HomeVocabulary500 Regular Verbs List PDF | Verbs Starting with E

500 Regular Verbs List PDF | Verbs Starting with E

In this blog post, you will learn about 500 regular verbs that are essential for everyday English. These verbs follow a simple pattern, making them easy to use in sentences. You’ll also find a special section for verbs starting with E, helping you expand your vocabulary quickly. By understanding these regular verbs, you can improve your writing and speaking skills. To learn more vocabulary on different topics, check out our full collection at Vocabulary Category.

500 Regular Verbs List PDF

Base Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle

(Perfect Tense)

Urdu Meanings
experiment experimented experimented تجربہ
expiate expiated expiated بھڑکانا
expire expired expired میعاد ختم
explain explained explained وضاحت
explode exploded exploded پھٹا
exploit exploited exploited استحصال کرنا
explore explored explored دریافت کرنا
export exported exported برآمد کرنا
enthrone enthroned enthroned تخت نشینی ہونا
enthuse enthused enthused جوش دلانا
entice enticed enticed آمادہ کرنا
entitle entitled enticed حقدارہونا
entomb entombed entombed داخلیہ
entrap   entrapped entrapped لپیٹنا
entreat entreated entreated التجا کرنا
erase erased erased مٹانا
erect erected erected کھڑا
erode eroded eroded خراب کرنا
err erred erred غلطی ہونا
erupt erupted erupted پھوٹنا
escape escaped escaped فرار ہونا
escort escorted escorted تخرکشک کرنا
establish established established قائم کرنا
exacerbate exacerbated exacerbated بڑھ جانا
exaggerate exaggerated exaggerated مبالغہ آرائی کرنا
exalt exalted exalted بلند کرنا
examine examined examined جانچنا
exasperate exasperated exasperated مایوس ہونا
excavate excavated excavated کھدائ کرنا
exceed exceeded exceeded حدسےزیادہ ہونا
excel excelled excelled  فائق ہونا
exempt exempted exempted چھوٹنا
exercise exercised exercised ورزش کرنا
exert exerted exerted استعمال کرنا
exfoliate exfoliated exfoliated  چھلکا اتارنا
exhale exhaled exhaled سانس چھوڑنا
exhaust exhausted exhausted راستہ ہونا
exhibit exhibited exhibited نمائش کرنا
exhort exhorted exhorted نصیحت کرنا
exonerate exonerated exonerated بوجھ اتارنا
exorcise exorcised exorcised بھڑک اٹھنا
expand expanded expanded پھیلانا
expatriate expatriated expatriated غیر ملکی ہونا
expect expected expected توقع کرنا
expectorate expectorated expectorated تھوکنا
expedite expedited expedited تیز کرنا
expel expelled  / expelled expelled بے دخل ہونا
excise excised excised  ہٹا دینا
excite excited excited جوش و خروش ہونا
exclaim exclaimed exclaimed چیخنا
exclude excluded excluded خارج کریں
excommunicate excommunicated excommunicated خارج کرنا
excrete excreted excreted کھودنا
excuse excused excused عذر
execrate execrated execrated پھانسی
estrange estranged estranged ایسٹرانج
eurpeanise eurpeanised europeanized یوروپینس
evacuate evacuated evacuated خالی کرنا
evade evaded evaded بچنا
evaluate evaluated evaluated اندازہ
evaporate evaporated evaporated بخارات
even evened evened یہاں تک کہ
evict evicted evicted بے دخل کرنا
enthrone enthroned enthroned تخت نشینی
entice enticed enticed آمادہ کرنا
entomb entombed entombed داخلیہ
entrap   entrapped entrapped لپیٹنا
entreat entreated entreated التجا کرنا
expose exposed exposed بے نقاب
express expressed expressed اظہار
expropriate expropriated expropriated مناسب
expurgate expurgated expurgated پھیلانا
extend extended extended توسیع
extenuate extenuated extenuated ختم کرنا
entrench entrenched entrenched گھسنا
entrust entrusted entrusted سپرد کرنا
equip equipped equipped لیس کرنے کی
eradicate eradicated eradicated مٹانا
esteem esteemed esteemed عزت
estimate estimated estimated اندازہ لگانا
evoke evoked evoked منگوانا
evolve evolved evolved تیار
except excepted excepted سوائے
exchange exchanged exchanged تبادلہ
execute executed executed پھانسی
exemplify exemplified exemplified مثال دینا
exile exiled exiled جلاوطنی
expend expended expended خرچ کرنا
experience experienced experienced تجربہ کرنا
evade evaded evaded اجتناب کرنا
elect elected elected چننا
eject ejected ejected نکالنا
edit edited edited ترمیم ہونا
edify edified edified ترمیم کرنا
echo echoed echoed بازگشت کرنا
ebb ebbed ebbed اترنا
ease ease ease آسان ہونا
enter entered entered داخل کرنا
escape escaped escaped فرار ہونا
eclipse eclipsed eclipsed گرھن ہونا
effect effected effected اثر ہونا
earn earned earned کمانا
eat ate eaten کھانا
Verbs Starting with E | Regular & Irregular Verbs | Download PDF
Verbs Starting with E | Regular & Irregular Verbs | Download PDF
Words Starting With E - English Vocabulary Word List
Words Starting With E – English Vocabulary Word List
500 Regular Verbs List PDF
500 Regular Verbs List PDF
English Verbs Starting with E
English Verbs Starting with E
500 Regular Verbs List PDF | Verbs Starting with E
500 Regular Verbs List PDF | Verbs Starting with E


1. What are the verb that start with e?

Here are some verbs that start with the letter “E”:
1. Eat
2. Enter
3. Examine
4. Escape
5. Enjoy
6. Enlarge
7. Earn
8. Encourage
These are just a few examples of verbs that begin with “E.”

2. What is an action word that starts with E?

An action word that starts with “E” is eat.
It describes the action of consuming food.

3. Which verb chain starts with e?

Here’s an example of a verb chain that starts with “E”:
1. Eat
2. Enjoy
3. Exercise
4. Expand
5. Explore
These verbs form a chain of actions, all starting with the letter “E.”

4. What are examples of be verbs?

Examples of be verbs (also known as linking verbs) include:
1. Am
2. Is
3. Are
4. Was
5. Were
6. Be
7. Being
8. Been
These verbs are used to link the subject of a sentence with a subject complement or describe a state of being.

5. What are verb examples?

Here are some examples of verbs (action words) that describe actions, states, or occurrences:
1. Run
2. Eat
3. Write
4. Speak
5. Sing
6. Read
7. Jump
8. Think
9. Dance
10. Sleep
These words show different actions or states that people, animals, or things can perform.

6. What are regular verbs?

Regular verbs are verbs that follow a standard pattern when changing from present to past tense and past participle. They usually add -ed at the end of the base form.
1. Walk → Walked
2. Talk → Talked
3. Play → Played
4. Jump → Jumped
5. Work → Worked
These verbs are easy to form in past tenses by adding -ed.

Verbs Starting with E PDF Lesson

Verbs Starting with E | Regular & Irregular Verbs | Download PDF

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