
Learn The Names of Birds in English and Fun Facts

All birds Names in English
All birds Names in English

When we talk about Names of Birds in English, we’re simply listing the different types of birds you might see or hear about. Learning Names of Birds is like adding words to your everyday language. It helps you know more about the birds you come across. With Birds Names, you can talk about birds more clearly and share what you know with others. This Birds Vocabulary is a good starting point for anyone interested in birds, making it easier to learn and remember their names.

Names of Birds in English

Names of Birds Birds Picture 
goose Birds Name
eagle Birds Name
hen Birds Name
sparrow Birds Name
turkey Birds Name
hawk Birds Name
bald eagle Birds Name
seagull Birds Name
swallow Birds Name 
crow Birds Name
dove Birds Name
raven Birds Name
parrot Birds Name
flamingo Birds Name
rooster Birds Name
chick Birds Name 
vulture Birds Name
peacock Birds Name
stork Birds Name
falcon Birds Name
woodpecker Birds Name
wood duck Birds Name
penguin Birds Name
ostrich Birds Name

Birds Names in English

The Sparrow is a small, social bird often seen in gardens. It belongs to the family Passeridae. They have brown, white, and gray feathers, short wings, and a small beak perfect for seeds. Sparrows lay small, speckled eggs in cozy, hidden nests. They chirp and tweet, especially at dawn and dusk. Sparrows can fly, but they’re usually seen hopping around on the ground.

An Eagle is a large, powerful bird from the Accipitridae family. They have broad wings and strong, hooked beaks for hunting. Eagles have heavy bodies covered with dark feathers. Their large eggs are laid in high nests, often on cliffs or tall trees. Eagles have a piercing call and are excellent flyers, soaring high in the sky.

The Robin, from the Thrush family (Turdidae), is known for its red chest. It has a neat, round body with a thin beak suitable for worms and insects. Their eggs are blueish and are kept in well-crafted nests. Robins are melodious singers with a sweet song. They can fly fast, usually close to the ground.

A Hawk is a bird of prey in the Accipitridae family, with sharp talons and curved beaks. They have strong wings and feathers that can be brown, gray, or reddish. Hawks lay eggs in large nests high up in trees or on cliffs. They have a distinctive screeching call and are excellent at flying, able to dive at high speeds.

Blue Jay
The Blue Jay, part of the Corvidae family, is noticeable for its bright blue feathers and loud calls. They have strong wings and a sturdy beak for nuts and seeds. Blue Jays lay white or blue eggs in cup-like nests. Known for their intelligence, they have a variety of vocal sounds and are strong, agile flyers.

A Pigeon, belonging to the Columbidae family, is a common city bird with gray feathers, short wings, and small beaks. They are known for their soft cooing sounds. Pigeons make simple nests for their white eggs and are great at flying long distances, often used as messenger birds in history.

The Cardinal is a vibrant bird from the family Cardinalidae, with males sporting bright red feathers. They have short, stout beaks for seeds and strong wings. Their eggs are laid in hidden nests, and their distinctive whistles and songs are a treat to hear. Cardinals are good flyers, often darting between bushes.

Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle, America’s national symbol, is part of the Accipitridae family. It has a white head, dark body, large hooked beak, and broad wings. They lay eggs in massive nests, known as aeries, and have a bold, powerful call. Their flying is majestic, with a great ability to glide on air currents.

Finches are small, colorful birds from the Fringillidae family. They have bright feathers, short wings, and strong beaks for seeds. Their eggs are small, and they create cozy nests in trees or bushes. Finches have a lovely, twittering song and are capable of swift, bouncy flight.

A Swallow is a small, agile bird from the Hirundinidae family. They have sleek bodies with long wings and pointed beaks for catching insects mid-air. Swallows lay their eggs in neat mud nests and are known for their chirpy songs. They are fantastic flyers, zipping through the air with grace.

The Osprey is a large bird of prey in the Pandionidae family, notable for its diet of fish. Its feathers are brown and white, with long wings for high-speed flying. The beak is hooked to grasp slippery prey. Ospreys lay eggs in large nests near water bodies, and their sharp whistles can be heard over long distances. They are exceptional in flight, diving to catch fish with remarkable precision.

A Crow is a highly intelligent bird from the Corvidae family, recognized for its all-black feathers and a strong, all-purpose beak. They build sturdy nests for their eggs in trees and are known for their harsh cawing calls. Crows are versatile flyers and can perform impressive aerial maneuvers.

The Pelican, from the family Pelecanidae, is a large water bird with a distinctive pouch under its beak. They have long wings and mainly white feathers. Pelicans lay eggs in nests on the ground or in trees, often in colonies. Their deep throaty calls are less common than their silent, graceful gliding over water surfaces.

An Albatross belongs to the Diomedeidae family, famous for the longest wingspan of any bird. Their feathers are mostly white, and they use their strong, hooked beaks for fish and squid. They lay a single egg, usually on remote islands, and are known for their quiet nature, as they spend most of their life in flight over oceans, rarely seen on land.

A Seagull is part of the Laridae family, with characteristic gray and white feathers and webbed feet. They have versatile beaks for a varied diet and are known for their loud, squawking calls. Seagulls are sociable birds, often nesting in large colonies. They are adept flyers, especially along coastlines.

The Toucan is a tropical bird from the Ramphastidae family, instantly recognizable by its large, colorful beak. Its feathers are bright and distinctive. Toucans lay their eggs in tree hollows and are known for their frog-like calls. In flight, toucans are agile but typically prefer to hop between tree branches.

A Woodpecker is a member of the Picidae family, known for pecking at tree bark with its sharp beak. They have strong tail feathers for support and lay eggs in cavities they carve out in trees. Their drumming can be heard in forests, which serves as a form of communication. Woodpeckers have a unique flight pattern, with quick flutters and glides.

The Owl, part of the Strigidae family, is known for its silent flight, facilitated by soft-edged feathers. Owls have a distinctive round face, a sharp beak for hunting, and lay eggs in secluded nests. Their haunting hoots are often associated with night time. Owls are mostly nocturnal and are expert hunters in the dark.

A Parrot comes from the Psittacidae family, notable for its colorful feathers and strong, curved beak. They are intelligent birds that can mimic sounds and lay their eggs in tree hollows. Parrots are social, with a variety of loud squawks and calls, and they are good flyers, although many are also happy to climb with their feet.

The Falcon belongs to the Falconidae family, with sleek bodies, long wings, and a sharp beak designed for speed. They have beautiful feathers, often with contrasting patterns. Falcons lay their eggs in high spots like cliffs. Known for their hunting screech, falcons are among the fastest birds in flight, diving to catch prey at incredible speeds.

The Vulture, a bird from the Accipitridae family, has a bald head, sharp beak, and broad wings for soaring. With mostly brown or black feathers, they’re known for cleaning up by eating carrion. They lay eggs in simple nests on cliffs or in caves. Vultures have a strong presence in the sky, often seen circling high above.

A member of the Alcedinidae family, the Kingfisher sports vivid feathers with blues and greens, a sturdy beak for fishing, and compact wings. They nest in burrows near water and have a distinct, high-pitched call. Kingfishers are excellent at flying fast, especially when diving for fish.

The Crane, from the family Gruidae, stands tall with long legs, a long neck, and a sharp beak. It has a wide wingspan with elegant feathers. Cranes lay eggs in ground nests, often hidden in reeds. Their loud, trumpeting call is unmistakable. In flight, they’re graceful, known for their long-distance migrations.

A Puffin, from the family Alcidae, has a colorful beak and short wings that help it ‘fly’ underwater. They have black and white feathers and lay eggs in burrows or crevices. Puffins are not very vocal but do make growling noises. They are strong fliers over water, despite their small wing size.

The Kestrel, a small raptor in the Falconidae family, has a mix of brown, black, and white feathers, with a sharp beak and long wings. They prefer to lay eggs in tree cavities. Kestrels can hover mid-air, making a distinct chirping sound. They fly with agility, often seen hovering over fields.

A Wren is a tiny bird with a loud voice, belonging to the Troglodytidae family. It has brown, patterned feathers, a short beak, and round wings. Wrens lay eggs in dome-shaped nests. They’re known for a powerful song that bellows out of their small bodies. Despite their size, wrens are vigorous flyers.

The Cuckoo, from the family Cuculidae, has slender bodies, long tails, and a downward-curved beak. They’re known for laying eggs in other birds’ nests. With soft, gray feathers, cuckoos are famous for their ‘cuckoo’ call. They have a smooth, gliding flight pattern, often seen flying over open fields.

A Stork, part of the Ciconiidae family, has long legs and a long beak for wading in water. They’re large birds with mostly white feathers and black wingtips. Storks are known for their clattering sounds and build large stick nests. They fly with necks outstretched, using thermal currents to glide effortlessly.

Grebes, aquatic birds from the family Podicipedidae, have lobed toes, dense plumage, and a pointed beak. They have a variety of feather colors and patterns. Grebes lay eggs in floating nests. They are known for their elaborate mating dances and are powerful swimmers but clumsy on land. Their flight is strong and direct over water surfaces.

The bird referred to as “Quil” is possibly a typo or a less common name for a bird species. For the purpose of this description, let’s consider a generic small bird with an undefined family. This hypothetical bird could have adaptable wings and a versatile beak, nesting in various environments and producing a series of tweets. Its flying ability would be typical of small birds, nimble and quick.

Snowy Owl
The Snowy Owl, a member of the Strigidae family, has stunning white feathers with black spots, a rounded head, and a short, sharp beak. They lay eggs in the ground nests in Arctic regions. The hooting of a Snowy Owl is less frequent, but distinct. In flight, they are silent and powerful, adapted to hunting in snowy landscapes.

A Lark, from the Alaudidae family, has brown, camouflaging feathers, a straight beak, and a fondness for open fields. They nest on the ground and lay speckled eggs. Larks are known for their melodious songs, often sung while flying high in the sky, which is a behavior known as ‘song flight.’

The Cormorant, part of the Phalacrocoracidae family, has dark feathers, webbed feet, and a long beak to catch fish. Their nests are made of seaweed or twigs near water bodies. Cormorants have a guttural call and are excellent divers. They fly with a mix of flapping and gliding, often seen drying their wings in the sun.

A Spoonbill, from the Threskiornithidae family, is easily recognized by its spoon-shaped beak used to sift through mud for food. It has long legs, wide wings, and typically white or pink feathers. Spoonbills lay eggs in nests near water. Their flight is elegant, with slow wingbeats, necks outstretched.

“Gannetla” could be a typographical error for “Gannet,” a large seabird from the family Sulidae. Gannets have white feathers with black wingtips and a yellowish head. They have a long, pointed beak for diving into the sea. They nest in large, noisy colonies on cliffs and are masterful at flying over the ocean, covering long distances.

Warblers are small birds from several families, including Phylloscopidae and Sylviidae, known for their melodious songs. They have fine beaks for eating insects and understated plumage that varies in color. Warblers lay eggs in hidden nests and are active fliers, flitting about in the trees and bushes.

The Hoopoe, of the family Upupidae, sports a distinctive crown of feathers and a long, curved beak. They have a striking pattern of black and white wings. Hoopoes lay eggs in tree cavities and have a unique ‘oop-oop-oop’ call. They fly with a distinct undulating motion, resembling a giant butterfly.

A Tern, part of the Laridae family like seagulls, has slender bodies, forked tails, and sharp beaks for catching fish. They have pale feathers and lay their eggs in simple ground nests. Terns are known for their high-pitched cries and are agile fliers, often seen hovering over water before diving to catch fish.

The Magpie, a member of the Corvidae family, is known for its black and white feathers and long tail. They have strong beaks and make large, domed nests in trees. Magpies are vocal birds, with a variety of calls and are known for their intelligence. They have a robust flying ability, seen flapping their wings rapidly.

Orioles belong to the family Icteridae, notable for their bright yellow and black feathers. They have pointed beaks for eating fruit and insects. Orioles weave intricate hanging nests. Their whistling calls are melodious, adding to the allure of their colorful presence. They fly gracefully, often flitting among the treetops.

All birds names in English
Birds Names in English


Types of Birds Category-wise

Birds of Prey

  • Eagle
  • Hawk
  • Falcon
  • Owl
  • Osprey
  • Vulture
  • Kestrel
  • Harrier
  • Merlin


  • Duck
  • Swan
  • Goose
  • Pelican
  • Flamingo
  • Teal
  • Mallard
  • Wood Duck
  • Merganser


  • Sparrow
  • Robin
  • Finch
  • Warbler
  • Nightingale
  • Lark
  • Thrush
  • Starling
  • Blackbird

Ground Birds

  • Quail
  • Pheasant
  • Turkey
  • Grouse
  • Partridge
  • Guinea fowl
  • Prairie chicken
  • Peafowl

Wading Birds

  • Heron
  • Stork
  • Crane
  • Ibis
  • Egret
  • Sandpiper
  • Coot
  • Rail
  • Kingfisher


  • Albatross
  • Seagull
  • Puffin
  • Penguin
  • Tern
  • Cormorant
  • Petrel
  • Shearwater
  • Skua

Tropical Birds

  • Parrot
  • Toucan
  • Macaw
  • Hornbill
  • Cockatoo
  • Hummingbird
  • Cacique
  • Sunbird
  • Manakin

Flightless Birds

  • Ostrich
  • Kiwi
  • Emu
  • Cassowary
  • Rhea
  • Penguin (some species)
  • Kakapo
  • Takahe

Nocturnal Birds

  • Owl (many species like Barn Owl, Snowy Owl)
  • Nightjar
  • Whip-poor-will
  • Nighthawk
  • Kiwi (also flightless)


  • Plover
  • Sandpiper
  • Avocet
  • Curlew
  • Godwit
  • Dunlin
  • Oystercatcher
  • Snipe

Woodpeckers and Allies

  • Woodpecker (several species like Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied)
  • Flicker
  • Sapsucker
  • Piculet

Swallow and Swifts

  • Swallow (e.g., Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow)
  • Swift (e.g., Common Swift, White-throated Swift)
  • Martin (e.g., Purple Martin)

Birds of Paradise

  • Greater Bird-of-paradise
  • Lesser Bird-of-paradise
  • Raggiana Bird-of-paradise
  • King Bird-of-paradise
  • Magnificent Riflebird

Pigeons and Doves

  • Pigeon (e.g., Rock Pigeon, Victoria Crowned Pigeon)
  • Dove (e.g., Mourning Dove, Diamond Dove)
  • Pigeon (e.g., Passenger Pigeon)


  • Crow (e.g., American Crow, Carrion Crow)
  • Raven (e.g., Common Raven)
  • Jay (e.g., Blue Jay, Steller’s Jay)
  • Magpie (e.g., Black-billed Magpie, European Magpie)
  • Jackdaw (e.g., Western Jackdaw)

Names of Parts of Birds

  1. Beak (or Bill)
  2. Eye
  3. Head
  4. Neck
  5. Wing
  6. Tail
  7. Breast
  8. Belly
  9. Back
  10. Leg
  11. Foot
  12. Talon (claw)
  13. Feather
  14. Nostril

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