HomeEnglish CompositionDiscipline Essay 200 Words for Grade 3

Discipline Essay 200 Words for Grade 3


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The Importance of Discipline

The training of the mind and character to produce self-control and the habit of obedience is called discipline. If we observe the universe, we find that every object of nature is working with great discipline. Man is superior to all creatures because he obeys laws and passes his life with discipline. Discipline is not only found in human beings but it can be observed in many animals. Aunts are gathered to take away a food particle and show great discipline. The elephants show discipline to fight against their enemies.

The Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah always stressed unity, faith, and discipline. The progress of a nation depends upon its unity, faith, and discipline because unity provides power, faith provides the will and courage to help face dangers and discipline provides organization. Discipline means to obey such rules and laws that make life peaceful and provide success in doing something. The training of discipline is necessary. This is the main reason that all students are given proper training of discipline in educational institutions.

The soldiers of armed forces in a country are also given a proper training of discipline. So that they will be able to perform their duties successfully. Every family gives the education of discipline to its children so that they obey the values and culture of the family. In personal life, discipline cultivates good habits and moral values which lead a person to a great success. Hence it is concluded that unity, faith and discipline arc necessary for every aspect of life.

Importance of Discipline Essay 100 Words

Discipline Essay

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