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100 Symbols Names List in English

Symbols Names in English
Symbols Names in English

Symbols are shapes that mean something special. We see Symbols Names every day, and each one has a story. The “&” symbol came from the Latin word for “and”. Today, we use it to join words together. The “#” was once just called the ‘pound’ sign. Now, it’s big on social media, helping to group topics.

Learning each Symbols names helps us understand what we read and see. Symbols are in math, books, and on the internet. They make things shorter and easy for everyone to get. Knowing about these Symbols Names is important and helpful.

Symbols Names List

Symbols Symbol Names
! Exclamation mark
Quotation mark
# The number sign (hash)
$ Dollar sign
% Percent sign
& Ampersand
( Left parenthesis
) Right parenthesis
* Asterisk
+ Plus sign
, Comma
. Period (full stop)
/ Slash (forward slash)
: Colon
; Semicolon
< Less-than sign
= Equals sign
> Greater-than sign
? Question mark
@ At symbol
[ Left square bracket
\ Backslash
] Right square bracket
^ Caret
_ Underscore
` Grave accent
{ Left curly brace
| Vertical bar
} Right curly brace
~ Tilde
Euro symbol
£ Pound sterling
¥ Yen
¢ Cent
© Copyright
® Registered trademark
° Degree
± Plus-minus
¹ Superscript one
² Superscript two
³ Superscript three
× Multiplication
÷ Division
¼ Fraction one-quarter
½ Fraction one-half
¾ Fraction three-quarters
Square root
Element of
Not an element of
Approximately equal to
Not equal to
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Right arrow
Left arrow
Double arrow
Up arrow
Down arrow
Leftwards arrow with hook
Checkbox checked
Checkbox crossed
Smiley face
Sad face
Black smiley face
Female sign
Male sign
Eighth note
Beamed eighth notes
Flat musical note
Natural musical note
Sharp musical note
Cross (X)
Heavy cross mark
High voltage sign
White circle
Black circle
Soccer ball
Snowman without snow
Wheelchair symbol
Warning sign
No entry
Sun behind cloud
Flag in hole (golf)
White medium star
Heavy large circle

Symbols Names and Their Use

Below is a list of 100 common symbols with their names and their brief definitions. These symbols are derived from various fields such as mathematics, science, and language.

+: Plus Sign

The plus sign is a mathematical symbol used to represent the operation of addition. It indicates that two values should be added together.

: Minus Sign

The minus sign is used in mathematics to represent subtraction. It signifies that one number should be taken away from another.

×: Multiplication Sign

This symbol denotes multiplication. It indicates that two numbers should be multiplied together.

÷: Division Sign

The division sign represents the mathematical operation of division. It signifies dividing one number by another.

=: Equal Sign

This symbol denotes equality. It indicates that two values are the same or equivalent.

: Not Equal Sign

This symbol represents inequality, indicating that two values are not the same.

<: Less Than Sign

Used to compare values, it indicates that one value is smaller than another.

>: Greater Than Sign

This symbol is used to compare values, indicating that one value is larger than another.

: Less Than or Equal To Sign

It denotes that a value is either less than or equal to another value.

: Greater Than or Equal To Sign

This symbol indicates that a value is either greater than or equal to another value.

π: Pi
Pi is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159. It represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

√: Square Root Symbol
This symbol denotes the square root operation. It signifies the value which, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.

∑: Sigma
Sigma is used in mathematics for summation notation. It represents the sum of a series of numbers.

∆: Delta
Delta represents change or difference in various contexts, especially in mathematics and science.

∞: Infinity Symbol
This symbol denotes an unbounded quantity. It represents a value that is larger than any finite number.

∫: Integral Symbol
Used in calculus, this symbol represents the process of integration.

∂: Partial Derivative Symbol
This symbol is used in calculus to represent the partial derivative of a function with respect to one of its variables.

α: Alpha
Alpha is a Greek letter used in various mathematical, scientific, and engineering contexts.

β: Beta
Beta is a Greek letter with applications in several fields, including mathematics and science.

γ: Gamma
Gamma is another Greek letter used in various disciplines, including mathematics and physics.

φ: Phi
Phi is a Greek letter often associated with the golden ratio in mathematics.

θ: Theta
Theta is a Greek letter used in trigonometry and other areas of mathematics.

λ: Lambda
Lambda is a Greek letter with various applications, including physics and computer science.

σ: Sigma
While also representing summation, sigma as a Greek letter has other uses, especially in statistics where it denotes standard deviation.

ω: Omega
Omega is a Greek letter used in various contexts, most notably in physics to represent angular velocity.

&: Ampersand
This symbol represents “and” or “et” in Latin. It’s often used in writing to denote a combination.

@: At Symbol
Commonly used in email addresses, this symbol denotes the word “at.”

#: Hash Symbol
Used for numbering or tagging, especially popular in social media as a hashtag.

%: Percent Sign
Denotes a percentage. It represents a part out of a hundred.

$: Dollar Sign
Represents currency, mainly U.S. dollars.

€: Euro Sign
Represents the euro currency used by many countries in the European Union.

£: Pound Sign
Represents the British pound currency.

¥: Yen Sign
Represents the Japanese yen currency.

50 List of Symbols Name in English
50 List of Symbols Names in English

Most Common Symbol Names

!: Exclamation Mark
This punctuation mark denotes emphasis or strong emotion in a sentence.

?: Question Mark
Used at the end of a sentence, it denotes a question.

.: Period
Also known as a full stop, it’s used to indicate the end of a sentence.

,: Comma
A punctuation mark used to separate items in a list or clauses in a sentence.

‘: Apostrophe
Used for contractions, such as “can’t” for “cannot”, or to show possession, as in “John’s book.”

“: Quotation Marks
Used to quote speech or text.

(: Open Parenthesis
Used to enclose additional or explanatory information.

): Close Parenthesis
Closes the information or explanation started by an open parenthesis.

{: Open Curly Bracket
Often used in mathematics and programming to denote a set or group.

}: Close Curly Bracket
Closes a set or group started by an open curly bracket.

[: Open Square Bracket
Used in various contexts, including in literature and programming.

]: Close Square Bracket
Closes a sequence or group started by an open square bracket.

/: Forward Slash
Used for division in mathematics or to separate elements in certain contexts, like dates.

**: Backslash
Commonly used in file paths on computers or as an escape character in programming.

|: Vertical Bar
Used in programming or to denote the concept of “or.”

^: Caret
Often used for exponents in mathematics or to denote “to the power of.”

_: Underscore
Used for emphasis in certain contexts or to replace spaces in computer file names.

** : Asterisk*
Used in mathematics for multiplication or as a wildcard character in computing.

~: Tilde
Denotes approximation in mathematics or used as a negation symbol in some programming languages.

`: Backtick
Commonly used in programming, especially in scripting languages, to enclose commands or special characters.

♀: Female Symbol
Represents femininity or the female gender.

♂: Male Symbol
Represents masculinity or the male gender.

☉: Solar Symbol
Denotes the Sun or solar-related concepts.

☽: Lunar Symbol
Represents the Moon or lunar-related concepts.

☯: Yin and Yang
Symbolizes harmony and balance in Chinese philosophy.

☮: Peace Symbol
Represents peace and nonviolence. It’s a universal emblem of harmony and tranquility.

✝: Christian Cross
Symbolizes Christianity and represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

☪: Star and Crescent
A symbol that represents Islam, often seen on flags of Islamic countries.

☸: Dharma Wheel
Symbolizes Buddhism and represents the path to enlightenment.

✡: Star of David
Represents Judaism. It’s a hexagram symbol commonly associated with the Jewish faith.

♿: Wheelchair Symbol
Denotes accessibility for people with disabilities. It’s a universal sign for accessible facilities.

⚠: Warning Symbol
Signifies caution or potential danger. It’s often used on signs and labels to alert about hazards.

®: Registered Trademark Symbol
Indicates that a name or logo is a registered trademark and has legal protections.

™: Trademark Symbol
Indicates an unregistered trademark. It signifies a claim to the trademark rights.

©: Copyright Symbol
Denotes copyrighted material. It indicates legal protection for original works of authorship.

♠: Spades Suit
Used in playing cards. It’s one of the four card suits.

♣: Clubs Suit
Another one of the four card suits used in playing cards.

♥: Hearts Suit
Symbolizes the card suit of hearts in playing cards.

♦: Diamonds Suit
Denotes the diamonds card suit in playing cards.

Directional Symbol Names

↑: Upward Arrow
Denotes an upward direction or increase.

↓: Downward Arrow
Denotes a downward direction or decrease.

→: Rightward Arrow
Indicates a rightward direction or points to the next item.

←: Leftward Arrow
Denotes a leftward direction or points to the previous item.

↔: Bidirectional Arrow
Indicates a two-way or reversible relationship.

☑: Checkmark
Indicates approval, completion, or selection.

☒: Checkbox
Indicates an option that can be selected or deselected.

✈: Airplane Symbol
Represents travel or transportation by air.

⚓: Anchor Symbol
Symbolizes stability or maritime themes.

⚡: Lightning Bolt
Represents electricity, power, or energy.

♥: Heart Symbol
Symbolizes love or affection.

☹: Sad Face
Denotes sadness or disappointment.

☺: Happy Face
Denotes happiness or satisfaction.

♪: Musical Note
Represents music or a single sound.

♫: Beamed Musical Notes
Symbolize music or singing, often indicating a melody or tune.

✂: Scissors Symbol
Denotes cutting or separation.

☢: Radioactive Symbol
Indicates radiation or radioactive materials.

☣: Biohazard Symbol
Signifies biological hazards or risks.

🔒: Padlock Symbol
Denotes security, safety, or something that is locked or protected.

🔓: Unlocked Padlock
Represents openness, accessibility, or something that is unlocked or available.

🚫: Prohibition Sign
Denotes restriction, prohibition, or something that is not allowed.

⏩: Fast-forward Symbol
Indicates moving forward quickly, often used in media players to skip ahead.

⏪: Rewind Symbol
Indicates moving backward quickly, often used in media players to go back.

⏹: Stop Symbol
Denotes stopping or ceasing an action, commonly used in media players.

⏏: Eject Symbol
Represents the ejection of a medium, such as a CD or DVD from a player.

🔥: Fire Symbol
Represents fire, heat, or something that is “hot” or popular.

💧: Water Droplet
Symbolizes water, moisture, or tears.

❄: Snowflake
Represents snow, cold, or winter.

🌟: Star Symbol
Denotes excellence, brightness, or something special.

🌍: Earth Symbol
Represents the planet Earth or global concepts.

🌙: Crescent Moon
Symbolizes the moon in its crescent phase or nighttime.

🌞: Sun Symbol
Represents the sun, daylight, or warmth.

🌈: Rainbow
Symbolizes diversity, hope, or a spectrum of colors.

🍀: Four-leaf Clover
Represents luck or good fortune.

📌: Push Pin
Denotes attachment, marking a location, or pinning something.

🔔: Bell
Symbolizes an alert, notification, or ringing sound.

🎈: Balloon
Represents celebration, fun, or a festive occasion.

🎁: Gift Box
Denotes a present, surprise, or something given to someone.

🎵: Music Symbol
Symbolizes music, melody, or a tune.

📢: Loudspeaker
Represents loud sound, announcement, or alert.

🔋: Battery
Denotes energy, power, or charging.

🔍: Magnifying Glass
Represents search, focus, or examination.

💡: Light Bulb
Symbolizes an idea, innovation, or enlightenment.

📚: Books
Represents education, reading, or knowledge.

🖋: Pen
Denotes writing, signing, or documentation.

💌: Envelope with Heart
Symbolizes a love letter or romantic message.

🚦: Traffic Lights
Represents traffic control, stop-and-go, or safety on roads.

🚂: Train
Denotes travel by rail, a journey, or transportation.

🚀: Rocket
Symbolizes space exploration, fast growth, or launching something new.

🎉: Party Popper
Represents celebration, party, or a festive event.

🎨: Palette
Denotes art, creativity, or painting.

🎤: Microphone
Represents singing, speaking, or broadcasting.

🎧: Headphones
Symbolizes music listening, audio, or sound.

🎬: Clapperboard
Represents filmmaking, direction, or starting an action.

🎮: Video Game Controller
Denotes gaming, entertainment, or play.

👝: Clutch Bag
A small, elegant bag typically used for evening events or special occasions.

👞: Man’s Shoe
A representation of male footwear, often denoting formal or casual shoes.

👟: Running Shoe
Symbolizes athletic footwear, sports, or physical activity.

👠: High-Heeled Shoe
Denotes feminine footwear, fashion, or elegance.

👡: Woman’s Sandal
Represents feminine summer footwear or casual style.

👢: Woman’s Boot
Symbolizes boots typically worn by women, often associated with fashion or colder weather.

👣: Footprints
Denotes walking, journey, or a path taken.

People Symbol Names

👤: Bust in Silhouette
Represents a person’s silhouette or anonymous profile.

👥: Busts in Silhouette
Symbolizes a group, anonymity, or multiple profiles.

👦: Boy
Denotes a young male child or youth.

👧: Girl
Represents a young female child or youth.

👨: Man
Symbolizes an adult male or masculinity.

👩: Woman
Denotes an adult female or femininity.

👪: Family
Represents a family unit, often including parents and children.

👫: Man and Woman Holding Hands
Symbolizes a couple, partnership, or close relationship.

👬: Two Men Holding Hands
Denotes a close bond or friendship between two men.

👭: Two Women Holding Hands
Represents a close bond or friendship between two women.

👮: Police Officer
Symbolizes law enforcement, security, or authority.

👯: People with Bunny Ears
Denotes dancing, celebration, or playful behavior.

👰: Bride with Veil
Represents a woman on her wedding day or marriage.

👱: Blond-Haired Person
Symbolizes a person with blond hair or light-colored hair.

👲: Man with Chinese Cap
Denotes a person wearing traditional East Asian attire.

👳: Person Wearing Turban
Represents a person wearing a turban, often associated with certain cultures or religions.

👴: Old Man
Symbolizes an elderly male or aging.

👵: Old Woman
Denotes an elderly female or aging.

👶: Baby
Represents an infant or very young child.

👷: Construction Worker
Symbolizes a person working in construction or manual labor.

👸: Princess
Denotes royalty, elegance, or a female member of the royal family.

👹: Ogre
Represents a mythical creature, often associated with Japanese folklore or scary tales.

Powerful Symbols – 100 Common Objects

Benefits of Knowing Symbols Names

Here’s why it’s good for everyone to learn the names of symbols:

  • Kids can talk more simply and quickly.
  • They can share their thoughts better using the right symbols.
  • Kids learn more about symbols and how to use them right.
  • It makes it easier for kids to get and remember information.
  • It makes learning more fun for kids.
List Of Symbol Names In English
List Of Symbol Names In English

Symbols Names FAQs

Q1: / symbol name?

Name: Slash or Forward Slash


  • Separate items
  • Indicate division
  • File paths
  • URLs
  • Date format (e.g., 01/01/2023)

Q2: ~ symbol name?

Name: Tilde
Uses: Approximation, home directory (computing), negation, Spanish ñ.


Q3: ^ symbol name?

Name: Caret


  • Exponentiation (e.g., 2^3 = 8)
  • Text editing (indicates insertion point)
  • Programming (bitwise XOR operation)

Q4: | symbol name?

Name: Pipe

Uses: Separation, command chaining (computing).

Q5: – symbol name?

Name: Hyphen


  • Join words
  • Split words
  • Indicate range

Q6: # symbol name?

Name: Hash


  • Number sign
  • Tagging (hashtag)
  • Programming
  • Commenting code

Q7: @ symbol name?

Name: At sign

Uses: Email addresses, tagging users, pricing.

Q8: () symbol name?

Symbol Name: Parentheses ( )


  • Add extra information: e.g., Paris (France’s capital).
  • Show potential plurals: e.g., form(s).
  • Group math terms.
  • Emphasize parts of a text.
  • Cite references in writing.
  • Highlight optional elements.
  • Surround dates or ages: e.g., Smith (1985-2020).
  • Denote translations: e.g., Hello (Hola).

Q9: $ symbol name?

$ – Dollar Sign

Definition: The $ symbol represents the currency of various countries, most notably the United States.


  • Represents US currency
  • Used in pricing goods and services
  • Appears in financial reports and statements
  • Symbolizes economic or monetary value in various contexts.

Q 10: £ symbol name?

£ Symbol Name: Pound Sterling

Definition: The £ symbol represents the currency of the United Kingdom and other territories. It’s the main symbol for the British pound sterling.


  • Represents UK currency
  • Pricing products in the UK
  • Financial reports
  • Exchange rate calculations
  • Banking and transactions in the UK and territories using the pound sterling.

Q 11: * symbol name?

Asterisk (*)

Definition: An asterisk is a small, star-shaped symbol commonly used in written material.


  • Indicate footnotes in articles.
  • Represent omitted letters in censored words.
  • Mark required fields in forms.
  • Denote special conditions or exceptions.
  • Used in computing for wildcard searches.
  • In mathematics, it’s used for multiplication.


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