Prefixes and suffixes are essential for building a strong English vocabulary. These word parts, when added to the beginning or end of a root word, create new words and meanings. Mastering prefixes and suffixes not only enhances your understanding of word formation but also strengthens your overall grasp of the language. Expanding your vocabulary through these word elements allows you to communicate more effectively in both writing and speech.
Prefixes and suffixes
A prefix is a group of letters that is put before a word to form a new word with a new meaning.
Prefix | Word | New word |
Re | think | Rethink |
Mis | behave | Misbehave |
Semi | circle | Semicircle |
Im | possible | Impossible |
Pre | view | Preview |
Dis | obey | Disobey |
In | justice | Injustice |
Tri | cycle | Tricycle |
Un | able | Unable |
ir | relevant | Irrelevant |
A suffix is a group of letters that is added after a word to form a new word with a new meaning.
Word | Suffix | New word |
Collect | ion | Collection |
Kind | ness | Kindness |
Hard | en | Harden |
Hope | ful | Hopeful |
Follow | er | Follower |
Convert | ible | Convertible |
Bad | ly | Badly |
Beak | able | Breakable |
Care | less | Careless |
Enjoy | ment | Enjoyment |
Here are meanings of some common prefixes and suffixes.
Prefix | Meaning | Example |
Anti- | against | antinarcotics |
Dis- | not or removal | disappear, dismount |
Inter- | between | interact |
Non- | without | nonfat |
Pre- | before | preview |
semi- | half | semicircle |
Un- | opposite | unhappy |
Post- | after | postwar |
Tri- | three | tricycle |
Suffix | Meaning | Example |
-able | capable of being | solvable |
-less | without | motionless |
-ful | full of | cheerful |
-en | to do, made of, become | fasten, woolen, strengthen |
-ness | state of being | heaviness |
-holic | one who is obsessed | workaholic |
-tion | state or quality of | attention |
-ist | profession | artist |
-ment | action or process of | movement |
-fy | the process of making into | amplify |
Some more examples
Prefixes | Suffixes |
Antisocial | Loudly |
Defrost | Believable |
Misjudge | Stronger |
Impure | Wooden |
Disown | Joyous |
Explode | Delightful |
Proactive | Reversible |
Prepaid | Direction |
Incorrect | Restless |
Unusual | Softness |

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
Un-: means “not” → Unkind (not kind)
Re-: means “again” → Rewrite (write again)
A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its form or meaning.
-ful: means “full of” → Hopeful (full of hope)
-less: means “without” → Careless (without care)
List of Prefixes
Un-: means “not” → Unhappy (not happy)
Re-: means “again” → Redo (do again)
Pre-: means “before” → Preheat (heat before)
Dis-: means “not” → Dislike (not like)
Mis-: means “wrong” → Misplace (put in the wrong place)
List of Suffixes
-ful: means “full of” → Joyful (full of joy)
-less: means “without” → Hopeless (without hope)
-ly: means “in a certain way” → Quickly (in a quick way)
-ness: means “state of being” → Kindness (state of being kind)
-able: means “able to” → Lovable (able to be loved)
A prefix in a name is a title added before the name. Examples: Mr. John Smith, Dr. Emily Brown, Miss Sarah Johnson.
A suffix in a name is a title added after the name. Examples: Robert King Jr., David Lee Sr., James Carter III.
In short, a prefix comes before the name, and a suffix comes after the name.
12 Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes
Un-: not → Unhappy (not happy)
Re-: again → Rewrite (write again)
Pre-: before → Preheat (heat before)
Dis-: not → Dislike (not like)
Mis-: wrong → Misunderstand (understand wrongly)
In-: not → Inactive (not active)
7. -ful: full of → Joyful (full of joy)
8. -less: without → Careless (without care)
9. -ly: in a certain way → Quickly (in a quick way)
10. -ness: state of being → Kindness (being kind)
11. -able: able to → Readable (able to be read)
12. -er: one who → Writer (one who writes)
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