Birds Names in English with Infographics


Birds are special creatures. We use birds names to know and talk about them. Some names come from old languages like Latin or Greek. These names can tell us about the bird’s looks or habits. For example, a Harpy Eagle has a name from an old Greek story. A Bohemian Waxwing has a name that means it travels a lot.

People who study birds have rules for giving birds names. These rules make sure everyone uses the same name for the same bird. This helps people everywhere talk about birds without confusion.

Knowing the stories behind birds names is fun. Like, why is it called a “Red-tailed Hawk”? These names are not just words. They tell us about the bird and its life.

So, when you see a bird, think about its name. The birds names have interesting stories and facts behind them. This makes watching birds even more fun.

All Birds Names in English

Birds Names Birds Picture 
goose Birds Name
eagle Birds Name
hen Birds Name
sparrow Birds Name
turkey Birds Name
hawk Birds Name
bald eagle Birds Name
seagull Birds Name
swallow Birds Name 
crow Birds Name
dove Birds Name
raven Birds Name
parrot Birds Name
flamingo Birds Name
rooster Birds Name
chick Birds Name 
vulture Birds Name
peacock Birds Name
stork Birds Name
falcon Birds Name
woodpecker Birds Name
wood duck Birds Name
penguin Birds Name
ostrich Birds Name

Birds Names in English and Their Meanings

  • Robin: A small bird known for its red breast. Symbolizes renewal and new beginnings.
  • Eagle: A majestic bird of prey with strong symbolism of power, freedom, and vision.
  • Sparrow: A small, social bird often associated with simplicity and community.
  • Dove: A symbol of peace, love, and hope, often portrayed with an olive branch.
  • Hummingbird: A tiny bird known for its rapid wing movement and vibrant colors. Symbolizes energy and joy.
  • Owl: Often associated with wisdom and mystery due to its nocturnal nature.
  • Peacock: Known for its beautiful, iridescent tail feathers. Symbolizes beauty, pride, and integrity.
  • Flamingo: A tall wading bird with a distinctive pink hue. Symbolizes grace and elegance.
  • Penguin: Flightless birds known for their social behavior and adaptability to harsh environments.
  • Parrot: Colorful birds capable of mimicking human speech. Symbolizes communication and intelligence.
  • Swan: Symbolizes purity, grace, and love. Often seen as a representation of beauty.
  • Hawk: A bird of prey associated with focus, intuition, and keen observation.
  • Albatross: Large seabirds often associated with endurance and long journeys.
  • Raven: Often portrayed as a symbol of mystery and transformation in various cultures.
  • Cardinal: Bright red birds known for their distinctive color. Symbolizes vitality and cheer.
  • Cuckoo: Known for its distinctive call, symbolizing new opportunities and change.
  • Kingfisher: A brightly colored bird often associated with calmness and patience.
  • Woodpecker: Known for its drumming on trees, symbolizes determination and persistence.
  • Magpie: Often seen as a symbol of good luck and intelligence.
  • Eagle-Owl: A type of owl symbolizing wisdom, protection, and deep insight.
  • Pigeon: A common urban bird, symbolizes simplicity, peace, and resilience.
  • Seagull: Found near coastlines, symbolizes freedom and adaptability to different environments.
  • Nightingale: Known for its melodious song, symbolizes beauty, inspiration, and creativity.
  • Blue Jay: Recognized for its vibrant blue plumage, symbolizing communication and clarity.
  • Blackbird: Often associated with mysticism and introspection due to its dark appearance.
  • Pelican: Symbolizes self-sacrifice, nurturing, and protection.
  • Kiwi: Flightless bird from New Zealand, represents uniqueness and mystery.
  • Cormorant: Known for its fishing behavior, symbolizes resourcefulness and adaptability.
  • Quail: Small bird associated with family values, protection, and community.
  • Falcon: A fast-flying bird of prey, symbolizes speed, focus, and determination.
  • Puffin: Known for its colorful beak, symbolizes charisma, individuality, and charm.
  • Rooster: Often associated with wakefulness, courage, and announcement of dawn.
  • Swift: Aerial bird with high-speed flight, symbolizes agility, movement, and freedom.
  • Vulture: Carrion-eating bird, symbolizes purification, renewal, and resourcefulness.
  • Wren: Small bird with a powerful song, symbolizes resourcefulness and activity.
  • Crane: Symbolizes longevity, luck, and fidelity, often seen as a harbinger of good fortune.
  • Toucan: Known for its colorful beak, symbolizes communication, intuition, and curiosity.
  • Heron: Symbolizes patience, tranquility, and self-reflection, often depicted near water.
  • Magpie: Folklore often associates it with luck and mischievousness.
  • Bald Eagle: National symbol of the United States, symbolizes strength, courage, and freedom.
  • Partridge: Symbolizes protection, unity, and contentment.
  • Lark: Known for its cheerful song, symbolizes happiness, optimism, and new beginnings.
  • Osprey: Bird of prey known for fishing abilities, symbolizes vision, adaptability, and focus.
  • Rook: A member of the crow family, often associated with mystery and intelligence.
  • Starling: Symbolizes diversity, adaptability, and the interconnectedness of life.
  • Shoebill: Large bird known for its distinctive bill shape, symbolizes uniqueness and mystery.
  • Guinea Fowl: Social birds, symbolize protection, vigilance, and group dynamics.
  • Yellowhammer: Symbolizes creativity, expression, and the power of song.
  • Kestrel: Small bird of prey, symbolizes patience, precision, and adaptability.
  • Barn Owl: Nocturnal bird associated with intuition, wisdom, and insight.
All birds names in English
All birds names in English


Types of Birds Category-wise

Birds of Prey

  • Eagle
  • Hawk
  • Falcon
  • Owl
  • Osprey
  • Vulture
  • Kestrel
  • Harrier
  • Merlin


  • Duck
  • Swan
  • Goose
  • Pelican
  • Flamingo
  • Teal
  • Mallard
  • Wood Duck
  • Merganser


  • Sparrow
  • Robin
  • Finch
  • Warbler
  • Nightingale
  • Lark
  • Thrush
  • Starling
  • Blackbird

Ground Birds

  • Quail
  • Pheasant
  • Turkey
  • Grouse
  • Partridge
  • Guinea fowl
  • Prairie chicken
  • Peafowl

Wading Birds

  • Heron
  • Stork
  • Crane
  • Ibis
  • Egret
  • Sandpiper
  • Coot
  • Rail
  • Kingfisher


  • Albatross
  • Seagull
  • Puffin
  • Penguin
  • Tern
  • Cormorant
  • Petrel
  • Shearwater
  • Skua

Tropical Birds

  • Parrot
  • Toucan
  • Macaw
  • Hornbill
  • Cockatoo
  • Hummingbird
  • Cacique
  • Sunbird
  • Manakin

Flightless Birds

  • Ostrich
  • Kiwi
  • Emu
  • Cassowary
  • Rhea
  • Penguin (some species)
  • Kakapo
  • Takahe

Nocturnal Birds

  • Owl (many species like Barn Owl, Snowy Owl)
  • Nightjar
  • Whip-poor-will
  • Nighthawk
  • Kiwi (also flightless)


  • Plover
  • Sandpiper
  • Avocet
  • Curlew
  • Godwit
  • Dunlin
  • Oystercatcher
  • Snipe

Woodpeckers and Allies

  • Woodpecker (several species like Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied)
  • Flicker
  • Sapsucker
  • Piculet

Swallow and Swifts

  • Swallow (e.g., Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow)
  • Swift (e.g., Common Swift, White-throated Swift)
  • Martin (e.g., Purple Martin)

Birds of Paradise

  • Greater Bird-of-paradise
  • Lesser Bird-of-paradise
  • Raggiana Bird-of-paradise
  • King Bird-of-paradise
  • Magnificent Riflebird

Pigeons and Doves

  • Pigeon (e.g., Rock Pigeon, Victoria Crowned Pigeon)
  • Dove (e.g., Mourning Dove, Diamond Dove)
  • Pigeon (e.g., Passenger Pigeon)


  • Crow (e.g., American Crow, Carrion Crow)
  • Raven (e.g., Common Raven)
  • Jay (e.g., Blue Jay, Steller’s Jay)
  • Magpie (e.g., Black-billed Magpie, European Magpie)
  • Jackdaw (e.g., Western Jackdaw)

Names of Parts of Birds

  1. Beak (or Bill)
  2. Eye
  3. Head
  4. Neck
  5. Wing
  6. Tail
  7. Breast
  8. Belly
  9. Back
  10. Leg
  11. Foot
  12. Talon (claw)
  13. Feather
  14. Nostril



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