HomeSynonyms500 Synonyms Words List for Improving English

500 Synonyms Words List for Improving English


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Learn most important 500 Synonyms Words List useful for IELTS. Synonyms help add variety to your English Vocabulary and ultimately makes your language more rhetoric and beautiful. The list of synonyms with meanings will strengthen your English language expression.

500 Synonyms Words List

 Words Synonyms
1.     EvidentApparent
2.     TransmuteTransform
3.     WantDesire
4.     XericDry
5.     SanatoriumClinic
6.     LooseSlack
7.     ApproveAccept
8.     AbandonDesert
9.     Lion’s shareA big share
10.  JettisonThrow away
11.  GlorifyPraise
12.  TreaclySyrupy
13.  HugeVast
14.  MansardHip roof
15.  ProudArrogant
16.  EvilBad, wrong, wicked
17.  QuainterCharming
18.  AbundantAmple
19.  BirthBeginning
20.  DeductSubtract
21.  ExtravagantExtreme
22.  GravestoneHeadstone
23.  To grouseTo grumble
24.  IllicitIllegal
25.  JoyDelight
26.  KneelBow down
27.  MilitateOppose
28.  CeaseDiscontinue
29.  A narrativeA story
30.  OpaqueSolid
31.  LineageAncestry
32.  Off-seasonLow season
33.  HumbleModest
34.  PlausibleLogical
35.  DreadfulTerrible
36.  CertainPositive
37.  ObstinateStubborn
38.  EcstasyJoy
39.  QuickFast
40.  LeastFewest
41.  ConfineContain
42.  FantasticIncredible
43.  EnormousHuge
44.  LodestarGuiding
45.  MosaicMontage
46.  FastRapid
47.  GainAcquire
48.  AccurateCorrect
49.  KnifeCutter
50.  HospitableWelcoming
51.  ImpendingImminent
52.  CompressSqueeze
53.  CompetentCapable
54.  MinatoryMenacing
55.  JitneyAutobus
56.  Know Recognize 
57.  BeneficialHelpful
58.  BestFinest
59.  OddPeculiar
60.  LegitimateValid
61.  ManicuredCut fingernail
62.  NotedFamous
63.  OrganicBiological
64.  ReactionaryBack looking
65.  DefendProtect
66.  SandbaggerVirulent
67.  CarefulCautious
68.  MirthLaughter
69.  QuagmireSwamp
70.  RadiantJoyful
71.  SanguinePositive
72.  TrilogyTriplet
73.  ResoundBoom
74.  BlendCombine
75.  VictorySuccess
76.  QuadricepsMuscle of thigh
77.  UneaseDisquiet
78.  RemedialCurative
79.  ImamLeader
80.  IneradicablePermanent
81.  LucidityFluency
82.  MontageMixture
83.  ComprehendUnderstand
84.  JudicialLegal
85.  PastPreceding
86.  GreatOutstanding
87.  SarongMiniskirt
88.  TrundlePush
89.  BeginningInitiate
90.  LegibleReadable
91.  ThriveProsper
92.  HumiliateEmbarrass
93.  MoseyStroll
94.  SerendipityChance
95.  CloseShut
96.  LigamentTendon
97.  OffendDisgust
98.  SatireLampoon
99.  BraveCourageous
100.                 TotalComplete
101.                 ValeValley
102.                 PermanentLasting
103.                 GiganticImmense
104.                 LuluBeauty
105.                 ScrupleRegret
106.                 WonderfulSplendid
107.                 FrankCandid
108.                 WheedleCharm
109.                 SatiateSlake
110.                 BelieveTrust
111.                 BelowUnder
112.                 JudiciousSensible
113.                 LenientLax
114.                 ResuscitateSave
115.                 VirulentPotent
116.                 DallyLoiter
117.                 DamageImpair
118.                 OrnamentDecoration
119.                 ManeuverTactic
120.                 QuadrantFourth
121.                 UrbaneStylish
122.                 MisanthropyUnfriendliness
123.                 BottomBase
124.                 Scot workChores
125.                 VistaView
126.                 GenuineReal
127.                 JubilantOverjoyed
128.                 PlentifulAbundant
129.                 LigatureBinder
130.                 BeautifulAttractive
131.                 ManifestationSymptom
132.                 QuarterDistrict
133.                 GiveDonate
134.                 MandalaFigure
135.                 TariffExcise
136.                 OutsideExternal
137.                 AchieveAccomplish
138.                 MatriculationAdmission
139.                 ScrutinizeExamine
140.                 WanPale
141.                 ObsoleteExtinct
142.                 VictorySuccess
143.                 CloseNear
144.                 ViticultureGrape growing
145.                 InertiaInactivity
146.                 TabooUnthinkable
147.                 IlkType
148.                 MuseConsider
149.                 GentleTender
150.                 NightfallDusk
151.                 UpdateModify
152.                 BusyWorking
153.                 BuyPurchase
154.                 MicrocosmExample
155.                 ScuttleSpoil
156.                 TrifleDrop
157.                 MagnumLarge bottle
158.                 MonolithicMonumental
159.                 UpendPosition
160.                 ExteriorOutside
161.                 KudosApplause
162.                 NecessaryEssential
163.                 TactilePerceptible
164.                 CareConcern
165.                 JourneymanArtisan
166.                 LureAttract
167.                 To narrateTo relate
168.                 Nip and tuckClose, near
169.                 QueasySick
170.                 PliableCompliant
171.                 FractionPart
172.                 JoustDispute
173.                 OnslaughtAmbush
174.                 SearFlame
175.                 BloodlessCold
176.                 QuaestorOfficer
177.                 ObeyComply
178.                 HotWarm
179.                 TankContainer
180.                 IchorFluid
181.                 ActiveEnergetic
182.                 LuxuriousExtravagant
183.                 TaxidermyArtistry
184.                 UntimelyInopportune
185.                 InfallibleFoolproof
186.                 VendettaRevenge
187.                 BriefShort
188.                 JubileeAnniversary
189.                 NonchalantLackadaisical
190.                 GenerousGiving
191.                 Non sequiturResponse
192.                 QuerulousDifficult
193.                 AlwaysForever
194.                 VanquishSubdue
195.                 IdealistRomantic
196.                 SecSecond
197.                 FrenzyFury
198.                 FancyElaborate
199.                 MyriadNumberless
200.                 MementoKeepsake
201.                 RetrenchCut back
202.                 VeneerFinish
203.                 BroadWide
204.                 ReclusiveAscetic
205.                 UrbaneStylish
206.                 GratitudeThankfulness
207.                 QueriesInterrogation
208.                 DemolishDestroy
209.                 NewModern
210.                 PossiblePlausible
211.                 SedateCool
212.                 TchotchkesTrifle
213.                 QueueRow
214.                 BizarreWeird
215.                 BlamelessInnocent
216.                 CompetentCapable
217.                 KnottyComplex
218.                 RiffJazz
219.                 ScamSwindle
220.                 ViragoStrong woman
221.                 WrongMistaken
222.                 FlippantImpudent
223.                 EnjoyLike
224.                 HectorBully
225.                 NadirPit
226.                 UpcomingApproaching
227.                 EarlyPremature
228.                 ScoreGet
229.                 VociferousRaucous
230.                 TemperanceControl
231.                 HiatusGap
232.                 ProsperousThriving
233.                 QuintessentialModel
234.                 SedimentDregs
235.                 AidAssist
236.                 TchotchkesTrifle
237.                 WalkStroll
238.                 IndigentPoor
239.                 DenounceBlame
240.                 RobustStrong
241.                 MetabolismReactions
242.                 IncarnatePersonified
243.                 OrdinaryUsual
244.                 HomeopathyTreatment method
245.                 ScepticSkeptic
246.                 EnlargeExpand
247.                 AdamantFirm
248.                 NicheRole
249.                 QuorumAssemblage
250.                 SegmentSlice
251.                 PrecariousShaky
252.                 CharmingDelightful
253.                 PreserveSave
254.                 InquisitionInquiry
255.                 JuggernautIdol
256.                 RoilAgitate
257.                 AfterFollowing
258.                 AfraidFrightened
259.                 NamelessAnonymous
260.                 OminousMenacing
261.                 PromptPunctual
262.                 RestitutionReimbursement
263.                 WinnerVictor
264.                 HostileAntagonistic
265.                 EnormousVast
266.                 VoraciousnessHunger
267.                 CompleteConclude
268.                 AggressivePushy
269.                 NuanceFine distinction
270.                 QualifiedCapable
271.                 TelepathySixth sense
272.                 RapaciousGrasping
273.                 AuthenticGenuine
274.                 PrettyAttractive
275.                 UntiringEnergetic
276.                 HonePolish
277.                 GiganticImmense
278.                 EasySimple
279.                 SciaticaBackache
280.                 ReactionaryBack looking
281.                 ExplicitExact
282.                 TitanReputation
283.                 ExceptionalRemarkable
284.                 BidTender
285.                 NeutralImpartial
286.                 FormerPrevious
287.                 UntoldBoundless
288.                 TenaciousFirm
289.                 ExquisiteDelightful
290.                 NapkinServiette
291.                 QuestionAsk
292.                 DecayRot
293.                 JunctureStage
294.                 ImputeAttribute
295.                 UntouchableUnpronounceable
296.                 DifferentDistinct
297.                 Hue and cryUproar
298.                 PoorDestitute
299.                 MenialBoring
300.                 QuietSilent
301.                 VituperativeScathing
302.                 InanityStupidity
303.                 OpponentEnemy
304.                 RapportLink
305.                 WomanLady
306.                 EquityFairness
308.                 UndulyExcessively
309.                 BreakFracture
310.                 JustifyValidate
311.                 QuagmireBog
312.                 HighElevated
313.                 PrevalentWidespread
314.                 AverageOrdinary
315.                 RakishStylish
316.                 ImpugnCensure
317.                 TractionFooting
318.                 ColossalEnormous
319.                 PortionPiece
320.                 VoguismAcceptance
321.                 WiseSmart
322.                 UpchuckSick
323.                 VintageClassic
324.                 EnemyOpponent
325.                 ForgivePardon
326.                 NaryNeither
327.                 WonderfulSplendid
328.                 AwfulDreadful
329.                 SeminaryInstitution
330.                 OptimisticHopeful
331.                 CoarseBumpy
332.                 NobilityThe aristocracy
333.                 PassiveYielding
334.                 UndyingDeathless
335.                 WonderfulAmazing
336.                 ExciteArouse
337.                 AwkwardClumsy
338.                 JingoismPatriotism
339.                 PreventHinder
340.                 HoldGrasp
341.                 NormalUsual
342.                 GratuityTip
343.                 QuitWithdraw
344.                 VertexApogee
345.                 AdamantUnyielding
346.                 KidChild
347.                 To nominateTo appoint
348.                 QuantumAmount
349.                 EspeciallyParticularly
350.                 DivideSeparate
351.                 NakedBare
352.                 UnearthLocate
353.                 MesmerizeCaptivate
354.                 ImmobilizeHalt
355.                 ApparentEvident
356.                 JuntaMilitary rule
357.                 ObnoxiousRepulsive
358.                 RenegeRevoke
359.                 WinPrevail
360.                 BeneficiantGenerous
361.                 ProbableLiable
362.                 VerveVigor
363.                 GloomySullen
364.                 FatChubby
365.                 BackboneSpine
366.                 XenophobicDisease
367.                 ExhilaratedOverjoyed
368.                 KindergartenNursery
369.                 OpaqueUnclear
370.                 SagacityPrudence
371.                 DefyResist
372.                 DelicateFragile
373.                 Well timedTimely
374.                 ImproviseManage
375.                 QuackingShake
376.                 AmateurNovice
377.                 KinRelative
378.                 QuakeTremble
379.                 ScornDisrespect
380.                 HonestTruthful
381.                 PainstakingFastidious
382.                 VortexCurrent
383.                 BendyFlexible
384.                 NugatoryWorthless
385.                 ObdurateStubborn
386.                 NoonMidday
387.                 OpenOriginate
388.                 ProfitBenefit
389.                 SensibilityAwareness
390.                 ArriveReach
391.                 KeenEager
392.                 ObjectThing
393.                 QuietPeaceful
394.                 FerociousFierce
395.                 FertileFruitful
396.                 InscrutableEnigmatic
397.                 JunketJaunt
398.                 Non-stopContinuous
399.                 ObligatoryCompulsory
400.                 CombineBlend
401.                 PrecariousShaky
402.                 TrifleDrop
403.                 AtrociousDreadful
404.                 MedleyMixture
405.                 ObserveExamine
406.                 FatigueTire
407.                 NumerousMany
408.                 ViabilityPossibility
409.                 ArrogantHaughty
410.                 FictionFantasy
411.                 WeakFeeble
412.                 QuiteFairly/ pretty
413.                 EccentricPeculiar
414.                 PersuadeInfluence
415.                 WearyLethargic
416.                 JocularFunny
417.                 InculcateInstill
418.                 Bad (not good)Poor
419.                 KeepHold
420.                 JackknifePocket knife
421.                 IncisiveKeen
422.                 ArtificialFake
423.                 ObliqueIndirect
424.                 HumaneGentle
425.                 InordinateExcessive
426.                 OutrageousShocking
427.                 ReliefAssistance
428.                 JocundGay
429.                 To operateTo function
430.                 AboveOverhead
431.                 KindHelpful
432.                 WinSucceed
433.                 FixMend
434.                 JigDance
435.                 ReactionaryBack looking
436.                 AntagonizeProvoke
437.                 NeologismCoinage
438.                 JeopardyThreat
439.                 HermeticAirtight
440.                 ComicalAmusing
441.                 IncentiveInducement
442.                 JoistBeam
443.                 SamplerNeedle work
444.                 QueenRoyalty
445.                 AskQuestion
446.                 NotwithstandingHowever,
447.                 OmnipotentAll-powerful
448.                 ImpedimentObstruction
449.                 PreciousPrized
450.                 FillLoad
451.                 BashfulTimid
452.                 AmbitiousDriven
453.                 QuaffsSlurp
454.                 RuddyGlowing
455.                 SampanBoat
456.                 JuxtaposePut together
457.                 QuartzMineral
458.                 XyloidWoody
459.                 AbleCapable
460.                 MentorTeacher
461.                 UntriedNew
462.                 InterBury
463.                 ObsoleteOut of date
464.                 JadedFed up
465.                 ImportunePester
466.                 HerculeanFormidable
467.                 DifficultHard
468.                 JocularFunny
469.                 MaverickUnconventional
470.                 BelievablePlausible
471.                 KnockCensure
472.                 KnitFasten
473.                 NicePleasing
474.                 FlawDefect
475.                 ComplexComplicated
476.                 JejuneIrreverent
477.                 XylemsWoody plant
478.                 WildReckless
479.                 TrepidationApprehension
480.                 QuestsSearch
481.                 BallotPoll
482.                 HydraProblem
483.                 SagacityPrudence
484.                 FeasiblePossible
485.                 FeebleWeak
486.                 BellyStomach
487.                 ObliviousUnconscious
488.                 HumidWet
489.                 FlimsyFrail
490.                 BacksideBottom
491.                 OptionalVoluntary
492.                 PerpetualIncessant
493.                 BanOutlaw
494.                 BarrenInfertile
495.                 QuotedRepeat
496.                 WordExpression
497.                 RecapitulateRepeat
498.                 NexusLink
499.                 AbbreviateShorten
500.                 AbilitySkill

500 Synonyms List PDF
500 Synonyms List PDF

Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1
Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1

Vocabulary List for IELTS PDF
Vocabulary List for IELTS PDF
Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 2
Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 2
500 Synonyms Words List for Improver
500 Synonyms Words List for Improver


1. What are synonyms?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same as another word. For example, big and large are synonyms because they both mean the same thing. Synonyms make writing and speaking more interesting by giving us different ways to say the same thing.

2. What are 12 synonyms list?

Here is a list of 12 common synonyms:
1. Happy – Joyful
2. Sad – Unhappy
3. Fast – Quick
4. Big – Large
5. Small – Tiny
6. Begin – Start
7. End – Finish
8. Cold – Chilly
9. Hot – Warm
10. Smart – Intelligent
11. Easy – Simple
12. Hard – Difficult

3. What are 30 synonyms?

Here is a broader list of synonyms:
1. Angry – Mad
2. Beautiful – Pretty
3. Brave – Courageous
4. Bright – Shiny
5. Buy – Purchase
6. Clean – Neat
7. Close – Shut
8. Dangerous – Risky
9. Delicious – Tasty
10. Fast – Rapid
11. Friend – Companion
12. Funny – Amusing
13. Good – Great
14. Happy – Cheerful
15. Help – Assist
16. House – Home
17. Idea – Thought
18. Important – Significant
19. Kind – Nice
20. Lazy – Idle
21. Love – Adore
22. Old – Ancient
23. Perfect – Flawless
24. Quiet – Silent
25. Sad – Downhearted
26. Scared – Afraid
27. Stop – Halt
28. Strong – Powerful
29. Throw – Toss
30. Weak – Frail

4. What are 12 good synonyms?

Here are 12 useful synonyms for common words:
1. Nice – Pleasant
2. Quick – Swift
3. Beautiful – Lovely
4. Big – Huge
5. Quiet – Peaceful
6. Cold – Icy
7. Happy – Content
8. Angry – Furious
9. Sad – Miserable
10. Smart – Clever
11. Hard – Challenging
12. Fast – Speedy

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