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Symbols of Maths with Name in English

Symbols of Maths with Name in English
Symbols of Maths with Name in English

Mathematics, like a puzzle, uses special symbols that unlock its secrets. We’ll explore essential Symbols of Maths with Names, like “+,” “-“, “π,” and more. These symbols help us solve tricky problems and understand math better. Learning them is like learning a secret code that works in many areas. Let’s uncover their meanings together and discover the magic of math!

List of Symbols of Maths with Name

Symbol Symbol Name
+ Plus
× Multiplication
÷ Division
= Equal
< Less than
> Greater than
Less than or Equal
Greater than or Equal
π Pi
Square Root
% Percent
Belongs to
Not Equal
° Degree
Approximately Equal
× Times
Logical AND
Logical OR
~ Tilde (Negation)
Proportional To
Partial Derivative
Nabla (Gradient)
Proper Subset
Proper Superset
Bidirectional Arrow
For All
Element Of
Not an Element Of
Not a Subset Of
Not a Superset Of
Not a Subset, Not Equal
Not a Superset, Not Equal
Direct Sum
Tensor Product
Empty Set
Set Difference
Belongs to
Not Belongs to
Proper Subset
Proper Superset
Not a Subset
Not a Superset
Not a Subset, Not Equal
Not a Superset, Not Equal
Double Integral
Triple Integral
Contour Integral
Surface Integral
Volume Integral
Nabla, Gradient
Partial Derivative
Laplace Operator
Del Operator
Right Angle
Spherical Angle
Precedes or Equal
Succeeds or Equal
Symbols of Maths with Name
Symbols of Maths with Name

Maths Symbols Uses with Examples

  1. + (Plus): Represents addition. Used to combine quantities. Example: 5 + 3 = 8
  2. – (Minus): Represents subtraction. Used to find the difference between quantities. Example: 10 – 4 = 6
  3. × (Multiplication): Represents multiplication. Used to find the product of numbers. Example: 3 × 7 = 21
  4. ÷ (Division): Represents division. Used to find the quotient of numbers. Example: 12 ÷ 3 = 4
  5. = (Equal): Represents equality. Used to show that two expressions have the same value. Example: 2 + 2 = 4
  6. < (Less than): Indicates that one quantity is smaller than another. Example: 5 < 8
  7. > (Greater than): Indicates that one quantity is larger than another. Example: 10 > 7
  8. π (Pi): Represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Used in geometry and trigonometry. Example: Circumference = π × Diameter
  9. ∑ (Summation): Represents the sum of a sequence of numbers. Used in calculus and series. Example: ∑(i=1 to 5) i = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
  10. ∆ (Delta): Represents a change or difference. Used in calculus and science. Example: Δx represents the change in x.
  11. √ (Square Root): Represents the principal square root of a number. Used to find the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. Example: √25 = 5
  12. % (Percent): Represents a proportion out of 100. Used to express percentages. Example: 25% = 25/100 = 0.25
  13. ∈ (Belongs to): Indicates that an element belongs to a set. Example: x ∈ {1, 2, 3} means x is an element of the set {1, 2, 3}.
  14. ∞ (Infinity): Represents an unbounded quantity. Used in calculus and limit concepts. Example: lim(x → ∞) 1/x = 0
  15. ≠ (Not Equal): Indicates that two quantities are not equal. Example: 7 ≠ 10
  16. ° (Degree): Represents a unit of measurement for angles. Example: A right angle measures 90°.
  17. ≈ (Approximately Equal): Indicates that two quantities are nearly equal, but not exactly. Example: π ≈ 3.14159
  18. ∠ (Angle): Represents a geometric angle formed by two rays. Example: ∠ABC represents the angle at vertex B between rays BA and BC.
  19. ∴ (Therefore): Used to indicate a logical conclusion or implication. Example: If x = 3, and y = 2x + 1, then y = 7. ∴ y is equal to 7.
  20. ∵ (Because): Used to introduce the reason or cause for a statement. Example: ∵ x = 5 and y = x + 3, therefore y = 8.
  21. ∫ (Integral): Represents the concept of integration in calculus. Example: ∫ f(x) dx represents the integral of the function f(x) with respect to x.
  22. ∇ (Nabla, Gradient): Represents the gradient operator in vector calculus. Example: ∇f represents the gradient of the scalar function f.
  23. ∂ (Partial Derivative): Represents a partial derivative in calculus. Example: ∂f/∂x represents the partial derivative of the function f with respect to x.
  24. ∩ (Intersection): Represents the intersection of sets. Example: A ∩ B represents the set of elements that are in both sets A and B.
  25. ∪ (Union): Represents the union of sets. Example: A ∪ B represents the set of elements that are in either set A or set B.
  26. ∴ (Logical AND): Represents logical conjunction in propositional logic. Example: P ∧ Q is true if both propositions P and Q are true.
  27. ∨ (Logical OR): Represents logical disjunction in propositional logic. Example: P ∨ Q is true if at least one of the propositions P or Q is true.
  28. ~ (Tilde, Negation): Represents logical negation or bitwise NOT. Example: ~P is true if proposition P is false.
  29. ⇒ (Implies): Represents logical implication. Example: If it is raining (P), then the ground is wet (Q). P ⇒ Q.
  30. ∀ (For All): Represents universal quantification in logic. Example: ∀x, x > 0 means “For all x, x is greater than 0.”

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