A or An Worksheets with Answers in English


Learning English can be fun and easy, especially with tools like a or an Worksheets. These worksheets help you understand when to use ‘a’ and when to use ‘an’ in sentences. It’s a simple thing, but very important in English. The a or an Exercise in these worksheets makes learning this rule easy and clear. You get to practice a lot, and this helps you remember better. Whether you are just starting to learn English or improving it, these worksheets are a great help. They make learning this basic rule of English clear and easy to remember. For anyone learning English, these worksheets are a must-have. They are not just for grammar but also for making your English better every day.

A or an Worksheets

Worksheet 1: fill in the blanks using a or an.

  1. I want ___ cup of coffee.
  2. She has ___ interesting story to tell.
  3. He needs ___ new pair of shoes.
  4. It’s ___ exciting adventure.
  5. I saw ___ movie last night.
  6. She adopted ___ stray cat.
  7. He is ___ experienced teacher.
  8. We had ___ amazing time at the party.
  9. She bought ___ beautiful dress.
  10. I need ___ umbrella because it’s raining.
  11. He is ___ talented musician.
  12. It’s ___ sunny day.
  13. She found ___ old book at the bookstore.
  14. We saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
  15. He is ___ skilled carpenter.
  16. I have ___ idea for a project.
  17. She wants to be ___ doctor.
  18. It was ___ unexpected surprise.
  19. I met ___ interesting person at the event.
  20. She is ___ artist.
  21. He is ___ responsible student.
  22. I saw ___ shooting star last night.
  23. She needs ___ new computer.
  24. He has ___ adorable puppy.
  25. We had ___ delicious meal at the restaurant.
25 Sentences using a or an Worksheets with Answers. A or an Worksheets.
A or an Worksheets


A or an Worksheets with Answers. Worksheet a or an.
A  An Worksheet

Worksheet 2: Choose the Correct option.

  • ________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

a) An       b) A

  • Mount Everest is ________ highest peak in the world.

a) the      b) a

  • I saw ________ interesting movie last night.

a) an       b) a

  • Can I have ________ orange, please?

a) an       b) a

  • There is ________ elephant in the zoo.

a) an       b) a

  • She is ________ excellent student.

a) an       b) a

  • We need ________ new car for the family.

a) a        b) an

  • My sister has ________ beautiful garden.

a) an      b) a

  • I need ________ umbrella because it’s raining.

a) an       b) a

  • He bought ________ expensive watch.

a) an       b) a

  • I found ________ interesting book at the library.

a) an       b) a

  • She is ________ expert in her field.

a) an       b) a

  • ________ owl is a nocturnal bird.

a) An       b) A

  • I need ________ advice on this matter.

a) an       b) a

  • It’s ________ honor to meet you.

a) an       b) a

  • He is ________ honest person.

a) an      b) a

  • Can I borrow ________ pen, please?

a) a       b) an

  • She has ________ incredible talent for singing.

a) an      b) a

  • There is ________ hour left before the meeting.

a) an      b) a

  • I want ________ ice cream for dessert.

a) an       b) a

A or An Worksheet and Exercises. Indefinite Article Worksheets. Choose the correct option using A or An Worksheets
A or An Worksheets

Answers of Worksheet 1:


an:- 2,4,7,8,10,13,14,16,18,19,20,24

Answers of Worksheet 2:

  • b) A
  • b) a
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) a
  • a) a
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) An
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) a
  • a) an
  • a) an
  • a) an

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