
Neither Either Worksheets and Exercises with Answers in English

Neither Either Worksheets and Exercises
Neither Either Worksheets

Learn about making choices with Neither Either Worksheets that have answers in English. These simple sheets help you understand how to use “neither” and “either.” Made for different learners, the worksheets make it easy to get better at decision-making. They’re good for improving your language skills too. The sheets give clear answers to make learning smooth. Use these practical Neither Either Worksheets to get better at using these words without any fuss. They’re a helpful way to improve your language skills.

Neither Either Worksheets

Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks using neither and either.

  1. I like ________ apples ________ oranges.
  2. ________ of the options is correct.
  3. You can choose ________ chocolate ________ vanilla ice cream.
  4. ________ come to the party ________ stay home.
  5. She can ________ sing ________ dance.
  6. The cat is ________ black ________ white.
  7. We can go to the park ________ the zoo.
  8. I have ________ seen ________ heard about that movie.
  9. The weather is ________ too hot ________ too cold.
  10. ________ the teacher ________ the students were prepared.
  11. ________ finish the project today ________ tomorrow.
  12. You can sit ________ here ________ there.
  13. ________ take the bus ________ walk to the office.
  14. He could ________ fix ________ repair the car.
  15. ________ the red shoes ________ the blue ones fit.
  16. ________ take the bus ________ walk to the office.
  17. I can meet you ________ in the morning ________ in the afternoon.
  18. You can ________ call me ________ send a text.
  19. I am ________ tired ________ awake.
  20. We can eat ________ pizza ________ pasta for dinner.

                            Scroll down to See Answers

25 Sentences using Neither Either Worksheet. How to use Neither Either in Sentences.
Neither Either Worksheets

Worksheet 2: Choose the Correct option.

  • __________ of the options is suitable for the task.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • You can choose __________ the blue pen or the black one.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • John __________ Sarah was present at the meeting.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • Would you like tea __________ coffee?

a) Neither         b) Either

  • The weather is too hot __________ too cold for outdoor activities.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • You can go to the party __________ stay home.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • The cat __________ the dog likes the new food.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • I am interested in science __________ mathematics.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • The store has small __________ large sizes available.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • Would you like a sandwich __________ a salad for lunch?

a) Neither         b) Either

  • The teacher __________ the students knew the answer.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • You can sit at the front __________ at the back of the room.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • I have read __________ watched that book-turned-movie.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • He could swim __________ dive.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • You can call me __________ send a text message.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • The red shoes __________ the blue ones match my outfit.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • I am a morning person __________ a night owl.

a) Neither         b) Either

  • Would you like pizza __________ pasta for dinner?

a) Neither         b) Either

  • Finish the project today __________ complete it tomorrow

a) Neither         b) Either

  • You can use the elevator __________ take the stairs.

a) Neither         b) Either

10 Mcqs using Neither Either Worksheets. Neither Either Worksheets.
Neither Either Worksheets


10 Mcqs using Neither Either Worksheets. Neither Either Worksheets.
Neither Either Worksheets

Answers of Worksheet 1:

  1. neither, nor
  2. Neither
  3. either, or.
  4. Either, or
  5. neither, nor
  6. Neither, nor
  7. neither,  nor
  8. neither, nor
  9. neither, nor
  10. Neither,  nor
  11. Either, or
  12. neither, nor
  13. Either , or
  14. neither, nor
  15. Neither,  nor
  16. Either, or
  17. either, or .
  18. neither, nor
  19. either, or
  20. Neither

Answers of Worksheet 2:

  1. Neither
  2. Either
  3.  Neither
  4.  Either
  5.  Neither
  6.  Either
  7.  Neither
  8.  Either
  9.  Neither
  10.  Either
  11.  Neither
  12.  Either
  13.  Neither
  14.  Either
  15.  Either
  16.  Neither
  17.  Neither
  18.  Either
  19.  Either
  20.  Neither

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