In this blog post, you will learn basic English words that are essential for daily conversations. These words will help you build a strong foundation in English and improve your communication skills. Whether you are just starting or want to strengthen your vocabulary, this list is a valuable resource to master the right words for different situations. Keep reading to enhance your language skills effectively.
To learn more vocabulary on different topics, visit our vocabulary category.
English words List for Daily Use
Agree | Medical | Race |
Agreement | Meet | Radio |
Ahead | Meeting | Raise |
Attack | Member | Range |
Attention | Memory | Rate |
Attorney | Mention | Rather |
Audience | Message | Reach |
Author | Method | Read |
Authority | Middle | Ready |
Available | Might | Real |
Avoid | Military | Reality |
Away | Million | Realize |
Baby | Mind | Really |
Back | Language | Reason |
Bad | Large | Receive |
Bag | Last | Recent |
Listen | Late | Recently |
Little | Later | Recognize |
Live | Laugh | Record |
Local | Law | Red |
Long | Lawyer | Reduce |
Look | Lay | Remove |
Lose | Lead | Report |
Loss | Leader | Represent |
Lot | Learn | Republican |
Love | Least | Require |
Low | Leave | Research |
Machine | Left | Resource |
Magazine | Leg | Respond |
Main | Legal | Response |
Maintain | Less | Responsibility |
Major | Let | Remove |
Majority | Letter | Rich |
Make | Level | Right |
Mother | Lie | Rise |
Mouth | Life | Risk |
Move | Light | Road |
Movement | Like | Rock |
Movie | Likely | Role |
Love | Line | Room |
Low | List | Rule |
Much | Listen | Run |
Music | Little | Safe |
School | Six | Sound |
Science | Size | Source |
Scientist | Skill | South |
Score | Skin | Southern |
Sea | Small | Space |
Season | Smile | Speak |
Seat | So | Special |
Second | Social | Specific |
Section | Society | Speech |
Security | Soldier | Spend |
See | Some | Sport |
Seek | Somebody | Spring |
Seem | State | Whom |
Sell | Statement | Whose |
Send | Station | Why |
Senior | Stay | Wide |
Sense | Step | Wife |
Shake | Still | Will |
Share | Stock | Win |
She | Stop | Wind |
Shoot | Store | Window |
Short | Story | Wish |
Shot | Wait | With |
Should | Walk | Within |
Shoulder | Wall | Without |
Show | Want | Woman |
Side | War | Wonder |
Sign | Watch | You |
Significant | Water | Young |
Similar | Way | Your |
Simple | We | Yourself |
Subject | Weapon | Teach |
Success | Wear | Teacher |
Successful | Week | Team |
Such | Weight | Technology |
Suddenly | Well | Television |
Suffer | West | Tell |
Suggest | Western | Ten |
Summer | What | Tend |
Support | Whatever | Term |
Sure | When | Test |
Surface | Yard | Than |
System | Yeah | Thank |
Table | Year | That |
Take | Yes | The |
Talk | Yet | Their |
Themselves | Past | Process |
Then | Patient | Produce |
Theory | Pattern | Product |
There | Pay | Production |
These | Peace | Professional |
They | People | Professor |
Thing | Per | Program |
Think | Perform | Project |
Third | Performance | Property |
This | Perhaps | Protect |
Those | Period | Prove |
Though | Person | Provide |
Thought | Personal | Public |
Thousand | Phone | Pull |
Threat | Physical | Fact |
Three | Pick | Factor |
Through | Picture | Fail |
Throughout | Piece | Fall |
Traditional | Place | Family |
Training | Plan | Far |
Travel | Point | Fast |
Treat | Police | Father |
Treatment | Policy | Fear |
Tree | Political | Federal |
Trial | Politics | Feel |
Trip | Poor | Feeling |
Trouble | Popular | Few |
True | Population | Field |
Truth | Position | Fight |
Try | Positive | Figure |
Turn | Possible | Fill |
Tv | Power | Financial |
Two | Practice | Find |
Type | Prepare | Fine |
Under | Present | Finger |
Page | President | Finish |
Pain | Pressure | Fire |
Painting | Pretty | Firm |
Paper | Prevent | First |
Parent | Price | Fish |
Part | Foreign | Five |
Participant | Forget | Floor |
Particular | Form | Fly |
Particularly | Former | Focus |
Partner | Forward | Follow |
Party | Four | Food |
Front | Eat | Certain |
Full | Economic | Certainly |
Fund | Economy | Chair |
Future | Edge | Challenge |
Game | Education | Chance |
Garden | Effect | Change |
Bar | Effort | Character |
Base | Eight | Charge |
Be | Either | Check |
Beat | Election | Child |
Beautiful | Else | Choice |
Because | Employee | Choose |
Become | End | Church |
Bed | Energy | Citizen |
Before | Enjoy | City |
Begin | Enough | Class |
Behavior | Enter | Clear |
Behind | Entire | Clearly |
Believe | Environment | Close |
Benefit | Even | Coach |
Best | Evening | Cold |
Better | Event | Collection |
Between | Ever | College |
Beyond | Every | Color |
Big | Everybody | Come |
Bill | Everyone | Commercial |
Black | Everything | Common |
Blood | Evidence | Community |
Blue | Exactly | Company |
Board | Example | Compare |
Body | Executive | Computer |
Book | Exist | Concern |
Born | Expect | Consumer |
Both | Experience | Contain |
Box | Candidate | Continue |
Boy | Capital | Control |
Break | Car | Cost |
Bring | Card | Could |
Brother | Care | Country |
Budget | Career | Couple |
Build | Carry | Course |
Building | Case | Court |
Business | Catch | Cover |
But | Cause | Create |
Early | Center | Crime |
East | Central | Cultural |
Customer | Data | Game |
Cut | Daughter | Garden |
Argue | Day | Gas |
Arm | Dead | General |
Around | Deal | Generation |
Arrive | Death | Get |
Art | Debate | Girl |
Article | Decade | Give |
Artist | Decide | Glass |
As | Decision | Go |
Ask | Deep | Goal |
Assume | Defense | Good |
At | Degree | Government |
Air | Democrat | Great |
All | Democratic | Green |
Allow | Describe | Ground |
Almost | Detail | Group |
Able | Determine | Grow |
About | Develop | Growth |
Above | Development | Improve |
Accept | Die | In |
According | Difference | Include |
Alone | Different | Including |
Along | Difficult | Increase |
Already | Dinner | Indeed |
Also | Direction | Indicate |
Although | Director | Individual |
Always | Discover | Industry |
American | Discuss | Information |
Among | Discussion | Inside |
Amount | Do | Instead |
Analysis | Doctor | Institution |
And | Dog | Interest |
Animal | Door | Interesting |
Another | Down | International |
Answer | Draw | Interview |
Any | Dream | Into |
Anyone | Drive | Investment |
Anything | Drop | Involve |
Appear | Drug | It |
Apply | During | Item |
Approach | Idea | It  Self |
Across | Identify | Nothing |
Act | If | Notice |
Action | Image | Now |
Activity | Imagine | Not |
Name | High | Jungle |
Nation | Him | Jumper |
National | Himself | Jumble |
Natural | His | Judge |
Nature | History | Juice |
Near | Hit | Joint |
Nearly | Hold | Journey |
Necessary | Home | Junction |
Need | Hope | Jewelry |
Network | Hospital | Jingle |
Never | Hot | July |
New | Hotel | Japan |
News | Hour | June |
Newspaper | House | Occur |
Next | How | Of |
Nice | Job | Off |
Night | Join | Offer |
No | Just | Office |
None | Jovial | Officer |
Nor | Jaunty | Official |
North | Jolly | Often |
Half | Jocular | Oh |
Hand | Joking | Oil |
Hang | Jaw-Dropping | Ok |
Happen | Justified | Old |
Happy | Jewel | On |
Hard | Jubilant | Once |
Have | Jubilee | One |
He | Jawbreaker | Only |
Head | Jar | Onto |
Health | Jaw | Open |
Hear | Jeep | Operation |
Heart | Jellybeans | Opportunity |
Heat | Jupiter | Or |
Heavy | Jam | Order |
Help | Jug | Organization |
Her | Jeans | Other |
Here | Joystick | Others |
Keep | Jam | Our |
Key | Jet | Out |
Kid | Jelly | Outside |
Kill | Jacket | Over |
Kind | Jackpot | Own |
Kitchen | Jail | Owner |
Know | Junior | Outsider |
Knowledge | Jersey | Outstanding |
Quality | Value | Vow |
Question | Various | Visa |
Quickly | Very | Vacuum |
Quite | Victim | Veins |
Queen | View | Vending  Machine |
Quack | Violence | Video |
Quick | Visit | Vehicles |
Quilt | Voice | Virus |
Quit | Vote | Vinegar |
Quiz | Vase | Vineyard |
Quail | Van | Vinyl |
Quantity | Violet | Voluminous |
Quarrel | Vet | Vacuous |
Quart | Victory | Vertigo |
Quarter | Vanilla | Vivid |
Quartz | Visitor | Visionary |
Quench | Vein | Victorious |
Quest | Viper | Vogue |
Quotes | Vegetable | Versed |
Qualify | Volcano | Victor |
Query | Velvet | Arise |
Quintessential | Vulture | Abuse |
Quick-Witted | Vest | Bleed |
Quotable | Violin | Calcify |
Quintessential | Vacuum | Cling |
Under | Vast | Cost |
Understand | Valley | Creep |
Unit | Vanity | Devote |
Until | Villa | Dwell |
Up | Village | Dream |
Upon | Vowels | Eject |
Us | Voice | Forbid |
Use | Valid | Flee |
Usually | Valuable | Gird |
Xanthic | Vanish | Gild |
Xanthous | Vary | Harass |
Xenophobic | Valued | Hang |
Xyloid | Vacation | Incline |
Xylophonic | Vibrate | Incline |
Xerox | Vision | Imitate |
X-Rayed | Vocal | Incise |
X-Irradiate | Various | Ignite |
Xenograft | Visual | Jabber |
X-Ray | View | Mangle |
Xydis | Viral | Neigh |
Xylophone | Video | Nag |
Nitrify | Zigzag | Misplace |
Ogle | Zone | Perceive |
Pare | Zest | Rough |
Parade | Zip | Wealth |
Pad | Allude | Purchase |
Ramble | Elude | Children |
Tariff | Altar | Pay |
Teem | Bring  Up | Elevate |
Telegraph | Grow  Up | Happened |
Ulcerate | Capitol | Abate |
Unbar | Incite | Abolish |
Unbolt | Pique | Acrimony |
Uncork | Witch | Bawdy |
Uncork | Sorceress | Comprise |
Uproot | Feeble | Forsake |


English basic words are simple words we use every day. These words help us talk, write, and understand others. They are great for beginners learning English. Here are some examples:
1. Things (nouns): cat, dog, car, house, book.
2. Actions (verbs): run, eat, play, talk, sleep.
3. Describing words (adjectives): big, small, happy, sad, good.
4. People words (pronouns): I, you, he, she, we, they.
5. Place words (prepositions): on, in, at, under, with.
Here are the 12 most common words in English with capitalization:
1. The
2. Be
3. To
4. Of
5. And
6. A
7. In
8. That
9. Have
10. I
11. It
12. For
Here’s an easy way to learn 12 English words daily:
1. Pick 12 Words: Choose words from a list or book.
2. Write Them Down: Write each word and its meaning.
3. Make Sentences: Use each word in a simple sentence.
4. Repeat Often: Say the words and meanings out loud.
5. Use Flashcards: Quiz yourself with flashcards.
6. Practice: Use the words when talking or writing.
Do this every day, and you’ll learn new words quickly!
The 850 Basic English words are a small list of simple, everyday words created by Charles Kay Ogden to help people learn English easily. These words are enough for basic communication.
Examples of the 850 Basic Words:
1. Nouns: apple, book, house, water, day
2. Verbs: come, go, make, see, take
3. Adjectives: big, small, good, bad, red
4. Connectors: and, or, if, but, because
The goal of Basic English is to make learning simple for beginners by focusing on practical, everyday words.
Here are simple tips to speak good English:
1. Practice every day.
2. Listen to English (movies, songs, podcasts).
3. Learn new words.
4. Practice pronunciation.
5. Use short sentences.
6. Think in English.
7. Read aloud.
8. Be confident.
Keep practicing, and you’ll improve!
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