50 Synonyms and Antonyms for Kids to improve their vocabulary fast. Why learning Synonyms and Antonyms is important for kids, we need to understand this at the first hand. We as a second language learners we sometimes cannot recall a word so we need to have another one to avoid the pitfall.
I would never say you should learn all the synonyms for a word but at least one should have at least one or two synonyms of a word and at least one antonym for the same word.
Knowing Synonyms and Antonyms also helps you write an effective essay. When you are supposed to write on a particular topic you might need to use similar words, that’s okay to use similar words but not synonyms. So learn Synonyms and Antonyms so that you enhance your English overall.
Synonyms and Antonyms for Kids
Words | Synonyms | Antonyms |
Inferior | Poor | Rich |
Charm | Beauty | Ugliness |
Access | Entry | Exit |
Distance | Far | Near |
Obtain | Gain | Loss |
Bathe | Swim | Drown |
Filled | Full | Empty |
Most | Maximum | Minimum |
Join | Combine | Separate |
Difficult | Sorrow | Joy |
Fat | Chubby | Thin |
Follow | Obey | Disobey |
Powerful | Strong | Weak |
Beware | Careful | Careless |
Remind | Remember | Forget |
Query | Question | Answer |
Common | Ordinary | Unusual |
Difficult | Complex | Simple |
Risky | Dangerous | Safe |
Store | Deposit | Withdraw |
Apparent | Evident | Doubtful |
Penalty | Punishment | Reward |
Get Up | Wake | Sleep |
Later | After | Before |
Complicated | Difficult | Easy |
Dull | Dry | Wet |
Promote | Encourage | Discourage |
Peaceful | Calm | Excited |
Useful | Beneficial | Harmful |
Shut | Close | Open |
Thick | Dense | Sparse |
Completely | Entirely | Partly |
Possible | Feasible | Impossible |
Heat | Warm | Cool |
Evident | Apparent | Hidden |
Dispute | Disagree | Agree |
Beginning | Early | Late |
Delight | Enjoy | Dislike |
Concern | Care | Neglect |
Discontinue | Cease | Continue |
Shut Down | Close | Open |
Trust | Believe | Doubt |
Mischievous | Naughty | Good |
Soft | Smooth | Rough |
Crowded | Congested | Empty |
Fearless | Brave | Cowardly |
Fearless | Brave | Cowardly |
Skinny | Gaunt | Overweight |
Earlier | Before | After |
Prosperous | Successful | Unsuccessful |
Great | Huge | Small |
Agree | Conform | Dissent |
Assist | Help | Hinder |
Courageous | Gallant | Ungentlemanly |
Scrupulous | Conscientious | Neglectful |
Grip | Hold | Release |
Genial | Hospitable | Rude |
Charming | Nice | Unpleasant |
Delivery | Birth | Death |
Lengthy | Long | Short |
Start | Open | Close |
Forever | Always | Never |
Use of Synonyms and Antonyms in Sentences
- Inferior: (Synonym: Lower, Antonym: Superior)
- The toy was of inferior quality. (Lower)
- This model is superior to the previous one. (Superior)
- Poor: (Synonym: Impoverished, Antonym: Rich)
- The poor family needed help. (Impoverished)
- She comes from a rich family. (Rich)
- Charm: (Synonym: Appeal, Antonym: Repel)
- His smile had a lot of charm. (Appeal)
- Rude behavior will repel friends. (Repel)
- Beauty: (Synonym: Attractiveness, Antonym: Ugliness)
- Flowers are a symbol of beauty. (Attractiveness)
- The trash on the street is an ugliness we can avoid. (Ugliness)
- Access: (Synonym: Entry, Antonym: Exit)
- You need a password for access. (Entry)
- Use the door for a quick exit. (Exit)
- Distance: (Synonym: Far, Antonym: Near)
- The park is at a distance from here. (Far)
- School is near my house. (Near)
- Obtain: (Synonym: Gain, Antonym: Loss)
- Work hard to obtain good results. (Gain)
- Carelessness leads to loss. (Loss)
- Bathe: (Synonym: Swim, Antonym: Drown)
- Ducks love to bathe in the pond. (Swim)
- Never swim alone to avoid the risk of drowning. (Drown)
- Filled: (Synonym: Full, Antonym: Empty)
- The jar was filled with cookies. (Full)
- The box is empty now. (Empty)
- Most: (Synonym: Maximum, Antonym: Minimum)
- She ate the most cake at the party. (Maximum)
- He did the minimum amount of work. (Minimum)
- Join: (Synonym: Combine, Antonym: Separate)
- Join the two pieces together. (Combine)
- Please separate the papers. (Separate)
- Difficult: (Synonym: Complex, Antonym: Simple)
- Math can be difficult for some. (Complex)
- This is a simple puzzle. (Simple)
- Sorrow: (Synonym: Sadness, Antonym: Joy)
- Her face showed deep sorrow. (Sadness)
- His success brought him joy. (Joy)
- Fat: (Synonym: Chubby, Antonym: Thin)
- The cat is getting too fat. (Chubby)
- She is very thin. (Thin)
- Follow: (Synonym: Obey, Antonym: Disobey)
- Children should follow their parents’ advice. (Obey)
- Do not disobey the rules. (Disobey)
- Powerful: (Synonym: Strong, Antonym: Weak)
- Elephants are powerful animals. (Strong)
- The sick puppy was very weak. (Weak)
- Beware: (Synonym: Careful, Antonym: Careless)
- Beware of the wet floor. (Careful)
- Being careless can lead to accidents. (Careless)
- Remind: (Synonym: Remember, Antonym: Forget)
- Please remind me to call mom. (Remember)
- Do not forget your keys. (Forget)
- Question: (Synonym: Ask, Antonym: Answer)
- Always question if you are unsure. (Ask)
- She will answer all your questions. (Answer)
- Common: (Synonym: Ordinary, Antonym: Unusual)
- Birds are a common sight in the park. (Ordinary)
- A white crow is very unusual. (Unusual)
- Store: (Synonym: Deposit, Antonym: Withdraw)
- Store your valuables in a safe place. (Deposit)
- You can withdraw money from the bank. (Withdraw)
- Apparent: (Synonym: Evident, Antonym: Doubtful)
- Her happiness was apparent to all. (Evident)
- His honesty was doubtful. (Doubtful)
- Penalty: (Synonym: Punishment, Antonym: Reward)
- There is a penalty for late submission. (Punishment)
- Hard work will bring you a reward. (Reward)
- Get Up: (Synonym: Wake, Antonym: Sleep)
- Get up early to enjoy the sunrise. (Wake)
- She loves to sleep in on weekends. (Sleep)
- Later: (Synonym: After, Antonym: Before)
- Let’s go out to eat later. (After)
- Before we go, let’s grab a snack. (Before)
- Complicated: (Synonym: Difficult, Antonym: Easy)
- The puzzle was too complicated. (Difficult)
- This is an easy question. (Easy)
- Dull: (Synonym: Boring, Antonym: Exciting)
- The movie was dull and boring. (Boring)
- The party was exciting! (Exciting)
- Promote: (Synonym: Encourage, Antonym: Discourage)
- Promote positive behavior in class. (Encourage)
- Don’t discourage him from trying. (Discourage)
- Peaceful: (Synonym: Calm, Antonym: Excited)
- The lake is peaceful and calm. (Calm)
- The kids are too excited to sleep. (Excited)
- Useful: (Synonym: Beneficial, Antonym: Harmful)
- This tool is very useful. (Beneficial)
- Smoking is harmful to your health. (Harmful)
- Shut: (Synonym: Close, Antonym: Open)
- Please shut the door when you leave. (Close)
- Open the window to let fresh air in. (Open)
- Thick: (Synonym: Dense, Antonym: Sparse)
- The forest was thick with trees. (Dense)
- The crowd was surprisingly sparse. (Sparse)
- Completely: (Synonym: Entirely, Antonym: Partly)
- The job is completely finished. (Entirely)
- The glass is partly full. (Partly)
- Possible: (Synonym: Feasible, Antonym: Impossible)
- It is possible to learn a new language. (Feasible)
- Flying without wings is impossible. (Impossible)
- Heat: (Synonym: Warm, Antonym: Cool)
- The sun gives off a lot of heat. (Warm)
- The breeze from the ocean is cool. (Cool)
- Dispute: (Synonym: Argue, Antonym: Agree)
- They had a dispute over the bill. (Argue)
- We all agree on the decision. (Agree)
- Beginning: (Synonym: Start, Antonym: End)
- The beginning of the book was exciting. (Start)
- The end of the movie was sad. (End)
- Delight: (Synonym: Enjoy, Antonym: Dislike)
- Children delight in playing games. (Enjoy)
- I dislike waiting in long lines. (Dislike)
- Concern: (Synonym: Care, Antonym: Neglect)
- Show concern for your friends. (Care)
- Do not neglect your pets. (Neglect)
- Discontinue: (Synonym: Stop, Antonym: Continue)
- They had to discontinue the service. (Stop)
- The show will continue next week. (Continue)
- Shut Down: (Synonym: Close, Antonym: Open)
- The store will shut down at 10 PM. (Close)
- They open early in the morning. (Open)
- Trust: (Synonym: Believe, Antonym: Doubt)
- Trust your instincts. (Believe)
- Never doubt your abilities. (Doubt)
- Mischievous: (Synonym: Naughty, Antonym: Good)
- The mischievous cat knocked over the vase. (Naughty)
- She is a good student. (Good)
- Soft: (Synonym: Gentle, Antonym: Rough)
- The blanket is very soft. (Gentle)
- Sandpaper has a rough surface. (Rough)
- Crowded: (Synonym: Packed, Antonym: Empty)
- The train was crowded during rush hour. (Packed)
- The park is empty in the early morning. (Empty)
- Fearless: (Synonym: Brave, Antonym: Cowardly)
- The firefighter was fearless in the rescue. (Brave)
- Do not be cowardly in the face of challenge. (Cowardly)
- Skinny: (Synonym: Slim, Antonym: Overweight)
- The cat is too skinny and needs more food. (Slim)
- Eating too much junk food can make you overweight. (Overweight)
- Earlier: (Synonym: Before, Antonym: After)
- We had lunch earlier than usual. (Before)
- The meeting was scheduled for after lunch. (After)
- Prosperous: (Synonym: Successful, Antonym: Unsuccessful)
- The business is prosperous and doing well. (Successful)
- The attempt to climb the mountain was unsuccessful. (Unsuccessful)
- Agree: (Synonym: Conform, Antonym: Disagree)
- They all agree on the plan. (Conform)
- We disagree on where to go for dinner. (Disagree)
- Assist: (Synonym: Help, Antonym: Hinder)
- Can you assist me with this task? (Help)
- Do not hinder the progress of the project. (Hinder)
- Courageous: (Synonym: Brave, Antonym: Fearful)
- The courageous soldier saved many lives. (Brave)
- Do not be fearful of trying new things. (Fearful)
- Scrupulous: (Synonym: Conscientious, Antonym: Neglectful)
- She is a scrupulous worker, always paying attention to detail. (Conscientious)
- A neglectful caretaker can cause a lot of harm. (Neglectful)
- Grip: (Synonym: Hold, Antonym: Release)
- Grip the handle tightly. (Hold)
- Release the bird gently. (Release)
- Genial: (Synonym: Friendly, Antonym: Rude)
- His genial nature makes him well-liked. (Friendly)
- Rude comments are not appreciated. (Rude)
- Charming: (Synonym: Captivating, Antonym: Unpleasant)
- Her charming personality wins everyone over. (Captivating)
- The smell in the room was unpleasant. (Unpleasant)
- Delivery: (Synonym: Shipment, Antonym: Return)
- The delivery should arrive today. (Shipment)
- You can return the package if you are not satisfied. (Return)
- Lengthy: (Synonym: Long, Antonym: Short)
- The meeting was lengthy and tiring. (Long)
- The story was short and sweet. (Short)
- Start: (Synonym: Begin, Antonym: Stop)
- Start your work early to finish on time. (Begin)
- You must stop at a red traffic light. (Stop)
- Forever: (Synonym: Always, Antonym: Never)
- True friends are forever. (Always)
- He said he would never leave. (Never)
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