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List of Commonly Used Arabic Sentences
لَا مِرٛیَۃَفِی ذٰلِک(la miryata fi zalik)No doubt about it. |
مَاالٛخَطٛبُ؟(mal khatb)What’s the matter? |
لَیٛسَ لِھَذَا اَیُّ مَعٛنَی(liasa lihaza aeeo m’ena)It doesn’t make any sense. |
اَیُّ خِدٛمَۃٍ؟(aeeo khidmatin?)Any service for me? |
سِیَّانَ عِنٛدِی(siyaana e’ndi)It is all the same for me. |
مَھٛمَا کَانَتِ الٛاَحَوَالُ(mahama kanatil aHwalo)Whatever the case may be. |
اِعٛتَمِدٛ عَلَیَّ(e’tamid e’alaiya)Trust me. |
لِی وِجٛھَۃُ نَظَرٍ اُخٛریٰ(li wijhato nazari okhra)I have another point of view. |
لَا تَتَسَرَّعُ اَبَدًا(la tatasarra’eo Abadan)Don’t do anything hurry. |
مَا الٛعَجَبُ فِی ذٰلِکَ؟(mal e’jabo fi zalik)What is the matter of surprise in it? |
لَا اَسٛتَطِیٛعُ اَنٛ اَتَحَمَّلَ ذَلِکَ(la astati’eo un a taHammala zalik)I can’t tolerate this. |
ھَذَا لَا یَعٛنِیٛکَ فِی شَیٛءٍ(haza la yanika fi shaien)It has nothing do with you. |
مَاظَنُّکَ؟ (ma zanno ka)What do you think? |
نَھَارُکَ سَعِیٛدٌ(naharoka sa’edin)Have a nice day. |
ھَذَا اَمٛرٌمُسَلَّمٌ بِہِ(haza amron mosallimon bihi)It’s an indisputable matter. |
Here are a few simple Arabic sentences along with their English translations:
1. السلام عليكم.
(As-salamu alaykum.)
Translation: Peace be upon you. (Common greeting in Arabic)
2. كيف حالك؟
(Kayfa haluka?)
Translation: How are you? (To a male)
(Kayfa haluki?) for asking a female.
3. أنا بخير، شكراً.
(Ana bikhayr, shukran.)
Translation: I am fine, thank you.
4. ما اسمك؟
(Ma ismuka?)
Translation: What is your name? (To a male)
(Ma ismuki?) for asking a female.
5. اسمي أحمد.
(Ismi Ahmad.)
Translation: My name is Ahmad.
6. أين تسكن؟
(Ayna taskun?)
Translation: Where do you live? (To a male)
(Ayna taskuni?) for asking a female.
Here are 12 of the most commonly used words in Arabic, along with their meanings:
1. السلام (As-salaam) – Peace
2. مرحباً (Marhaban) – Hello
3. نعم (Na’am) – Yes
4. لا (La) – No
5. شكراً (Shukran) – Thank you
6. عفواً (Afwan) – You’re welcome / Excuse me
7. من فضلك (Min fadlak) – Please (to a male)
(Min fadlik) – Please (to a female)
8. كيف؟ (Kayfa?) – How?
9. ماذا؟ (Mada?) – What?
10. أين؟ (Ayna?) – Where?
11. هذا (Hatha) – This (masculine)
(Hathihi) – This (feminine)
12. أنا (Ana) – I / Me
These words are often used in everyday conversations and are great for beginners to learn when starting with Arabic.
A popular Arabic saying is:
“الصبر مفتاح الفرج”
(As-sabr miftah al-faraj)
Translation: Patience is the key to relief.
This saying highlights the value of patience in overcoming difficulties and achieving solutions to problems. It’s often used to encourage someone to remain calm and persistent during challenging times.
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