Opposite Words are words that mean the opposite of each other. They are important to know because they help us express ideas clearly. Even kids can learn about opposite words, and it’s a good way to grow their vocabulary.
In English, there are many opposite words. Some are simple, like ‘hot’ and ‘cold,’ or ‘happy’ and ‘sad.’ Others are more complex, like ‘taciturn’ which means quiet, and ‘garrulous’ which means talkative.
Opposite words are not just for school. They are also used in poetry and stories to create feelings and characters. For example, ‘light’ and ‘dark’ can make a poem more emotional, and in a story, characters with opposite traits can make it more interesting.
Using opposite words makes your language more precise. It helps you explain things better in everyday talk, academic writing, or when you’re being creative.
In a nutshell, opposite words are like puzzle pieces in the English language. They come in all shapes and sizes, and understanding them is a step towards better communication. For kids, learning opposite words is a fun way to explore the richness of language, and for everyone, it’s a way to make your words shine.
Let’s define ‘Antonyms’ first; A Antonyms is a word having the opposite meaning.
Opposite Words List for Kids
 Words | Opposite |
Obey | Disobey |
Poor | Rich |
Strong | Weak |
Beauty | Ugliness |
Careful | Careless |
Entry | Exit |
Far | Near |
Gain | Loss |
Remember | Forget |
Swim | Drown |
Question | Answer |
Listless | Active |
Full | Empty |
Future | Past |
Maximum | Minimum |
Ordinary | Unusual |
Outstanding | Insignificant |
Combine | Separate |
Complex | Simple |
Sorrow | Joy |
Beneficial | Harmful |
Charming | Obnoxious |
Chubby | Thin |
Close | Open |
Dangerous | Safe |
Dense | Sparse |
Deposit | Withdraw |
Entirely | Partly |
Evident | Doubtful |
Feasible | Impossible |
Punishment | Reward |
Thick | Thin |
Wake | Sleep |
Warm | Cool |
After | Before |
Apparent | Hidden |
Difficult | Easy |
Disagree | Agree |
Dry | Wet |
Early | Â Late |
Encourage | Discourage |
Enjoy | Dislike |
Full | Empty |
Calm | Excited |
Care | Â Neglect |
Cease | Continue |
Close | Open |
Before | After |
Believe | Doubt |
Encourage | Discourage |
Successful | Unsuccessful |
Naughty | Good |
Huge | Small |
Smooth | Rough |
Conform | Dissent |
Congested | Empty |
Conscientious | Neglectful |
Always | Never |
Apparent | Hidden |
Brave | Cowardly |
Gallant | Ungentlemanly |
Gaunt | Overweight |
Help | Hinder |
Hold | Release |
Hospitable | Rude |
Long | Short |
Lure | Repel |
Nice | Unpleasant |
Open | Close |
Always | Never |
Apparent | Hidden |
Birth | Death |

100 Opposite Words with Sentences
- Hot – Cold
- The soup is hot.
- The ice cream is cold.
- Fast – Slow
- The rabbit is fast.
- The turtle is slow.
- Big – Small
- The elephant is big.
- The ant is small.
- Tall – Short
- Dad is tall.
- Mom is short.
- Happy – Sad
- I am happy when I get a gift.
- I am sad when I lose my toy.
- Up – Down
- The balloon goes up.
- The ball falls down.
- Open – Close
- You can open the door.
- Please close the book.
- Day – Night
- It’s bright during the day.
- It’s dark at night.
- Good – Bad
- Helping is good.
- Being mean is bad.
- In – Out
- The cat is in the box.
- The dog is out of the box.
- Old – Young
- Grandpa is old.
- The baby is young.
- On – Off
- Turn the light on.
- Turn the TV off.
- Dry – Wet
- The towel is dry.
- The sponge is wet.
- Heavy – Light
- The rock is heavy.
- The feather is light.
- Near – Far
- The park is near.
- The moon is far.
- Front – Back
- I sit in the front row.
- My backpack is in the back.
- Full – Empty
- The glass is full of water.
- The glass is empty now.
- Hard – Soft
- The rock is hard.
- The pillow is soft.
- Right – Left
- Turn right at the corner.
- Your shoe is on the left side.
- Happy – Angry
- She is happy when she gets a gift.
- She is angry when her brother takes her toy.
- Clean – Dirty
- The plate is clean after washing.
- The mud makes your shoes dirty.
- Empty – Full
- The basket was empty before.
- Now it’s full of apples.
- Sweet – Sour
- Candy is sweet.
- A lemon is sour.
- Near – Far
- The school is near your house.
- The beach is far away.
- Thick – Thin
- The book is thick with many pages.
- The paper is thin like a sheet.
- Short – Long
- The pencil is short.
- The rope is long.
- Strong – Weak
- The superhero is strong.
- The kitten is weak.
- Quiet – Loud
- The library is quiet.
- The concert is loud.
- Far – Close
- The mountain is far.
- The tree is close.
- Young – Old
- The puppy is young.
- Grandma is old.
- Low – High
- The plane flies high.
- The ground is low.
- Clean – Messy
- The room is clean.
- The toys make it messy.
- Fast – Slow
- The car is fast.
- The snail is slow.
- Early – Late
- We wake up early for school.
- Sometimes we get home late.
- Good – Bad
- Being honest is good.
- Being mean is bad.
- Hard – Easy
- Math can be hard.
- Coloring is easy.
- Hot – Cold
- The soup is hot.
- The snow is cold.
- Right – Wrong
- Following the rules is right.
- Breaking them is wrong.
- Thin – Fat
- The cat is thin.
- The bear is fat.
- Bright – Dark
- The sun is bright.
- The night is dark.
- Small – Big
- The ladybug is small.
- The elephant is big.
- Open – Close
- You can open the box.
- Please close the window.
- Wet – Dry
- After the rain, the ground is wet.
- The sun makes it dry again.
- Happy – Sad
- I’m happy when I play with friends.
- I’m sad when I lose my favorite toy.
- Old – New
- The book is old.
- The toy is new.
- Hot – Cold
- The tea is hot.
- The ice cream is cold.
- High – Low
- The kite flies high in the sky.
- The ant crawls low on the ground.
- Front – Back
- I sit in the front row at school.
- Your backpack is in the back of the closet.
- Light – Dark
- The sun makes it light outside.
- The night is dark.
- Fast – Slow
- The cheetah is fast.
- The snail is slow.
- Strong – Weak
- The superhero is strong.
- The baby is weak.
- Clean – Dirty
- The clothes are clean after washing.
- Playing in the mud makes them dirty.
- Happy – Angry
- He’s happy when he gets a new toy.
- He’s angry when he can’t find it.
- Thin – Thick
- The thread is thin.
- The rope is thick.
- Good – Bad
- Sharing is good.
- Being selfish is bad.
- Young – Old
- The puppy is young.
- The grandpa is old.
- Empty – Full
- The glass is empty.
- Pour juice into it to make it full.
- Fast – Slow
- The car goes fast.
- The bicycle is slow.
- Short – Tall
- The plant is short.
- The tree is tall.
- Low – High
- The cat is low on the ground.
- The bird flies high in the sky.
- Thin – Fat
- The pencil is thin.
- The bear is fat.
- Good – Bad
- Kindness is good.
- Being mean is bad.
- Right – Left
- Turn right at the corner.
- Your shoe is on the left side.
- Day – Night
- It’s bright during the day.
- It’s dark at night.
- Open – Close
- You can open the book.
- Now, please close it.
- Full – Empty
- The cup is full of juice.
- The cup is now empty.
- Hard – Soft
- The rock is hard.
- The pillow is soft.
- Strong – Weak
- The superhero is strong.
- The kitten is weak.
- Big – Small
- The elephant is big.
- The ladybug is small.
- Hot – Cold
- The soup is hot.
- The snow is cold.
- Fast – Slow
- The rabbit is fast.
- The snail is slow.
- Old – Young
- The grandpa is old.
- The baby is young.
- Near – Far
- The park is near.
- The moon is far.
- Up – Down
- The kite flies up.
- The ball bounces down.
- Good – Bad
- Sharing is good.
- Being mean is bad.
- Early – Late
- We wake up early for school.
- Sometimes we get to school late.
- Happy – Sad
- A smile is happy.
- Tears are sad.
- Clean – Dirty
- The towel is clean.
- After playing outside, it’s dirty.
- Bright – Dark
- The sun is bright.
- The night is dark.
- Short – Long
- The pencil is short.
- The snake is long.
- Soft – Hard
- The teddy bear is soft.
- The rock is hard.
- Wide – Narrow
- The road is wide.
- The path is narrow.
- Sweet – Salty
- Candy is sweet.
- Pretzels are salty.
- Empty – Full
- The jar is empty.
- Fill it with cookies until it’s full.
- Young – Old
- The puppy is young.
- Grandma is old.
- New – Old
- The toy is new.
- The book is old.
- Empty – Full
- The bucket is empty.
- Fill it with sand to make it full.
- Dry – Wet
- The towel is dry.
- Dip it in water, and it becomes wet.
- Light – Heavy
- The feather is light.
- The suitcase is heavy.
- Fast – Slow
- The cheetah is fast.
- The sloth is slow.
- Happy – Sad
- I’m happy when I play.
- I’m sad when it rains.
- Strong – Weak
- The superhero is strong.
- The kitten is weak.
- Open – Close
- You can open the door.
- Please close the window.
- Small – Big
- The ant is small.
- The elephant is big.
- Good – Bad
- Helping is good.
- Being mean is bad.
- Day – Night
- It’s bright during the day.
- It’s dark at night.
- Full – Empty
- The glass is full of juice.
- Now it’s empty.
- Hot – Cold
- The tea is hot.
- The ice cream is cold.
- Fast – Slow
- The car goes fast.
- The bicycle is slow.
- Short – Tall
- The plant is short.
- The tree is tall.

Here are 10 pairs of opposite words:
1. Hot – Cold
2. Happy – Sad
3. Big – Small
4. Light – Dark
5. Fast – Slow
6. Tall – Short
7. Strong – Weak
8. Hard – Soft
9. High – Low
10. Open – Closed
These pairs show how words can have opposite meanings.
Here are airs of opposite words:
1. Old – New
2. Rich – Poor
3. Young – Old
4. Wet – Dry
5. Clean – Dirty
6. Sweet – Sour
7. Near – Far
8. Left – Right
9. Full – Empty
10. Safe – Dangerous
11. Easy – Hard
12. Beautiful – Ugly
These opposites cover a range of common concepts and help describe contrasting qualities.
Opposite words are words that have completely different meanings. Here are some examples:
1. Day – Night
2. Up – Down
3. Empty – Full
4. Rich – Poor
5. Wet – Dry
6. Loud – Quiet
7. Early – Late
8. Near – Far
9. Left – Right
10. Beautiful – Ugly
These pairs show how opposite words help us describe contrasting qualities or states.
The opposite of “common” is “rare.”
“Common” refers to something that is frequently encountered or widespread, while “rare” refers to something that is uncommon or unusual.
Here are more examples of opposite words in English:
1. Day – Night
2. Up – Down
3. Empty – Full
4. Loud – Quiet
5. Sweet – Sour
6. Clean – Dirty
7. Early – Late
8. Thick – Thin
9. Left – Right
10. Beautiful – Ugly
11. Weak – Strong
12. Young – Old
These pairs offer additional contrasts to help describe various situations and qualities.

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