HomeIELTSAntonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1

Antonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1

Antonyms for IELTS Words List PDF for beginner English learners. Antonyms words list will help you add variety to your English Vocabulary usage. The given list of Antonyms with meanings will strengthen your English language expression.

Antonyms for IELTS

Words  Antonyms 
back  in front of
background  foreground
minimum  maximum
minor  major
miss hit
miss  catch
hit  miss
hopeful  desperate
hopeless  hopeful
huge  tiny
human  animal
humane  cruel
fail  succeed
failure  success
false true
exit  entrance
expensive  cheap
export  import
backward  forward
bad good
like  hate
liquid  solid
little big
good  bad
grown-up  child
deep  shallow
defeat  victory
defence  attack
delicious  awful
deny  admit
depart  arrive
division  unity
divorce  marry
cool  warm
correct  wrong
courage  fear
bad luck  fortune
beauty  ugliness
republic  dictatorship
rest  work
rich  poor
mountain  valley
much  little
narrow  broad
awful nice
synonym  antonym
take  give
take off  land
ending  beginning
enemy friend
enjoy  hate
enter  leave
departure  arrival
descendant ancestor
ignore  notice
innocent  guilty
last  first
lie  stand
cellar  attic
centre  outskirts
none of  al loft
normal  strange
north  south
tight  loose
tiny  giant
teacher  pupil
ugly  beautiful
nasty nice
native  foreigner
natural  artificial
worse better
worst best
behind  in front of
below  above
town  village
rough  gentle
rough  smooth
rude  polite
wealthy  poor
useful  useless
hungry  thirsty
husband  wife
in front of  back
sun  moon
sunny  cloudy
far  near
fast slow
fat  slim
woman  man
women men
stupid  clever
suburb  centre
succeed  fail
end  beginning
cruel  human
cry  whisper
wrong correct
yes no
yesterday tomorrow
attack  defence
under  over
unite  divide
cold  hot
compliment  insult
winner loser
winter summer
little  much
live  die
long  short
add  subtract
success failure
subtract  add
sugar  salt
closed  open
cloudy  clear
well  ill
unity  division
up  down
compulsory  voluntary
connect  separate
health  disease
healthy  ill
heat  cold
whole  part
wide  narrow
useless  useful
wealth  poverty
whole  part
wide  narrow
upstairs  downstairs
urban  rural
private  public
probably  certainly
professional  amateur
reply  question
emigrate  immigrate
emigration  immigration
empty  full
certainly  probably
changeable  constant
better  worse
beautiful ugly
everything  nothing
exactly approximately
private  public
probably  certainly
professional  amateur
reply  question
emigrate  immigrate
emigration  immigration
empty  full
certainly  probably
changeable  constant
better  worse
beautiful ugly
everything  nothing
exactly approximately
thick  thin
thirsty  hungry
throw  catch
moon  sun
more  less
morning evening
true  false
trust  suspect
answer  question
antonym  synonym
lovely  terrible
marry  divorce
consonant  vowel
constant  changeable
maximum  minimum
excited  calm
exciting  boring
exclude  include
total  partial
asleep  awake
attack  defend
affirmative  negative
afraid  brave
tragedy  comedy
about  exactly
above  below
entrance  exit
equal  different
even  odd
evening  morning
horizontal vertical
host  guest
absence  presence
abundance  lack
hot  cold
below  above
best  worst
sad  happy
strong  weak
student  teacher
near distant
negative  affirmative
nephew  niece
noon  midnight
mean  generous
melt  freeze
men  women
clean  dirty
clear  cloudy
lose  win
loser  winner
accept  refuse
active  lazy
loud  quiet
after  before
against  for
alike  different
ugliness  beauty
allow  orbit
angel devil
then now
terrible  lovely
there  here
alive  dead
all  none
tomorrow  yesterday
top  bottom
ascent  descent
ask  answer
here  there
high  deep


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