublimemagnificent, eminentridiculous
Subvertdemolish, sabotagegenerate, organize
Substantialconsiderable, solidtenuous, fragile
Subsequentconsequent, followingpreceding, previous
Subterfugedeceit, stratagemfrankness, openness
Successfulpropitious, felicitousdestitute, untoward
Succinctconcise, terselengthy, polite
Superficialpartial, shallowprofound, discerning
Sycophantparasite, flattererdevoted, loyal
Sympathytenderness, harmonyantipathy, discord
Systemscheme, entitychaos, disorder

100 Words With Synonyms and Antonyms A To Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With T

Tabooprohibit, banpermit, consent
Taciturnreserved, silenttalkative, extrovert
Tamecompliant, subduedwild, untamed
Tediouswearisome. irksomeexhilarating, lively
Temperatecool, moderateboisterous, violent
Tenementapartment, digsbreakeven, dislodge
Tenaciousstubborn, dodgedocile, non- resinous
Terseincisive, compactdiffuse, gentle
Thriftyfrugal, prudentextravagant
Throngassembly, crowddispersion, sparsity
Timiddiffident, cowardbold, intrepid
Tranquilpeaceful, composedviolent, furious
Transienttemporal, transitorylasting, enduring
Tranquilamicable, calmagitated, fierce
Trenchantassertive, forcefulfeeble, ambiguous
Treacherousdishonest, duplicitousforthright, reliable
Trivialtrifling, insignificantsignificant, veteran
Tumultuousviolent, riotouspeaceful, harmonious
1000 Words With Synonyms and Antonyms A To Z
 1000 Words With Synonyms and Antonyms A To Z

Synonyms and Antonyms – With U

Umbragechagrin, offensesympathy, goodwill
Uncouthawkward, ungracefulelegant, compensate
Urchinfoundling, orphancreep, knave
Urgeincite, imploreabhorrence, abomination
Utterlycompletely, entirelydeficiently, incomplete
Synonyms And Antonyms with U
 Synonyms And Antonyms with U

Synonyms and Antonyms – With V

Vagrantwander, roamingsteady, settled
Vainarrogant, egoisticmodest
Valorbravery, prowessfear, cowardice
Vanityconceit, pretensionmodesty, humility
Venerableesteemed, honoredunworthy, immature
Veteraningenious, experiencednovice, tyro
Venompoison, malevolenceantidote, benevolent
Viciouscorrupt, obnoxiousnoble, virtuous
Vigilantcautious, alertcareless, negligent
Vilifymalign, slur, defamecherish, commend
Virtueethic, moralityvice, dishonesty
Vivaciousspirited, energeticdispirited, unattractive
Vivideloquent, luciddull, dim
Vouchconfirm, consentrepudiate, prohibit\8
Synonyms And Antonyms with V
 Synonyms And Antonyms with V

Synonyms and Antonyms – With W

Waiverelinquish, removeimpose, clamp
Wanpale, fadedbright, healthy
Wanedecline, dwindleameliorate, rise
Warycautious, circumspectheedless, negligent
Wedmarry, combinedivorce, separate
Wickedvicious, immoralvirtuous, noble
Wieldexert, employforgo, avoid
Wiletrickery, artificenaivety, honor
Wiltwither, perishrevive, bloom
Winsomebeautiful, comelyalluring, rapturous
Synonyms And Antonyms with W
 Synonyms And Antonyms with W

Synonyms and Antonyms – With Y

Yearnlanguish, cravecontent, satisfy
Yellshout, shriekwhisper muted
Yieldsurrender abdicateresist, protest
Yokeconnect, harnessliberate, release
Synonyms And Antonyms starting with Y
 Synonyms And Antonyms starting with Y


Synonyms and Antonyms – With Z

Zealeagerness, fervorapathy, lethargy
Zenithsummit, apexnadir, base
Zestdelight, enthusiasmdisgust, passive
Zig -zagoblique, waywardstraight, unbent


What are antonyms and synonyms?

Antonyms are words that mean the opposite. They help us talk about things that are very different.
Synonyms are words that mean almost the same thing. You can use them to make your writing say something in a different way.

What are the 8 example sentences of antonyms?

Here are 8 simple example sentences with antonyms:
1. The big dog chased the small cat.
2. She felt happy, but he looked sad.
3. The car was going fast, and the bike was going slow.
4. The soup is hot, but the ice is cold.
5. He is strong, but she feels weak.
6. The room is clean, but the kitchen is dirty.
7. The test was easy, but the homework was hard.
8. The movie was good, but the game was bad.

What are the 8 synonyms?

Here is a list of 8 synonyms for commonly used words:
1. Big → Large, Huge, Giant
2. Small → Tiny, Little, Mini
3. Happy → Joyful, Cheerful, Glad
4. Sad → Unhappy, Miserable, Downcast
5. Fast → Quick, Speedy, Rapid
6. Slow → Sluggish, Delayed, Unhurried
7. Smart → Intelligent, Clever, Bright
8. Easy → Simple, Effortless, Straightforward

What are the 8 example sentences of synonyms?

Here are 8 simple example sentences with synonyms (words with similar meanings):
1. The big house is very large.
2. She is always happy and feels joyful.
3. The car is fast, but the bike is quick.
4. The coffee is hot, and the soup is warm.
5. He is strong, and she is powerful.
6. The room is clean, and the desk is tidy.
7. The task was easy, but the test was simple.
8. The movie was good, and the book was great.

What are the 8 antonyms?

Here are 8 antonyms for common words:
1. Big – Small
2. Happy – Sad
3. Fast – Slow
4. Hot – Cold
5. Easy – Hard
6. Old – New
7. Strong – Weak
8. Light – Dark

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