HomeWorksheetsFinite and non Finite Verbs Worksheets with Answers

Finite and non Finite Verbs Worksheets with Answers

Understanding finite and non-finite verbs is important for learning English grammar. These two types of verbs are key to building sentences. Finite verbs change based on tense, number, and person, while non-finite verbs do not change in these ways. To help you practice, we have created easy-to-follow finite and non-finite verbs worksheets. These worksheets will help you learn how to use both types of verbs correctly. At the end of each worksheet, you’ll find answers for self-checking. Using these finite and non-finite verbs worksheets will help improve your grammar skills and make sentence building easier.

Identify the Highlighted Verb: Finite or Non-Finite

In each sentence below, decide if the highlighted verb is finite or non-finite.

  1. She enjoys reading novels.
  2. They went to the concert last night.
  3. He loves to play the guitar.
  4. Running in the park relaxes her.
  5. The dog barked loudly.
  6. The teacher advised practicing regularly.
  7. She has been studying all day.
  8. They were excited to visit the museum.
  9. He walks to school every day.
  10. I need to complete my homework by tomorrow.
Decide if highlighted words is finite or non-finite with these grammar worksheets for learning
Learn to decide if highlighted words are finite or non-finite in these English worksheets

Finite and Non-Finite Verbs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the correct answer for each question below. Identify whether the highlighted verb is finite or non-finite.

  • She is reading a book.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • He wanted to leave early.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • They play soccer every weekend.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • The cat chased the mouse.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • She likes swimming in the sea.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • The broken window needs to be fixed.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • He is tired after working all day.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • Her dream is to travel the world.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • They were playing in the park.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
  • He is writing a letter.
    (a) Finite     (b) Non-Finite     (c) Both     (d) Neither
Choose the correct answers to practice finite and non-finite verbs worksheets effectively
Practice choosing the correct answers to identify finite and non-finite verbs in sentences

Fill-in-the-Blank: Finite and Non-Finite Verbs

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb provided in parentheses.

  1. She enjoys ________ (read) novels.
  2. They decided ________ (leave) early.
  3. He ________ (play) the guitar every day.
  4. ________ (run) is her favorite exercise.
  5. They ________ (go) to the museum yesterday.
  6. I plan ________ (study) for the exam.
  7. He ________ (be) tired after work.
  8. She suggested ________ (watch) a movie.
  9. We ________ (prepare) for the big event.
  10. ________ (write) poetry helps her relax.
Fill in the blanks to practice finite and non-finite verbs worksheets with easy examples
Use these worksheets to fill in the blanks and understand finite and non-finite verbs

Sentence Formation: Finite and Non-Finite Verbs

Use the words provided to form sentences that contain both finite and non-finite verbs. Ensure that your sentences make sense and that each sentence includes both types of verbs.

Create sentences using the given words, making sure to use finite and non-finite verbs correctly.

  1. he, love, play, football
  2. they, enjoy, travel, new places
  3. she, decide, go, party
  4. we, start, prepare, project
  5. he, want, learn, drive
  6. I, finish, read, book
  7. they, like, watch, movies
  8. she, try, improve, skills
  9. we, enjoy, swim, summer
  10. he, start, plan, trip
Create sentences with given words using finite and non-finite verbs in these worksheets
Practice creating sentences using finite and non-finite verbs with these helpful exercises

Answers of finite and non finite verbs worksheets

Sr. noHighlighted VerbsMultiple Choice QuestionsFill-in-the-BlankSentence Formation
1non-finite(a)readingHe loves to play football.
2finite(b)to leaveThey enjoy traveling to new places.
3non-finite(a)playsShe decided to go to the party.
4non-finite(a)Running We started preparing for the project.
5finite(b)wentHe wants to learn to drive.
6non-finite(b)to studyI finished reading the book.
7finite(b)wasThey like watching movies.
8non-finite(b)watchingShe tries to improve her skills.
9finite(a)are preparingWe enjoy swimming in the summer.
10non-finite(a)writingHe started planning the trip.

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