Flowers are an important part of nature and language, and knowing their names in different languages can improve your vocabulary. In this blog post, you will learn the names of common flowers in Urdu and English. This is a great way to enhance your understanding of bilingual vocabulary while making your communication skills more effective.
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List of Flowers Name in English and Urdu
English Name | Urdu Name | Roman Urdu Name |
Rose | گلاب | Gulab |
Lily | للی | Lili |
Sunflower | سورج مکھی | Sooraj Makhhi |
Tulip | لاله | Lala |
Daisy | ڈیزی | Dezi |
Orchid | آرکڈ | Arkid |
Jasmine | چمیلی | Chameli |
Marigold | گیندا | Genda |
Lavender | خوشبودار | Khushbodar |
Peony | پیونی | Piyoni |
Daisy | ڈیزی | Dezi |
Carnation | گلابی | Gulabi |
Daffodil | نرگس | Nargis |
Chrysanthemum | گل چمیلی | Gul Chameli |
Lotus | کمل | Kamal |
Pansy | پینسی | Pinsi |
Iris | آنکھوں کی پتی | Ankhon Ki Patti |
Hyacinth | حیاسنٹھ | Hyacinth |
Gardenia | گارڈینیا | Gardenia |
Lilac | لیلاک | Lailak |
Zinnia | زینیا | Zinnia |
Forget-Me-Not | بھول مت جانا | Bhool Mat Jana |
Snapdragon | انتہائی چمکتی | Intehai Chamakti |
Gerbera Daisy | گربرا ڈیزی | Gerbera Dezi |
Magnolia | مگنولیا | Magnolia |
Poppy | خشخاش | Khushkhash |
Cosmos | کوزموس | Cosmos |
Gladiolus | اسپتمبر کا گل | September Ka Gul |
Sweet Pea | میٹھی پیاز | Meethi Pyaaz |
Ranunculus | کرنونکلس | Ranunculus |
Anemone | جنفس | Janfas |
Calla Lily | کالا للی | Kala Lili |
Queen Anne’s Lace | ملکہ این لیس | Malka Anne Lis |
Baby’s Breath | بچوں کی سانس | Bachon Ki Saans |
Dahlia | ڈیلیا | Dahlia |
Bird of Paradise | پرندہ جنت | Parinda Jannat |
Bleeding Heart | خونی دل | Khoni Dil |
Canterbury Bells | کینٹربری کھٹولی | Canterbury Khutoli |
Cornflower | آپس کی پھولی | Aapas Ki Phooli |
Delphinium | انتہائی لیلی | Intehai Lili |
Morning Glory | صبح کی روشنی | Subah Ki Roshni |
Orchid | آرکڈ | Arkid |
Poinsettia | پوائنسیٹیا | Poinsettia |
Petunia | پیٹونیا | Petunia |
Primrose | پرائم روز | Prime Rose |
Rosemary | روزمیری | Rosemary |
Snapdragon | انتہائی چمکتی | Intehai Chamakti |
Stock | اسٹوک | Stock |
Strawflower | بھوسے کی پھولی | Bhosay Ki Phooli |
Sunflower | سورج مکھی | Sooraj Makhhi |
Sweet Pea | میٹھی پیاز | Meethi Pyaaz |
Tansy | تنسی | Tansy |
Trumpet Vine | ترمپیٹ وائن | Trumpet Wine |
Verbena | وربینا | Verbena |
Vinca | ونکا | Vinca |
Violet | بنفشہ | Banafsha |
Water Lily | پانی کی کمل | Pani Ki Kamal |
Wisteria | وسٹیریا | Wisteria |
Zinnia | زینیا | Zinnia |

Here are 20 flower names:
1. Rose
2. Tulip
3. Daisy
4. Orchid
5. Sunflower
6. Lily
7. Jasmine
8. Violet
9. Daffodil
10. Carnation
11. Marigold
12. Chrysanthemum
13. Lavender
14. Peony
15. Iris
16. Lotus
17. Hibiscus
18. Begonia
19. Poppy
20. Gardenia
These flowers come in various colors, shapes, and sizes, and they are often found in gardens and floral arrangements.
Here are 7 flower names in English:
1. Rose
2. Lily
3. Daisy
4. Tulip
5. Orchid
6. Sunflower
7. Violet
These are popular flowers with beautiful colors and scents.
Here are 12 common flower names:
1. Rose
2. Tulip
3. Daisy
4. Orchid
5. Lily
6. Sunflower
7. Violet
8. Jasmine
9. Marigold
10. Carnation
11. Daffodil
12. Chrysanthemum
These flowers are widely recognized and often found in gardens and floral arrangements.
A flower is called “پھول” (pronounced “phool”) in Urdu.
In Islam, flowers like these are important:
1. Rose
2. Lotus
3. Jasmine
4. Lily
These flowers are seen as symbols of Allah’s beauty in nature.
A female flower is often referred to as a pistillate flower. It contains the pistil, which is the part of the flower responsible for producing seeds.
In some plants, male and female flowers are separate, and female flowers are the ones that can develop into fruit once pollinated.
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