Abstract Nouns in English Grammar with Examples


Abstract nouns are words that describe things we can’t see or touch, like feelings, ideas, or qualities. They help us talk about emotions, thoughts, and experiences that aren’t physical but are still real, like love, happiness, or courage. These words let us express things we can’t experience with our senses.

What is an Abstract Noun?

An abstract noun is a type of noun that represents something we cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. Unlike concrete nouns, which refer to things you can experience physically, abstract nouns are about feelings, ideas, or qualities that exist in our minds.

Some common examples of abstract nouns are happiness, freedom, love, and strength. These nouns do not have a physical form that you can point to, but they represent meaningful ideas that shape our lives.

Types of Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns can be divided into different types depending on what they represent:

1. Emotions and Feelings

These abstract nouns refer to emotions and feelings that we experience inside us.

  • Love
  • Anger
  • Joy
  • Fear
  • Sadness

For example: Hina’s love for her children was clear in everything she did. Love is an emotion, something that Hina feels towards her children.

2. States and Conditions

These refer to a state of being or a condition that describes a situation or attribute.

  • Freedom
  • Peace
  • Chaos
  • Childhood
  • Poverty

For example: Ali grew up in poverty, but he worked hard to improve his life. Poverty is a condition that describes the situation Ali experienced.

3. Qualities and Traits

These represent characteristics or qualities of a person or thing.

  • Honesty
  • Bravery
  • Intelligence
  • Kindness
  • Patience

For example: Fatima admired his bravery in speaking up against injustice. Bravery is a quality that shows the courage the person had.

4. Ideas and Concepts

These abstract nouns refer to ideas or concepts that we understand mentally but cannot experience physically.

  • Justice
  • Knowledge
  • Belief
  • Time
  • Friendship

For example: Justice must be served in every community to maintain order. Justice is an idea that means treating everyone fairly.

Abstract Nouns in English

List of Abstract Nouns

Here is a list of commonly used abstract nouns in English:


How to Use Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Abstract nouns can be used as subjects or objects in sentences and are often paired with adjectives to add more detail.

  • Courage is needed to face challenges.
  • Patience is a virtue we should all try to have.
  • He showed great kindness to those in need.

In each of these examples, the abstract noun represents an idea or quality that cannot be touched but is still important.

Muhammad’s kindness touched the hearts of many people. Kindness is a quality that describes how Muhammad acted towards others.

Common Abstract Noun Mistakes

Abstract nouns can be tricky for English learners, who may confuse them with concrete nouns. Here are some common mistakes involving them and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Using Articles Incorrectly with Them

They usually do not need an article, especially when talking about the concept in general.

  • The love is a wonderful feeling.
  • Love is a wonderful feeling.

Mistake 2: Mixing Up Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Sometimes, people confuse concrete nouns with abstract ones.

  • He has a lot of knowledges. (Incorrect)
  • He has a lot of knowledge. (Correct)


Abstract nouns represent feelings, qualities, states, or ideas that we cannot see or touch, but they are important for expressing our thoughts and emotions. By understanding how to use them, you can improve your writing skills and make your expression clearer. Remember to use them correctly and avoid common mistakes like using the wrong articles or overusing them.

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