HomeVocabularyPicture VocabularyClassroom Objects in Arabic and English

Classroom Objects in Arabic and English

In this blog post, we will help you learn the names of common classroom objects in both Arabic and English. Understanding these vocabulary words is important for improving your language skills and communicating effectively in a classroom setting. Whether you’re just starting or want to master classroom-related terms, this post will make learning easier.

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List of Classroom Objects in Arabic and English

ObjectsImagesName in Arabic
deskمَقٛعَدٛ  maqe’d
scotch tapeشَرِیٛط لِاَصِقٛ شَفَّافshrit lias shafaf
crayonقَلَمٌ مُلَوَّنٌqalamon molwanon
calculatorآلَۃٌ حَاسِبَۃٌaalaton Hasibaton


al hibr
soft boardسَبُوٛرَۃٌsaboraton






Classroom Object Vocabulary in Arabic and English
class room object Arabic vocabulary

Classroom Objects used in Sentences

  • Desk – I keep my books and pencils on my desk.
  • Scotch Tape – We use scotch tape to stick papers together.
  • Crayon – I color my drawings with a crayon.
  • Notebook – I write my homework in my notebook.
  • Calculator – A calculator helps me solve math problems.
  • Ballpoints – I use ballpoints to write neatly.
  • Highlighter – A highlighter makes important words bright.
  • Soft Board – The teacher pins notes on the soft board.
  • Glue – Glue helps me stick pictures in my book.
  • Chair – I sit on a chair while studying.
  • Eraser – I use an eraser to fix mistakes in my work.
  • Blackboard – The teacher writes lessons on the blackboard.
  • Sharpener – I need a sharpener to keep my pencil sharp.
  • Clipboard – A clipboard holds my papers together.
  • Books – Books help me learn many things.
  • Ruler – I draw straight lines with a ruler.
  • Stapler – A stapler keeps my papers together.
  • Pencil – I write my name with a pencil.
Classroom Object Vocabulary in Arabic and English
Classroom Object Vocabulary in Arabic and English


1. What is object in the classroom in English?

Here are some common objects in the classroom in English:
1. Desk
2. Chair
3. Whiteboard
4. Marker
5. Eraser
6. Book
7. Notebook
8. Pencil
9. Pen
10. Ruler
11. Computer
12. Globe
13. Scissors
14. Paper
15. Backpack
These are some of the objects you may find in a classroom!

2. What are objects in Arabic grammar?

In Arabic grammar, there are two types of objects:
1. Direct Object (المفعول به): Receives the action directly.
Example: “He reads the book.”
2. Indirect Object (المفعول فيه): Shows to or for whom the action is done.
Example: “He gave the gift to his friend.”

3. What is the combination of Arabic and English?

The combination of Arabic and English is called “Arabish” or “Engrish”. It happens when people mix both languages in speech or writing. For example:
“I will go to the market بكرة.”
“How are you? أنا بخير.”
This usually happens in places where both Arabic and English are spoken.

4. How do you teach classroom objects vocabulary?

To teach classroom objects:
1. Show pictures and say the names.
2. Label real objects in the classroom.
3. Use flashcards for matching.
4. Play matching games.
5. Have students point to objects.
6. Use songs or rhymes.
These methods make learning fun and easy!

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Classroom Object Vocabulary in Arabic and English

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