
Vegetables Name in English with Pictures

All Vegetables Names in English with Pictures
All Vegetables Names in English with Pictures
When we talk about Vegetables Names in English, we see many different words. These names can tell us where the vegetable comes from or what it looks like.

Vegetables Names also show us the colors and shapes of vegetables. We have ‘Red Bell Pepper’, which is red and looks like a bell. ‘Kale’ is a green leafy vegetable that many people think is very healthy.

Some vegetable names sound like how they taste or feel. For instance, ‘Crisphead Lettuce’ is fresh and crunchy. ‘Butternut Squash’ is soft and has a bit of a nutty taste.

In English, Vegetables Names help us learn more about food and where it comes from. As we eat more types of food, we’ll learn even more names. This shows how food and words are connected.

Vegetables Names

Vegetables Names Images
Carrot Carrot Vegetable
Broccoli Broccoli
Spinach Spinach
Tomato Tomato
Cucumber Cucumber
Bell Pepper Bell Pepper
Zucchini Zucchini
Potato Potato
Garlic Garlic
Peas Peas
Corn Corn
Mushroom Mushroom
Cauliflower Cauliflower
Cabbage Cabbage
Eggplant Eggplant
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Radish Radish
Beetroot Beetroot
Asparagus Asparagus
Celery Celery
Turnip Turnip
Leek Leek
Artichoke Artichoke
Squash Squash Vegetable
Okra Okra
Cilantro Cilantro
Fennel Fennel
Ginger Ginger
Jalapeno Jalapeno
Kohlrabi Kohlrabi
Green Beans Green Beans
Watercress watercress
Sweet Potato
Urad Bean
Bitter Gourd
vegetables names in English
Vegetables names in English

Vegetables Names and Their Benefits

A bright orange vegetable that’s crisp to bite. Eating carrots is beneficial for the eyes due to its nutrient content.

A green vegetable that looks like tiny trees. It’s packed with vitamins that are good for overall health.

This is a dark green leafy vegetable. It’s rich in iron and vitamins, helping bones and regulating blood pressure.

A green leafy vegetable often used in salads. It’s light, refreshing, and provides essential vitamins and minerals.

A juicy red fruit, but often thought of as a vegetable. It contains lycopene, an antioxidant that’s good for health.

A cool and crunchy vegetable, mostly water. It’s hydrating and good for the skin.

Bell Pepper
These can be red, yellow, or green and are crunchy and slightly sweet. They are rich in vitamin C, which is good for the skin and immunity.

A green summer vegetable with a soft texture. It has vitamins and is easy to cook.

A root vegetable that’s starchy and filling. It provides energy, vitamins, and potassium.

Sweet Potato
An orange vegetable that’s sweet and soft when cooked. It’s rich in vitamins, especially good for vision.

A round vegetable that can make you cry when you cut it. It’s flavorful and might help reduce inflammation.

A strong-smelling vegetable used in many dishes. It’s believed to have health benefits, including helping the immune system.

Tiny green balls that are sweet. They have fiber and protein which is good for digestion.

A sweet yellow grain eaten off a cob. It has fiber and antioxidants for good health.

Green Beans
Long, green and crunchy. They’re full of vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy choice.

Not a plant but a fungi, mushrooms are soft and can be eaten cooked or raw. They provide essential nutrients, including vitamin D.

A white vegetable that looks like broccoli. It’s good for those watching their carbs and has many vitamins.

This leafy vegetable can be green or purple. It helps with digestion because it’s full of fiber.

Brussels Sprouts
Small green veggies that look like mini cabbages. They’re filled with vitamins and are especially good for the heart.

A purple vegetable that’s soft when cooked. It’s low in calories and is a source of dietary fiber.

Orange and used a lot in pies. It’s rich in vitamins that help the eyes and skin.

Small and can be spicy. They’re crunchy and full of vitamins.

A deep red vegetable that’s sweet. It’s known to help with blood pressure.

Tall green stalks that are tender when cooked. They’re low in calories and rich in many vitamins.

Green and very crunchy. It’s full of water and fiber, which helps with hydration.

A very dark green leafy vegetable. It’s one of the healthiest greens, full of vitamins and antioxidants.

A round white and purple vegetable. It’s good for digestion and immunity.

Looks like a big green onion. It’s full of antioxidants and vitamins for good health.

This is actually a flower bud. It’s full of fiber which is good for digestion.

A category of veggies that includes zucchini. They’re full of vitamins and minerals.

Bitter Gourd
A green vegetable that tastes bitter. Some believe it has health benefits.

A green vegetable that’s slimy when cooked. It’s full of fiber and nutrients good for the stomach.

A green herb used in cooking. Some think it has properties that are good for health.

A spicy green pepper. It has a compound that might help speed up metabolism.

Looks like a round cabbage. It’s full of fiber and vitamins that are good for bones and digestion.

Napa Cabbage
A type of cabbage from Asia. It’s light and full of vitamins and minerals.

Not a vegetable but a grain. It’s high in protein and full of many nutrients.

A green leafy vegetable with a strong taste. It’s full of vitamins and good antioxidants.

Bok Choy
A type of Chinese cabbage. It’s full of vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart.

Swiss Chard
A leafy green with colorful stalks. It’s high in vitamins and minerals, especially iron.

Turnip Greens
The leafy top of the turnip plant. They’re full of vitamins, especially good for strong bones.


Types of Vegetables Names Category-wise

Here’s a list of types of vegetables, categorized:

Root Vegetables
These grow underground and absorb nutrients from the soil. We often eat the root part.

  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Radish
  • Beetroot
  • Turnip
  • Sweet Potato

Leafy Greens
These are the green leaves of plants. They are usually eaten raw in salads or cooked.

  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Kale
  • Swiss Chard
  • Cabbage
  • Turnip Greens
  • Bok Choy

Fruit Vegetables
These are the parts of plants that have seeds. They are technically fruits but are often eaten as vegetables.

  • Tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Bell Pepper
  • Eggplant
  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini

Stem Vegetables
These are the stems or other similar parts of plants.

  • Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Leek

Flower Vegetables
These are the flowers of plants that we can eat.

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Artichoke

These are plants that have pods with seeds inside. They are good sources of protein.

  • Peas
  • Green Beans
  • Okra

Bulb Vegetables
These grow in the ground and have layers. They often have a strong flavor.

  • Onion
  • Garlic

Not technically a vegetable, but they are often included in the vegetable category in cooking.

  • Mushroom

Gourds and Squashes
These are usually large and have a hard outer shell.

  • Bitter Gourd
  • Squash

These are thick stems or roots that grow underground.

  • Potato
  • Sweet Potato

These are green leafy parts of plants used to add flavor to dishes.

  • Cilantro

Spicy Peppers
These are vegetables that add heat to the food.

  • Jalapeno

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