Important One Word Substitutions for SPSC, ISI and Bank Exams, List of One word substitutions for Exams. One Word Substitution from Past papers for exams.Â
           PHRASE | ONE WORD |
One who is chivalrous, idealistic and unpractical | Quixotic |
One who is grave and gloomy | Saturnine |
The tendency to postpone things for future | Â Procrastination |
To relax in a countryside for away from the humdrum of town | Rusticate |
To spend life without purpose and initiative, | Vegetate |
One who is interested in the welfare of other people | Altruist |
Priestly government | Hierocracy |
List of One word substitutions for Exams
           PHRASE | ONE WORD |
One who is chivalrous, idealistic and unpractical | Quixotic |
One who is grave and gloomy | Saturnine |
The tendency to postpone things for future | Â Procrastination |
To relax in a countryside for away from the humdrum of town | Rusticate |
To spend life without purpose and initiative, | Vegetate |
One who is interested in the welfare of other people | Altruist |
Priestly government | Hierocracy |
One who believes in keeping things as they are | Â Conservative |
A woman who lures men to destroy them | Circe |
A tall, strong, masculine kind of woman | Amazon |
A loud-mouthed turbulent kind of woman | Virago |
A person who flaunts learning all the time | Pedant |
Understanding without the interference of feelings | Empathy |
An embarrassing mistake | Faux pas |
A slang of the underworld | Argot |
A language of a region having its own usage | Dialect |
A language of a special group | Patois |
Purify a book by removing its objectionable matter | Expuragate |
He brought from Karachi light dainty articles of furniture, dress and food | Knick-knacks |
An ardent but unpractical reformer ‘who dreamers of a brave new world | Utopian |
Plain clothes worn by one who has a right to wear a uniform | Mufti |
A speech delivered for the first time | A maiden speech |
A battle in which neither party gains the victory, | Drawn battle |
A person of strong conviction or prejudice especially in matters of religion | Bigot |
A hater of learning and knowledge | Misologist |
A child without parents | Orphan |
Animals that can live on land and water | Â Amphibians |
Total abstainer from all alcoholic drinks | Â Teetotaler |
A structure in which bees may dwell | Hive |
A place where a monk lives | Monastery |
A character sketch; a word-picture | Vignette |
Existing only in name | Titular |
One who grants marriage licenses | Surrogate |
Retired on account of age, usually with pension | Superannuated |
Unnaturally deep sleep | Sopor |
A portrait of a person with only the outline of the profile | Â Silhouette |
The presentation to the people of a proposed bill for decision by vote | Referendum |
A lover, specially one who unlawfully takes the position of a wife or a husband, | Paramour |
A speech or writing praising a person or a thing | Panegyric |
A story not based on realistic characters or setting | Fantasy |
A long wandering journey | Odyssey |
The manner of operating or proceeding | Modus operandi |
Personal reminiscences in a narrative form | Memoir |
A full-size model of a complete or partial human figure | Â Mannequin |
An instruction from an electorate to its representative | Â Mandate |
A false written statement to damage a person’s repute | Libel |
A written attack using humour to provoke contempt | Lampoon |
That cannot be pacified | Implacable |
A swiftly changing scene or pattern | Kaleidoscope |
A short journey for pleasure | Jaunt |
A group of persons who band together for some secret purpose, especially for political intrigue | Junta |
A plan for or the route to be followed on a journey | Itinerary |
A time between periods or events | Interim |
Originating or occurring naturally in the place or country where found | Indigenous |
To compensate a person, etc. for loss or damage | Indemnify |
Not planned ahead of time | Impromptu |
An odd, atypical or eccentric trait | Idiosyncrasy |
A person or thing that goes before and announces the coming of something | Harbinger |
A record pr table showing the descent of a person or a family | Genealogy |
The art of painting on a plaster surface | Â Fresco |
Something very brightly colourful | Flamboyant |
A passage with only one end | Cul-de-sac |
One who is present everywhere | Omnipresent |
An agreement entered between two or more parties | Covenant |
An official bulletin | Communiqué |
Words or action showing deliberate contempt for sacred things, | Blashphemy |
The group, especially in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental | Avant-garde |
An airplane with one pair of wings | Monoplane |
Mental derangement confined to one idea | Monomania |
A speech uttered by one person | Monologue |
A treatise on one subject | Monograph |
One who is present everywhere | Omnipresent |
The money that a court asks a man to pay his divorced or legally separated wife | Alimony |
One who cannot read and write | Illiterate |
Something perfectly neat and tidy | Immaculate |
A language of a region having its own usage | Dialect |
An embarrassing mistake | Faux pas |
One who does not believe in God | Atheist |
Understanding without the interference of feelings | Empathy |
One who knows everything | Omniscient |
One who is present everywhere | Omnipresent |
A person with vulgar taste | Vulgarian |
One who cannot read and write | Illiterate |
A traitor who can sell out even his friend | Judes |
One who offers one’s services | Volunteer |
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