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Two Friends Talking About Studies in Arabic
Speaker | Arabic | Transliteration | English Translation |
Ali | اَیٛنَ تَتَعَلَّمَ؟ | Aina tata’alama? | Where do you study? |
Ahmed | اَتَعَلَّمُ فِی الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ | A ta’allamu fil madrasati. | I study in the school. |
Ali | مَا ذَا تَتَعَلَّمُ؟ | Ma za tata’allamu? | What are you studying? |
Ahmed | اَتَعَلَّمُ الٛلُّغَۃَالٛعَرَبِیَّۃَ | A ta’allamu al-lughata al-arabiyyata. | I am studying the Arabic language. |
Ali | مَتٰی تَذٛھَبُ اِلیَ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ؟ | Mata tazhabo ilal madrasati? | When do you go to the school? |
Ahmed | اَذٛھَبُ اِلیَ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ فِی الصَّبَاحِ. | Azhabo ilal madrasati fissabah. | I go to school in the morning. |
Ali | اَیٛنَ تَجٛلِسُ فِی الفَصٛلِ؟ | Aina tajlisu fil fasli? | Where do you sit in your classroom? |
Ahmed | اَجٛلِسُ فِی الصَّفِ الٛاَّوَّلِ۔ | Ajlisu fil saffi al-awwal. | I sit in the first row. |
Ali | کَیفَ یُعَلِّمُکَ الٛاُسٛتَاذَ؟ | Kaifa yu’allimuka al-ustadha? | How does your teacher teach you? |
Ahmed | اَلٛاُسٛتَاذُیَنٛطِقُ کَلِمَۃً وَاَنَا اُرَدِّدُھَا | Al-ustadh yanṭiḳu kalimatan wa ana uraddiduha. | My teacher pronounces a word, and I repeat it. |
Ali | مُنٛذُکُمٛ مُدَّۃٍ تَتَعَلَّمُ فِی ھَذِہِ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ؟ | Munzu kam muddatin tata’allamu fi hazihil madrasati? | For how long have you been studying in this school? |
Ahmed | اَنَا اَتَعَلَّمُ فِی ھَذِہِ الٛمَدٛرَسَۃِ مُنٛذُ سَنَتَیٛن | Ana at’allamu fi hazihil madrasati munzu sanatayn. | I have been studying in this school for two years. |
Ali | ھَلٛ تُذَاکِرُ دَرَسَکَ یَوٛمِیِّاً؟ | Hal tuthakiru darasaka yawmiyyan? | Do you learn the lesson daily? |
Ahmed | نَعَمٛ: اَذَاکِرُ الدَّرُسَ یَوٛمِیِّا | Na’am: azhakiru ad-darsa yawmiyyan. | Yes: I learn the lesson daily. |
Ali | ھَلٛ تَقٛرَاُ الٛکُتُبَ فِی الٛمَسَاءِ؟ | Hal taqra’u al-kutuba fil masa’? | Do you read books in the evening? |
Ahmed | لَا:لِاَنِّی اَلٛعَبُ فِی الٛمَسَاءِ مَعَ اَصٛدِقَائِی | La: lianni al’abu fil masa’ ma’a asdiqai. | No; because I play with my friends in the evening. |
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