Learn the essential synonyms list from A to Z with example sentences. Mastering these synonyms enhances your English skills. Using various synonyms makes you sound like an expert English speaker. As an ESL trainer, I recommend learning all the synonyms in the table below to improve your proficiency.
“A synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or a phrase.”
Synonyms List A To Z
Synonyms Word List – A
Words Synonyms abundant ample accurate correct achieve accomplish active energetic adamant firm authentic genuine average ordinary awful dreadful awkward clumsy arrive reach arrogant haughty artificial fake ask question atrocious dreadful adamant unyielding amateur novice ambitious driven antagonize provoke apparent evident approve accept abandon desert abbreviate shorten ability skill able capable above overhead after following afraid frightened aggressive pushy aid assist always forever
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List A
Synonyms Word List – B
words Synonyms brief short broad wide busy working buy purchase ban outlaw barren infertile bashful timid beautiful attractive beginning initiate believe trust below under beneficial helpful best finest birth beginning blend combine bottom base brave courageous break fracture backbone spine backside bottom bad (not good) poor ballot poll believable plausible belly stomach bendy flexible beneficiant generous bid tender bizarre weird blameless innocent bloodless cold
Synonyms List PDF | Synonyms Word List – B
Synonyms Word List – C
words Synonyms care concern careful cautious cease discontinue certain positive charming delightful coarse bumpy colossal enormous combine blend comical amusing complex complicated competent capable comprehend understand complete conclude compress squeeze competent capable confine contain conflict oppose conflict struggle conform submit confuse muddle concrete real concur agree condemn censure condense concentrate confess admit chilly cool chubby plump clarify explain close shut close near
Synonyms List with Meaning in English | Synonyms Word List – C
Synonyms Word List – D
words Synonyms dally loiter damage impair demolish destroy denounce blame different distinct difficult hard divide separate decay rot deduct subtract defend protect defy resist delicate fragile dreadful terrible dry arid dubious doubtful docile tame dormant sleeping dally loiter damage hurt dangerous unsafe daring bold dead lifeless dash sprint daybreak dawn deceptive misleading decontrol deregulate dedicated committed to deduce to infer defective faulty deliberate planned
Synonyms List A to Z with Hindi Meaning | Synonyms Word List – D
Synonyms Word List – E
words Synonyms exhilarated overjoyed explicit exact exquisite delightful exterior outside extravagant extreme early premature easy simple eccentric peculiar ecstasy joy empty drain enough sufficient entirely wholly eternal always evident apparent evil bad, wrong, wicked encourage promote enemy opponent enjoy like enlarge expand enormous vast exceptional remarkable excite arouse equity fairness especially particularly essential fundamental to establish to set up to evaluate to assess everlasting eternal exactly precisely enormous huge
Synonyms List A To Z| Synonyms Word List – E
Synonyms Word List – F
words Synonyms fatigue tire feasible possible feeble weak ferocious fierce fertile fruitful forgive pardon former previous fraction part frank candid frenzy fury fancy elaborate fantastic incredible fast rapid fat chubby fatal deadly fiction fantasy fill load fix mend flaw defect flimsy frail flippant impudent fluid liquid foe enemy follow succeed forbid prohibit fabulous marvelous face confront fair honest fake imitation false incorrect
Synonyms List A To Z| Synonyms Word List – F
Synonyms Word List – G
words Synonyms generous giving gentle tender genuine real gigantic immense give donate gratitude thankfulness great outstanding gratuity tip gravestone headstone to grouse to grumble gain acquire gallant chivalrous gather collect gaudy showy gaunt scrawny to grab to seize grasping greedy gratis free of charge gala festal gallant audacious generous lavish genius brilliance grant accord, grateful appreciative grief sorrow glorify praise gloomy sullen gigantic immense
Synonyms List A To Z| Synonyms Word List – G
Synonyms Word List – H
Words Synonyms huge vast humble modest humiliate embarrass hot warm hector bully hiatus gap homeopathy treatment method hone polish hue and cry uproar high elevated hold grasp honest truthful hospitable welcoming hostile antagonistic heinous monstrous herculean formidable hermetic airtight humane gentle hydra problem hypertension high blood pressure hypothermia low body temperature humid wet handy useful hard firm hate loathe help aid handy useful holy religious hesitate pause healthy strong
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List H
Synonyms Word List – I
Words Synonyms improvise manage impugn censure impute attribute inanity stupidity incarnate personified ichor fluid idealist romantic ilk type illicit illegal imam leader ineradicable permanent inertia inactivity infallible foolproof inquisition inquiry inscrutable enigmatic inter bury immobilize halt impediment obstruction impending imminent impetuous impulsive impetus momentum impinge intrude implacable pitiless importune pester imprecation malediction impregnable unassailable incentive inducement inordinate excessive incisive keen inculcate instill indigent poor
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List I
Synonyms Word List – J
Words Synonyms juxtapose put together jealous envious joy delight jubilant overjoyed journeyman artisan joust dispute jubilee anniversary judicial legal judicious sensible juggernaut idol juncture stage junket jaunt junta military rule justify validate jingoism patriotism jitney autobus jocular funny jocund gay joist beam jeopardy threat jeremiad tirade jettison throw away jig dance jihad war jackknife pocket knife jaded fed up jargon slang , lingojejune irreverent jell take shape
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List J
Synonyms Word List – K
words Synonyms keep hold kind helpful kid child kin relative keen eager kindergarten nursery knock censure knit fasten knotty complex kudos applause kneel bow down knife cutter know recognize knowledge awareness knob grip kowtow genuflect kopje hill knell sound kunzite transparent hem kotow grovel kitchen cookhouse kidnap capture key cue king ruler kit tools kick give up kelp seaweed kill murder kayak outrigger ketchup gravy
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List K
Synonyms Word List – L
words Synonyms lodestar guiding lucidity fluency lulu beauty ligament tendon ligature binder loose slack lure attract luxurious extravagant legitimate valid lethal deadly lineage ancestry lion’s share a big share least fewest legible readable lenient lax lipid oils lissome lithe livid furious litter waste liturgy holy sacrament lament grieve large big last final lacking missing last final leading main listless lethargic logical sensible long lengthy
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List L
Synonyms Word List – M
words Synonyms militate oppose minatory menacing mirth laughter montage mixture mosaic montage mosey stroll manifestation symptom mansard hip roof matriculation admission monolithic monumental muse consider myriad numberless memento keepsake menial boring mentor teacher misanthropy unfriendliness mandala figure maneuver tactic manicured cut fingernail mesa flat tableland mesmerize captivate magnum large bottle metabolism reactions microcosm example mote blot mausoleum catacomb maverick unconventional mean represent medley mixture melange blew
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List M
Synonyms Word List – N
words Synonyms notwithstanding However, nugatory worthless numerous many neologism coinage nexus link neutral impartial Nibelung evil family having hoard of gold niche role new modern nadir pit nary neither nee need naked bare nameless anonymous napkin serviette to narrate to relate a narrative a story nip and tuck close, near non sequitur response nuance fine distinction nobility the aristocracy to nominate to appoint non-stop continuous necessary essential nightfall dusk nonchalant lackadaisical normal usual noon midday noted famous nice pleasing
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List N
Synonyms Word List – O
words Synonyms obdurate stubborn object thing obligatory compulsory opaque solid obstinate stubborn odd peculiar offend disgust ornament decoration outside external onslaught ambush obey comply ominous menacing opaque unclear open originate oblique indirect omnipotent all-powerful obsolete out of date oblivious unconscious obnoxious repulsive opponent enemy optimistic hopeful optional voluntary off-season low season to operate to function organic biological observe examine obsolete extinct ordinary usual outrageous shocking outstanding distinguished
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List O
Synonyms Word List – P
words Synonyms prompt punctual prosperous thriving proud arrogant poor destitute portion piece prevent hinder probable liable painstaking fastidious passive yielding past preceding preserve save pretty attractive prevalent widespread plausible logical plentiful abundant pliable compliant possible plausible precarious shaky precious prized patience perseverance peculiar bizarre perfect accurate prejudiced influenced premature hasty premeditated calculated permanent lasting perpetual incessant persuade influence profit benefit
Synonyms List A To Z | Synonyms List P
Synonyms Word List – Q
words Synonyms quadriceps muscle of thigh quagmire swamp quarter district queasy sick querulous difficult queue row quintessential model quorum assemblage qualified capable question ask quiet silent quit withdraw quake tremble quiet peaceful quite fairly/ pretty queen royalty quick fast quartz mineral quests search quoted repeat quaffs slurp quails shrink quainter charming quacking shake quantum amount quagmire bog queries interrogation quaestor officer quadrant fourth quietly quietly quicker quicker
Synonyms Word List Q
Synonyms Word List – R
words Synonyms resuscitate save retrench cut back riff jazz robust strong roil agitate reactionary back looking radiant joyful rakish stylish ruddy glowing rapacious grasping rapport link raze ruin reactionary back looking recapitulate repeat reciprocal inverse reclamation retrieval reclusive ascetic rectify put right red herring deviation rectify put right regnant authority relegate consign relief assistance remedial curative regime rule, renege revoke renovate modernize resonance timbre resound boom restitution reimbursement
Synonyms Word List R
Synonyms Word List – S
words Synonyms sandbagger virulent sanguine positive sarong miniskirt satiate slake satire lampoon scruple regret scrutinize examine scot work chores scuttle spoil sear flame sec second sedate cool seder ceremonial dinner sediment dregs segment slice seminary institution sagacity prudence sensibility awareness septic diseased serendipity chance sagacity prudence sampan boat sampler needle work sanatorium clinic sanctity sacredness scam swindle sceptic skeptic sciatica backache score get scorn disrespect
Synonyms Word List S
Synonyms Word List – T
words synonyms trifle drop trilogy triplet trundle push thrive prosper total complete taboo unthinkable tactile perceptible talk turkey get to point tank container tariff excise transmute transform treacly syrupy trepidation apprehension triage sorting trifle drop taxidermy artistry tchotchkes trifle telepathy sixth sense temperance control tenacious firm totem experiment traction footing tranquil restful transcend exceed transient passing tessellate form mosaic pattern therapeutic remedial tipping point change titan reputation torpid lazy
Synonym Words List T
Synonyms Word List – U
words synonyms uneducated unlettered untold boundless untouchable unpronounceable unduly excessively undying deathless unearth locate untried new unease disquiet update modify upend position untimely inopportune untiring energetic urban citified unregenerate obstinate urbane stylish upbringing rearing upchuck sick upcoming approaching undergird support untoward untoward undulate wavy undulating rolling unbiased impartial upset perturb urgent imperative uncanny creepy
Synonym Words List U
Synonyms Word List – V
words synonyms vale valley valedictory farewell speech vanquish subdue vascular conduction vacant empty vegetate stagnate vague unclear venality corruption vendetta revenge veneer finish venerable revered venomous lethal ventricle chamber veracity authenticity vertex apogee verve vigor viability possibility vintage classic vicious malicious virago strong woman virulent potent vista view viticulture grape growing vituperative scathing vociferous raucous voguism acceptance voracious hungry voraciousness hunger vortex current victory success
Synonym Words List V
Synonyms Word List – W
words synonyms Winner Victor Woman Lady Wonderful Amazing well timed timely weary lethargic win prevail wise smart wonderful splendid worn old win succeed wrong mistaken Walk Stroll Want Desire Weak Feeble Word Expression wild reckless warranty guarantee well mannered polite Write Record wholehearted sincere Woof Filling Wry misdirecting Wunderkind genius wealth assets Wadi stream Wan Pale Wheedle charm Whiplash Lash of whip
Synonyms Word List W
Synonyms Word List – X
words synonyms Xenophobic Disease Xeric Dry Xyloid Woody Xylems Woody plant Xylene Dissolver Xenial Friendly Xylol Solvent Xylose Sugar Xenografts Transplant Xenophobia Social phobia Xenodochy Hospitality Xylophones Percussion instrument X-Division Separation Xiphoid Sword-shaped Xeroxing Duplicator Xanthate Salt Xerothermic Desertic Xanthoma Skin disease Xavier Francisco Xanthe Termagant Xenogeny Tocology Xanthic Light Xmas Christmas Xebecs Clippers Xyloid Wooden Xanadu Luxury Xanthic Yellowish Xanthippe Termagant
Synonyms Word List X
Synonyms Word List – Y
words synonyms yo-yo alternate young blooming youthful active yowl bellow yowling caterwauling yearlong annual yeasty frothy yell at scold yelp bawl yenta gossiper yahoo bumpkin yak blab yank drag yap barking yard sale garage sale yardstick average yaw curve yawn Bore yearbook Record yodel sing y-fronts briefs yachter Jack yack prattle yacht Boat yackety-yak chatter yip cry yet after all yokel bucolic young bird fledgling yesterday last day
Synonyms Word List Y
Synonyms Word List – Z
words synonyms zip postal code zest flavor zigadene death camas zelkova caucasian elm zealous greedy zebra crossing pedestrian crossing zero in range in zander pike-perch zeal fire zephyr breeze zerogon apeirogon zesty hot zealously eagerly zamboni ice resurfacer zeitgeisty trendy zaftig rubenesque zaman monkey pod zincous hurry zinc vitriol white vitriol zero point nothing zealotry fanatism zeppelin rigid airship z score standard score zazaki dimli zilch nil zinc oxide chinese white zany humourless zillion ordinal zany goofball
Synonym Words List Z
1. What are the synonyms of a to z? Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings as other words. They can be used to make writing more interesting and to avoid repeating the same words.Examples of Synonyms: 1. Happy – Joyful, Cheerful, Content 2. Big – Large, Huge, Massive 3. Fast – Quick, Speedy, Swi 4. Smart – Intelligent, Clever, Bright 5. Strong – Po 6. Beautiful – Pretty, Lovely, Gorgeous
2. Here’s a list of 12 synonyms starting from A to Z: 1. Angry – Furious 2. Beautiful – Lovely 3. Cold – Chilly 4. Difficult – Hard 5. Easy – Simple 6. Fast – Quick 7. Good – Great 8. Happy – Joyful 9. Important – Significant 10. Jump – Leap 11. Kind – Caring 12. Large – Big
3. What are 12 synonyms? Here are 12 synonyms for common words: 1. Happy – Joyful 2. Big – Large 3. Fast – Quick 4. Smart – Intelligent 5. Strong – Powerful 6. Beautiful – Lovely 7. Easy – Simple 8. Old – Ancient 9. Angry – Furious 10. Quiet – Silent 11. Kind – Caring 12. Small – Tiny
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