HomeOne Word SubstitutionOne Word Substitution 2021 – Use it Instead of Complete Sentence

One Word Substitution 2021 – Use it Instead of Complete Sentence

Important One Word Substitutions for SPSC, ISI and Bank Exams, List of One word substitutions for Exams. One Word Substitution from Past papers for exams. 


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Important One Word Substitutions for SPSC, ISI and Bank Exams, List of One word substitute for Exams. One Word Substitution from Past papers for exams. One word substitute for css, pms

Important One Word Substitutions for SPSC, ISI and Bank Exams, List of One word substitute for Exams. One Word Substitution from Past papers for exams. 

            PHRASE ONE WORD
One who is chivalrous, idealistic and unpractical Quixotic
One who is grave and gloomy Saturnine
The tendency to postpone things for future  Procrastination
To relax in a countryside for away from the humdrum of town Rusticate
To spend life without purpose and initiative, Vegetate
One who is interested in the welfare of other people Altruist
Priestly government Hierocracy

List of One word substitutions for Exams

            PHRASE ONE WORD
One who is chivalrous, idealistic and unpractical Quixotic
One who is grave and gloomy Saturnine
The tendency to postpone things for future  Procrastination
To relax in a countryside for away from the humdrum of town Rusticate
To spend life without purpose and initiative, Vegetate
One who is interested in the welfare of other people Altruist
Priestly government Hierocracy
One who believes in keeping things as they are  Conservative
A woman who lures men to destroy them Circe
A tall, strong, masculine kind of woman Amazon
A loud-mouthed turbulent kind of woman Virago
A person who flaunts learning all the time Pedant
Understanding without the interference of feelings Empathy
An embarrassing mistake Faux pas
A slang of the underworld Argot
A language of a region having its own usage Dialect
A language of a special group Patois
Purify a book by removing its objectionable matter Expuragate
He brought from Karachi light dainty articles of furniture, dress and food Knick-knacks
An ardent but unpractical reformer ‘who dreamers of a brave new world Utopian
Plain clothes worn by one who has a right to wear a uniform Mufti
A speech delivered for the first time A maiden speech
A battle in which neither party gains the victory, Drawn battle
A person of strong conviction or prejudice especially in matters of religion Bigot
A hater of learning and knowledge Misologist
A child without parents Orphan
Animals that can live on land and water  Amphibians
Total abstainer from all alcoholic drinks  Teetotaler
A structure in which bees may dwell Hive
A place where a monk lives Monastery
A character sketch; a word-picture Vignette
Existing only in name Titular
One who grants marriage licenses Surrogate
Retired on account of age, usually with pension Superannuated
Unnaturally deep sleep Sopor
A portrait of a person with only the outline of the profile  Silhouette
The presentation to the people of a proposed bill for decision by vote Referendum
A lover, specially one who unlawfully takes the position of a wife or a husband, Paramour
A speech or writing praising a person or a thing Panegyric
A story not based on realistic characters or setting Fantasy
A long wandering journey Odyssey
The manner of operating or proceeding Modus operandi
Personal reminiscences in a narrative form Memoir
A full-size model of a complete or partial human figure  Mannequin
An instruction from an electorate to its representative  Mandate
A false written statement to damage a person’s repute Libel
A written attack using humour to provoke contempt Lampoon
That cannot be pacified Implacable
A swiftly changing scene or pattern Kaleidoscope
A short journey for pleasure Jaunt
A group of persons who band together for some secret purpose, especially for political intrigue Junta
A plan for or the route to be followed on a journey Itinerary
A time between periods or events Interim
Originating or occurring naturally in the place or country where found Indigenous
To compensate a person, etc. for loss or damage Indemnify
Not planned ahead of time Impromptu
An odd, atypical or eccentric trait Idiosyncrasy
A person or thing that goes before and announces the coming of something Harbinger
A record pr table showing the descent of a person or a family Genealogy
The art of painting on a plaster surface  Fresco
Something very brightly colourful Flamboyant
A passage with only one end Cul-de-sac
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
An agreement entered between two or more parties Covenant
An official bulletin Communiqué
Words or action showing deliberate contempt for sacred things, Blashphemy
The group, especially in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental Avant-garde
An airplane with one pair of wings Monoplane
Mental derangement confined to one idea Monomania
A speech uttered by one person Monologue
A treatise on one subject Monograph
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
The money that a court asks a man to pay his divorced or legally separated wife Alimony
One who cannot read and write Illiterate
Something perfectly neat and tidy Immaculate
A language of a region having its own usage Dialect
An embarrassing mistake Faux pas
One who does not believe in God Atheist
Understanding without the interference of feelings Empathy
One who knows everything Omniscient
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
A person with vulgar taste Vulgarian
One who cannot read and write Illiterate
A traitor who can sell out even his friend Judes
One who offers one’s services Volunteer

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Important  One Word Substitutions for SPSC, ISI and Bank Exams| SET 3

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