HomeWorksheetsRegular Verbs Worksheets with Answers

Regular Verbs Worksheets with Answers

Learning regular verbs is important for understanding English grammar. Regular verbs worksheets help students practice forming the past tense by simply adding “-ed” to the verb. These worksheets include fill-in-the-blank exercises, multiple-choice questions, and sentences to complete. Each section focuses on regular verbs worksheets to guide students in using past tense forms correctly and shows how regular verbs differ from irregular verbs. With answers included, students can easily check their progress and improve. These exercises are perfect for anyone wanting to build stronger grammar skills in English.

1. Fill in the Blanks with Regular Verbs in Past Tense

This worksheet will help you practice transforming regular verbs into their past forms. For each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of the given verb.

Fill in the blanks with the past tense form of each regular verb in parentheses.

  1. I ___ (walk) to school yesterday.
  2. She ___ (play) soccer in the afternoon.
  3. They ___ (visit) their grandparents last weekend.
  4. We ___ (watch) a movie together on Friday.
  5. He ___ (study) hard for his exams.
  6. The teacher ___ (explain) the lesson clearly.
  7. The children ___ (want) to play outside.
  8. My friend ___ (call) me in the evening.
  9. They ___ (stay) at a hotel during their trip.
  10. I ___ (talk) to my neighbor this morning.

2. Regular Verbs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

In this section, choose the correct past tense form of the regular verb from the options provided. Each question will help reinforce your understanding of regular verbs.

Choose the Correct past tense form of the regular verbs.

  • She ___ to the park every morning.
    (a) walks         (b) walk         (c) walked         (d) walking
  • They ___ the concert tickets yesterday.
    (a) buys         (b) bought         (c) buying         (d) buy
  • The students ___ their homework on time.
    (a) completes         (b) complete         (c) completing         (d) completed
  • We ___ to the music all evening.
    (a) listen         (b) listened         (c) listening         (d) listens
  • He ___ the meal carefully.
    (a) prepares         (b) preparing         (c) prepared         (d) prepare
  • I ___ her a letter last week.
    (a) writes         (b) write         (c) wrote         (d) written
  • The chef ___ a delicious cake.
    (a) bakes         (b) baked         (c) baking         (d) bake
  • The dog ___ in the yard.
    (a) plays         (b) playing         (c) played         (d) play
  • They ___ a plan for the weekend.
    (a) makes         (b) making         (c) made         (d) make
  • My parents ___ a new car recently.
    (a) buys         (b) bought         (c) buy         (d) buying

3. Sentence Rewrite Activity with Regular Verbs

For each sentence, rewrite it by changing the regular verb into its correct past tense form. This exercise will allow you to see how regular verbs change form in different contexts.

Rewrite sentences by changing the regular verb into past tense form.

  1. I plan my day carefully.
  2. They bake cookies every Sunday.
  3. She listens to music in the evening.
  4. We walk to the park every morning.
  5. He talks to his friend after school.
  6. The baby laughs when she sees a toy.
  7. My friend and I play soccer in the park.
  8. They clean the house on weekends.
  9. She paints beautiful pictures.
  10. I dance at parties with my friends.

4. Identify the Regular Verb in Each Sentence

This worksheet will reinforce your ability to distinguish regular verbs from irregular ones.

Identify the regular verbs in each sentence.

  1. She walked to the store yesterday.
  2. They enjoyed the concert last night.
  3. We studied for our exams all day.
  4. The students practiced for the competition.
  5. My friend baked a delicious cake.
  6. The teacher explained the lesson well.
  7. The company hired new employees.
  8. The children played in the garden.
  9. The manager called a meeting.
  10. I watched an interesting documentary.

Answers of Regular Verbs Worksheets

Fill in the BlanksMCQsSentence RewriteIdentify the Regular Verb
1. walked1. (c)1. I planned my day carefully.1. walked
2. played2. (b)2. They baked cookies every Sunday.2. enjoyed
3. visited3. (d)3. She listened to music in the evening.3. studied
4. watched4. (b)4. We walked to the park every morning.4. practiced
5. studied5. (c)5. He talked to his friend after school.5. baked
6. explained6. (c)6. The baby laughed when she saw a toy.6. explained
7. wanted7. (b)7. My friend and I played soccer in the park.7. hired
8. called8. (c)8. They cleaned the house on weekends.8. played
9. stayed9. (c)9. She painted beautiful pictures.9. called
10. talked10. (b)10. I danced at parties with my friends.10. watched

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