Symbols are everywhere in our daily lives. From simple punctuation marks to complex icons, they play a vital role in communication. Whether you’re reading a book, browsing the internet, or navigating through your phone, you encounter numerous symbols. Knowing the names of these symbols can help you better understand their uses and meanings. In this article, we will explore 100 common symbols along with their names in English. This comprehensive list will enhance your knowledge and make it easier to identify and use these symbols correctly.
Common Punctuation Symbols
Punctuation symbols are used to structure and organize text. They guide the reader through sentences and help convey the intended meaning. Here are some common punctuation symbols with their names:
- Period (.)
- Comma (,)
- Question Mark (?)
- Exclamation Mark (!)
- Colon (:)
- Semicolon (;)
- Apostrophe (‘)
- Quotation Marks (” “)
- Hyphen (-)
- Dash (—)
Mathematical Symbols
Mathematics uses a variety of symbols to represent numbers, operations, and relationships. Here are some essential mathematical symbols:
- Plus (+)
- Minus (−)
- Multiplication (×)
- Division (÷)
- Equals (=)
- Greater Than (>)
- Less Than (<)
- Percent (%)
- Square Root (√)
- Pi (π)
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of mathematical symbols, along with their names and meanings for easy reference.

Currency Symbols Names
Currency symbols represent different units of money around the world. Recognizing these symbols is essential for understanding global economics and trade. Here are some common currency symbols:
- Dollar ($)
- Euro (€)
- Pound (£)
- Yen (¥)
- Rupee (₹)
- Won (₩)
- Lira (₺)
- Franc (₣)
- Bitcoin (₿)
- Peso (₱)
We’ve created a detailed list of currencies, including each currency’s name, symbol, and the country it represents.
Keyboard Symbols Names
Your keyboard is filled with symbols that you use daily for various functions. Knowing their names can help you use them more effectively. Here are some keyboard symbols:
- Ampersand (&)
- At (@)
- Hash (#)
- Asterisk (*)
- Underscore (_)
- Tilde (~)
- Caret (^)
- Backslash (\)
- Forward Slash (/)
- Pipe (|)
Internet and Technology Symbols
The digital world has its own set of symbols that are crucial for communication and navigation online. Here are some common internet and technology symbols:
- Wi-Fi Signal (📶)
- Bluetooth (🅱️)
- Power On/Off (⏻)
- USB (🔌)
- Search (🔍)
- Cloud (☁️)
- Download (⬇️)
- Upload (⬆️)
- Email (📧)
- Settings (⚙️)

Miscellaneous Symbols
These symbols are used in various contexts, from road signs to product packaging. Knowing them can help you navigate through different situations:
- Heart (♥️)
- Star (★)
- Peace (☮️)
- Recycle (♻️)
- Biohazard (☣️)
- Caduceus (⚕️)
- Yin Yang (☯️)
- Smiley Face (☺️)
- Music Note (♪)
- Check Mark (✔️)
Religious Symbols Names
Religious symbols hold significant meaning in various cultures and are often used in rituals, art, and literature. Here are some common religious symbols:
- Cross (✝️)
- Crescent and Star (☪️)
- Star of David (✡️)
- Om (🕉️)
- Lotus (🪷)
- Torii (⛩️)
- Wheel of Dharma (☸️)
- Khanda (☬)
- Ankh (☥)
- Menorah (🕎)

Symbols Names FAQs
Name: Slash or Forward Slash
Separate items
Indicate division
File paths
Date format (e.g., 01/01/2023)
Name: Tilde
Uses: Approximation, home directory (computing), negation, Spanish ñ.
Name: Caret
Exponentiation (e.g., 2^3 = 8)
Text editing (indicates insertion point)
Programming (bitwise XOR operation)
Name: Pipe
Uses: Separation, command chaining (computing).
Name: Hyphen
Join words
Split words
Indicate range
Name: Hash
Number sign
Tagging (hashtag)
Commenting code
Name: At sign
Uses: Email addresses, tagging users, pricing.
Symbol Name: Parentheses ( )
Add extra information: e.g., Paris (France’s capital).
Show potential plurals: e.g., form(s).
Group math terms.
Emphasize parts of a text.
Cite references in writing.
Highlight optional elements.
Surround dates or ages: e.g., Smith (1985-2020).
Denote translations: e.g., Hello (Hola).
$ – Dollar Sign
Definition: The $ symbol represents the currency of various countries, most notably the United States.
Represents US currency
Used in pricing goods and services
Appears in financial reports and statements
Symbolizes economic or monetary value in various contexts.
£ Symbol Name: Pound Sterling
Definition: The £ symbol represents the currency of the United Kingdom and other territories. It’s the main symbol for the British pound sterling.
Represents UK currency
Pricing products in the UK
Financial reports
Exchange rate calculations
Banking and transactions in the UK and territories using the pound sterling.
Asterisk (*)
Definition: An asterisk is a small, star-shaped symbol commonly used in written material.
Indicate footnotes in articles.
Represent omitted letters in censored words.
Mark required fields in forms.
Denote special conditions or exceptions.
Used in computing for wildcard searches.
In mathematics, it’s used for multiplication.
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