Learn Basic Forms of verbs which are taken as a very important point to start learning vocabulary, We have also helped the learners learn how to use the various verb forms, including the root form of the verb.
Before getting into learning the forms of verbs we need to understand the terms we have used in the tables of verb forms.
Base form: It is the root form of a verb without any specific ending -ed, -ing etc. This is the verb that is often used to look up the dictionary.
Simple present tense (3rd person singular): This particular form of the verb is formed by adding s or es at the end of the base form when we have 3rd person singular as a subject.
Present participle (Continuous tense ): It is formed by adding -ing at the end of the base form when we have the continuous tenses or gerund.
Simple past tense: It is formed by adding -ed at the end of the base form of regular verbs and with irregular verbs we cannot determine what to add at the end of the base form, so we have to memorize them.
Past participle (Perfect tense) It is formed by adding -ed at the end of the base form of regular verbs and with irregular verbs we cannot determine what to add at the end of the base form, so we have to memorize them.
Verbs Forms List
Verbs Starting with A
Base form | Simple present tense (3rd person singular) |
Present participle (Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle (Perfect tense) |
Arise | Arises | Arising | Arose | Arisen |
Abide | Abides | Abiding | Abode | Abode |
Awake | Awakes | Awaking | Awoke | Awoke |
Advise | Advises | Advising | Advised | Advised |
Allow | Allows | Allowing | Allowed | Allowed |
Attend | Attends | Attending | Attended | Attended |
Arrive | Arrives | Arriving | Arrived | Arrived |
Apply | Applies | Applying | Applied | Applied |
Abuse | Abuses | Abusing | Abused | Abused |
Accuse | Accuses | Accusing | Accused | Accused |
Answer | Answers | Answering | Answered | Answered |
Appear | Appears | Appearing | Appeared | Appeared |
Appoint | Appoints | Appointing | Appointed | Appointed |
Argue | Argues | Arguing | Argued | Argued |
Agree | Agrees | Agreeing | Agreed | Agreed |
Verbs Starting with B
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Beat | Beats | Beating | Beat | Beaten |
Bear | Bears | Bearing | Bore | Born |
Become | Becomes | Becoming | Became | Become |
Begin | Begins | Beginning | Began | Begun |
Bid | Bids | Biding | Bade | Bidden |
Bid | Bids | Biding | Bid | Bid |
Bind | Binds | Binding | Bound | Bound |
Bite | Bites | Biting | Bit | Bitten |
Bleed | Bleeds | Bleeding | Bled | Bled |
Blow | Blows | Blowing | Blew | Blown |
Break | Breaks | Breaking | Broke | Broken |
Breed | Breeds | Breeding | Bred | Bred |
Bring | Brings | Bringing | Brought | Brought |
Burn | Burns | Burning | Burnt | Burnt |
Bail | Bails | Bailing | Bailed | Bailed |
Verbs Starting with C
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Catch | Catches | Catching | Caught | Caught |
Choose | Chooses | Choosing | Chose | Chosen |
Cling | Clings | Clinging | Clung | Clung |
Cleave | Cleaves | Cleaving | Cleft | Cleft |
Come | Comes | Coming | Came | Come |
Cost | Costs | Costing | Cost | Cost |
Creep | Creeps | Creeping | Crept | Crept |
Cry | Cries | Crying | Cried | Cried |
Cheat | Cheats | Cheating | Cheated | Cheat |
Cross | Crosses | Crossing | Crossed | Crossed |
Conceal | Conceals | Concealing | Concealed | Concealed |
Climb | Climbs | Climbing | Climbed | Climbed |
Compare | Compares | Comparing | Compared | Compared |
Consult | Consults | Consulting | Consulted | Consulted |
Calcify | Calcifies | Calcifying | Calcified | Calcified |
Verb Starting with D
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Dig | Digs | Digging | Dug | Dug |
Drink | Drinks | Drinking | Drank | Drunk |
Draw | Draws | Drawing | Drew | Drawn |
Direct | Directs | Directing | Directed | Directed |
Devote | Devotes | Devoting | Devoted | Devoted |
Die | Dies | Dying | Died | Died |
Drown | Drowns | Drowning | Drowned | Drowned |
Dream | Dreams | Dreaming | Dreamt | Dreamt |
Deal | Deals | Dealing | Dealt | Dealt |
Dwell | Dwells | Dwelling | Dwelt | Dwelt |
Dry | Dries | Drying | Dried | Dried |
Defeat | Defeats | Defeating | Defeated | Defeated |
Drive | Drives | Driving | Drove | Driven |
Dare | Dares | Daring | Dared | Dared |
Deal | Deals | Dealing | Dealt | Dealt |
Verb Starting with E
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Evade | Evades | Evading | Evaded | Evaded |
Elect | Elects | Electing | Elected | Elected |
Eject | Ejects | Ejecting | Ejected | Ejected |
 Edit |  Edits |  Editing | Edited | Edited |
Edify | Edifies | Edifying | Edified | Edified |
Echo | Echoes | Echoing | Echoed | Echoed |
Ebb | Ebbs | Ebbing | Ebbed | Ebbed |
Ease | Eases | Easing | Ease | Ease |
Enter | Enters | Entering | Entered | Entered |
Escape | Escapes | Escaping | Escaped | Escaped |
Eclipse | Eclipses | Eclipsing | Eclipsed | Eclipsed |
Effect | Effects | Effecting | Effected | Effected |
Earn | Earns | Earning | Earned | Earned |
Eat | Eats | Eating | Ate | Eaten |
Edify | Edifies | Edifying | Edified | Edified |
Verb Starting with F
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Fold | Folds | Folding | Folded | Folded |
Fine | Fines | Fining | Fined | Fined |
Flee | Flees | Fleeing | Fled | Fled |
 float |  floats |  floating | Floated | Floated |
Face | Faces | Facing | Faced | Faced |
Feel | Feels | Feeling | Felt | Felt |
Fail | Fails | Failing | Failed | Failed |
Fear | Fears | Fearing | feared | Feared |
Feed | Feeds | Feeding | Fed | Fed |
Fight | Fights | Fighting | Fought | Fought |
Fall | Falls | Falling | Fell | Fallen |
Find | Finds | Finding | Found | Found |
Forbid | Forbids | Forbidding | Forbade | Forbidden |
Fly | Flies | Flying | Flew | Flown |
Fake | Fakes | Faking | Faked | Faked |
Verb Starting with G
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Grip | Grips | Griping | Gripped | Gripped |
Gaze | Gazes | Gazing | Gazed | Gazed |
Gain | Gains | Gaining | Gained | Gained |
 Grant |  Grants |  Granting | Granted | Granted |
Get | Gets | Getting | Got | Gotten |
Grow | Grows | Growing | Grew | Grown |
Gamble | Gambles | Gambling | Gambled | Gambled |
Go | Goes | Going | Went | Gone |
Give | Gives | Giving | Gave | Given |
Gather | Gathers | Gathering | Gathered | Gathered |
Grind | Grinds | Grinding | Ground | Ground |
Gird | Girds | Girding | Gridded | Gridded |
Gild | Gilds | Gilding | Gilt | Gilt |
Glance | Glances | Glancing | Glanced | Glanced |
Gag | Gags | Gaging | Gagged | Gagged |
Verb Starting with H
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Have | Has | Having | Had | Had |
Hurt | Hurts | Hurting | Hurt | Hurt |
Hew | Hews | Hewing | Hewed | Hewed |
Hold | Holds | Holding | Held | Held |
Hang | Hangs | Hanging | Hung | Hung |
Hit | Hits | Hitting | Hit | Hit |
Hide | Hides | Hiding | Hid | Hidden |
Hear | Hears | Hearing | Heard | Heard |
Hate | Hates | Hating | Hated | Hate |
Help | Helps | Helping | Helped | Helped |
Hunt | Hunts | Hunting | Hunted | Hunted |
Hang | Hangs | Hanging | Hanged | Hanged |
Hack | Hacks | Hacking | Hacked | Hacked |
Hatch | Hatches | Hatching | Hatch | Hatch |
Harass | Harasses | Harassing | Harassed | Harassed |
Verb Starting with I
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Identify | Identifies | Identifying | Identified | Identified |
 Idle |  Idles |  Idling | Idled | Idled |
Idolize | Idolizes | Idolizing | Idolized | Idolized |
Incise | Incises | Incising | Incised | Incised |
Ignite | Ignites | Igniting | Ignited | Ignited |
Imagine | Imagines | Imagining | Imagined | Imagined |
Imitate | Imitates | Imitating | Imitated | Imitated |
Improvise | Improvises | Improvising | Improvised | Improvised |
Impute | Imputes | Imputing | Imputed | Imputed |
Ignore | Ignores | Ignoring | Ignored | Ignored |
Illtreat | Illtreats | Illtreating | Illtreated | Illtreated |
Incline | Inclines | Inclining | Inclined | Inclined |
Include | Includes | Including | Included | Included |
Ice | Ices | Icing | Iced | Iced |
Idealize | Idealizes | Idealizing | Idealized | Idealized |
Verb Starting with J
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Jest | Jests | Jesting | Jested | Jested |
Jib | Jibs | Jibing | Jibbed | Jibbed |
Justify | Justifies | Justifying | Justified | Justified |
Joke | Jokes | Joking | Joked | Joked |
Jag | Jags | Jagging | Jagged | Jagged |
Jam | Jams | Jamming | Jammed | Jammed |
Judge | Judges | Judging | Judge | Judged |
Joint | Joints | Jointing | Jointed | Jointed |
Juice | Juices | Juicing | Juiced | Juiced |
Jockey | Jockeys | Jockeying | Jockeyed | Jockeyed |
Join | Joins | Joining | Joined | Joined |
Jumble | Jumbles | Jumbling | Jumbled | Jumbled |
Jump | Jumps | Jumping | Jumped | Jumped |
Jabber | Jabbers | Jabbering | Jabbered | Jabbered |
Jack | Jacks | Jacking | Jacked | Jacked |
Verb Starting with K
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
knead | Kneads | Kneading | kneaded | kneaded |
kneel | Kneels | Kneeling | knelt | kneeled |
knock | Knocks | Knocking | knocked | knocked |
knot | Knots | Knotting | knotted | knotted |
knit | Knits | Knitting | knitted | knitted |
key | Keys | Keying | keyed | keyed |
kick | Kicks | Kicking | kicked | kicked |
kidnap | Kidnaps | Kidnaping | kidnapped | kidnapped |
kill | Kills | Killing | killed | killed |
kindle | Kindles | Kindling | kindled | kindled |
keel | Keels | Keeling | keeled | keeled |
keep | Keeps | keeping | kept | kept |
kiss | Kisses | Kissing | kissed | kissed |
know | Knows | Knowing | knew | known |
knuck | Knucks | knucking | knuckled | knuckled |
Verb Starting with L
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Lay | Lays | Laying | Laid | Laid |
Lead | Leads | Leading | Led | Led |
Lag | Lags | Lagging | Lagged | Lagged |
Lamb | Lambs | Lambing | Lambed | Lambed |
Laugh | Laughs | Laughing | Laughed | Laughed |
Launch | Launches | Launching | Launched | Launched |
Label | Labels | Labeling | Labelled | Labelled |
Lace | Laces | Lacing | Laced | Laced |
Lash | Lashes | Lashing | Lashed | Lashed |
Last | Lasts | Lasting | Lasted | Lasted |
Lap | Laps | Lapping | Lapped | Lapped |
Lard | Lards | Larding | Larded | Larded |
Land | Lands | Landing | Landed | Landed |
Latch | Latches | Latching | Latched | Latched |
Lath | Lathes | Lathing | Lathed | Lathed |
Verb Starting with M
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Make | Makes | Making | Made | Made |
Malt | Malts | Malting | Malted | Malted |
Mantle | Mantles | Mantling | Mantled | Mantled |
Mature | Matures | Maturing | Matured | Matured |
Mean | Means | Meaning | Meant | Meant |
Man | Mans | Manning | Manned | Manned |
Manage | Manages | Managing | Managed | Managed |
Meddle | Meddles | Meddling | Meddled | Meddled |
Mediatize | Mediatizes | Mediatizing | Mediatized | Mediatized |
Mangle | Mangles | Mangling | Mangled | Mangled |
Master | Masters | Mastering | Mastered | Mastered |
Mask | Masks | Masking | Masked | Masked |
Massacre | Massacres | Massacring | Massacred | Massacred |
Marinate | Marinates | Marinating | Marinated | Marinated |
Mark | Marks | Marking | Marked | Marked |
Verb Starting with N
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
 Neigh |  Neighs |  Neighing | Neighed | Neighed |
Nest | Nests | Nesting | Nested | Nested |
Nab | Nabs | Nabbing | Nabbed | Nabbed |
Nag | Nags | Nagging | Nagged | Nagged |
Nitrify | Nitrifies | Nitrifying | Nitrified | Nitrified |
Nod | Nods | Nodding | Nodded | Nodded |
Nip | Nips | Nipping | Nipped | Nipped |
Need | Needs | Needing | Needed | Needed |
Neglect | Neglects | Neglecting | Neglected | Neglected |
Nestle | Nestles | Nestling | Nestled | Nestled |
Nail | Nails | Nailing | Nailed | Nailed |
Name | Names | Naming | Named | Named |
Nose | Noses | Nosing | Nosed | Nosed |
Narrate | Narrates | Narrating | Narrated | Narrated |
Narrow | Narrows | Narrowing | Narrowed | Narrowed |
Verb Starting with O
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Owe | Owes | Owing | Owed | Owed |
Oil | Oils | Oiling | Oiled | Oiled |
Occur | Occurs | Occurring | Occurred | Occurred |
Operate | Operates | Operating | Operated | Operated |
Obey | Obeys | Obeying | Obeyed | Obeyed |
Object | Objects | Objecting | Objected | Objected |
Open | Opens | Opening | Opened | Opened |
Obtain | Obtains | Obtaining | Obtained | Obtained |
Offend | Offends | Offending | Offended | Offended |
Order | Orders | Ordering | Ordered | Ordered |
Objectify | Objectifies | Objectifying | Objectified | Objectified |
Oblige | Obliges | Obliging | Obliged | Obliged |
Officiate | Officiates | Officiating | Officiated | Officiated |
Ogle | Ogles | Ogling | Ogled | Ogled |
Observe | Observes | Observing | Observed | Observed |
Verb Starting with P
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Paint | Paints | Painting | Painted | Painted |
Pair | Pairs | Pairing | Paired | Paired |
Pare | Pares | Paring | Pared | Pared |
Park | Parks | Parking | Parked | Parked |
Pace | Paces | Pacing | Paced | Paced |
Pacify | Pacifies | Pacifying | Pacified | Pacified |
Participate | Participates | Participating | Participated | Participated |
Pamper | Pampers | Pampering | Pampered | Pampered |
Paper | Papers | Papering | Papered | Papered |
Parade | Parades | Parading | Paraded | Paraded |
Pad | Pads | Padding | Padded | Padded |
Paddle | Paddles | Paddling | Paddled | Paddled |
Partition | Partitions | Partitioning | Partitioned | Partitioned |
Pack | Packs | Packing | Packed | Packed |
Patch | Patches | Patching | Patched | Patched |
Verb Starting with Q
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Quintuple | Quintuples | Quintupling | Quintupled | Quintupled |
Quit | Quits | Quitting | Quit | Quit |
Qualify | Qualifies | Qualifying | Qualified | Qualified |
Quiver | Quivers | Quivering | Quivered | Quivered |
Quench | Quenches | Quenching | Quenched | Quenched |
Question | Questions | Questioning | Questioned | Questioned |
Quack | Quacks | Quacking | Quacked | Quacked |
Quadruple | Quadruples | Quadrupling | Quadrupled | Quadrupled |
Quell | Quells | Quelling | Quelled | Quelled |
Quicken | Quickens | Quickening | Quickened | Quickened |
Quilt | Quilts | Quilting | Quilted | Quilted |
Quote | Quotes | Quoting | Quoted | Quoted |
Quibble | Quibbles | Quibbling | Quibbled | Quibbled |
Quarter | Quarters | Quartering | Quartered | Quartered |
Quaver | Quavers | Quavering | Quavered | Quavered |
Verb Starting with R
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Rain | Rains | Raining | Rained | Rained |
Redraw | Redraws | Redrawing | Redrew | Redrawn |
Reduce | Reduces | Reducing | Reduced | Reduced |
Redo | Redoes | Redoing | Redid | Redone |
Raise | Raises | Raising | Raised | Raised |
Rake | Rakes | Raking | Raked | Raked |
Reel | Reels | Reeling | Reeled | Reeled |
Race | Races | Racing | Raced | Raced |
Rack | Racks | Racking | Racked | Racked |
Ramble | Rambles | Rambling | Rambled | Rambled |
Rage | Rages | Raging | Raged | Raged |
Raid | Raids | Raiding | Raided | Raided |
Reek | Reeks | Reeking | Reeked | Reeked |
Ramp | Ramps | Ramping | Ramped | Ramped |
Ransack | Ransacks | Ransacking | Ransacked | Ransacked |
Verb Starting with S
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Scream | Screams | Screaming | Screamed | Screamed |
See | Sees | Seeing | Saw | Seen |
Sail | Sails | Sailing | Sailed | Sailed |
Score | Scores | Scoring | Scored | Scored |
Satisfy | Satisfies | Satisfying | Satisfied | Satisfied |
Save | Saves | Saving | Saved | Saved |
Search | Searches | Searching | Searched | Searched |
Saw | Saws | Sawing | Sawed | Sawn |
Say | Says | Saying | Said | Said |
Seek | Seeks | Seeking | Sought | Sought |
Seem | Seem | Seeming | Seemed | Seemed |
Scald | Scalds | Scalding | Scalded | Scalded |
Scale | Scales | Scaling | Scaled | Scaled |
Scare | Scares | Scaring | Scared | Scared |
Score | Scores | Scoring | Scored | Scored |
Verb Starting with T
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Tag | Tags | Tagging | Tagged | Tagged |
Tar | Tars | Taring | Tarred | Tarred |
Tariff | Tariffs | Tariffing | Tariffed | Tariffed |
Tail | Tails | Tailing | Tailed | Tailed |
Tear | Tears | Tearing | Tore | Torn |
Talk | Talks | Talking | Talked | Talked |
Take | Takes | Taking | Took | Taken |
Teem | Teems | Teeming | Teemed | Teemed |
Telegraph | Telegraphs | Telegraphing | Telegraphed | Telegraphed |
Teach | Teaches | Teaching | Taught | Taught |
Tack | Tacks | Tacking | Tacked | Tacked |
Tackle | Tackles | Tackling | Tackled | Tackled |
Tap | Taps | Taping | Tapped | Tapped |
Taunt | Taunts | Taunting | Taunted | Taunted |
Taste | Tastes | Tasting | Tasted | Tasted |
Verb Starting with U
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Usurp | Usurps | Usurping | Usurped | Usurped |
Ulcerate | Ulcerates | Ulcerating | Ulcerated | Ulcerated |
Unbar | Unbars | Unbarring | Unbarred | Unbarred |
Utter | Utters | Uttering | Uttered | Uttered |
Utilize | Utilizes | Utilizing | Utilized | Utilized |
Uncover | Uncovers | Uncovering | Uncovered | Uncovered |
Uncurl | Uncurls | Uncurling | Uncurled | Uncurled |
Uproot | Uproots | Uprooting | Uprooted | Uprooted |
Upset | Upsets | Upsetting | Upset | Upset |
Use | Uses | Using | Used | Used |
Uncork | Uncorks | Uncorking | Uncorked | Uncorked |
Uncouple | Uncouples | Uncoupling | Uncoupled | Uncoupled |
Urge | Urges | Urging | Urged | Urged |
Unbolt | Unbolts | Unbolt | Unbolted | Unbolted |
 Unbox |  Unboxes |  Unbox | Unboxed | Unboxed |
Verb Starting with V
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Vacate | Vacates | Vacating | Vacated | Vacated |
Validate | Validates | Validating | Validated | Validated |
Validate | Validates | Validating | Validated | Validated |
Vaccinate | Vaccinates | Vaccinating | Vaccinated | Vaccinated |
Vibrate | Vibrates | Vibrating | Vibrated | Vibrated |
Vamp | Vamps | Vamping | Vamped | Vamped |
Verify | Verifies | Verifying | Verified | Verified |
Varnish | Varnishes | Varnishing | Varnished | Varnished |
Vary | Varies | Varying | Varied | Varied |
Visit | Visits | Visiting | Visited | Visited |
Value | Values | Valuing | Valued | Valued |
Versify | Versifies | Versifying | Versified | Versified |
Visualize | Visualizes | Visualizing | Visualized | Visualized |
 Vault |  Vaults |  Vaulting | Vaulted | Vaulted |
Violate | Violates | Violating | Violated | Violated |
Verb Starting with W
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Wait | Waits | Waiting | Waited | Waited |
Wake | Wakes | Waking | Waked | Woken |
Waste | Wastes | Wasting | Wasted | Wasted |
Watch | Watches | Watching | Watched | Watched |
Walk | Walks | Walking | Walked | Walked |
Wall | Walls | Walling | Walled | Walled |
Wash | Washes | Washing | Washed | Washed |
Waste | Wastes | Wasting | Wasted | Wasted |
Wane | Wanes | Waning | Waned | Waned |
Want | Wants | Wanting | Wanted | Wanted |
Wear | Wears | Wearing | Wore | Worn |
Warble | Warbles | Warbling | Warbled | Warbled |
Weave | Weaves | Weaving | Wove | Woven |
Wade | Wades | Wading | Waded | Waded |
Wag | Wags | Waging | Wagged | Wagged |
Verb Starting with Y
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Yank | Yanks | Yanking | Yanked | Yanked |
Yawn | Yawns | Yawning | Yawned | Yawned |
Yelp | Yelps | Yelping | Yelped | Yelped |
Yellow | Yellows | Yellowing | Yellowed | Yellowed |
Verb Starting with Z
Base form | Simple present tense
(3rd person singular) |
Present participle
(Continuous tense ) |
Simple past tense | Past participle
(Perfect tense) |
Zest | Zests | Zesting | Zested | Zested |
Zip | Zips | Zipping | Zipped | Zipped |
 Zigzag |  Zigzags |  Zigzagging | Zigzagged | Zigzagged |
Zone | Zones | Zoning | Zoned | Zoned |
The 3 forms of a verb are:
1. Base Form (V1): The original form of the verb.
Example: play, eat, run.
2. Past Form (V2): Shows action in the past.
Example: played, ate, ran.
3. Past Participle (V3): Used with “have” or “had”.
Example: played, eaten, run.
Here are the verb forms from V1 to V5:
V1 (Base Form): The original form of the verb.
Example: play, eat, go.
V2 (Past Form): Shows action in the past.
Example: played, ate, went.
V3 (Past Participle): Used with “have” or “had”.
Example: played, eaten, gone.
V4 (Present Participle): The “-ing” form of the verb.
Example: playing, eating, going.
V5 (Third Person Singular): Used with “he,” “she,” or “it”.
Example: plays, eats, goes.
Here is a list of verb forms in English from A to Z:
Ask: asked, asking
Be: was/were, being, been
Come: came, coming, come
Do: did, doing, done
Eat: ate, eating, eaten
Find: found, finding, found
Go: went, going, gone
Have: had, having
Inspire: inspired, inspiring
Jump: jumped, jumping
Know: knew, knowing, known
Look: looked, looking
Make: made, making
Need: needed, needing
Open: opened, opening
Play: played, playing
Quit: quit, quitting
Run: ran, running, run
Speak: spoke, speaking, spoken
Take: took, taking, taken
Understand: understood, understanding
Visit: visited, visiting
Write: wrote, writing, written
Yell: yelled, yelling
Zoom: zoomed, zooming
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