HomeWorksheetsPrepositions of Movement Worksheets with Answers

Prepositions of Movement Worksheets with Answers

Prepositions of movement are important in English because they show direction and motion, making sentences clearer. Words like “to,” “through,” “across,” “into,” and “over” help describe how someone or something moves in relation to another object. Practicing prepositions of movement worksheets can help learners understand how each preposition is used in real sentences.

Below, you’ll find different exercises that will help you practice prepositions of movement. These worksheets include fill-in-the-blank questions, multiple-choice questions, and sentence rewrites. Each section also includes answers, so you can check your work!

Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise: Prepositions of Movement

In this section, learners will choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. Practice using words like “into,” “onto,” and “through” to see how each changes the meaning.

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition of movement.

  • The cat jumped ___ the fence to chase a bird.
  • They walked ___ the tunnel to reach the other side.
  • She threw the ball ___ the hoop and scored.
  • He climbed ___ the ladder to fix the light.
  • The children ran ___ the playground with excitement.
  • The bird flew ___ the tree and perched on a branch.
  • The car drove ___ the bridge to cross the river.
  • They sailed ___ the river to explore the area.
  • She ran ___ the hill to reach the top.
  • The kids slid ___ the slide at the playground.

Multiple-Choice Questions: Choosing the Right Preposition

In this activity, choose the correct answer for each sentence. Options include common prepositions of movement to help learners identify the right one based on context.

Select the correct preposition from the options provided.

  • The bus went ___ the tunnel and emerged on the other side.

(a) into    (b) through    (c) up    (d) on

  • The kids ran ___ the field toward the playground.

(a) across    (b) into    (c) through    (d) onto

  • We sailed ___ the island to reach the shore.

(a) across    (b) onto    (c) through    (d) over

  • He threw the ball ___ the wall to the other side.

(a) over    (b) under    (c) across    (d) through

  • She climbed ___ the ladder to get to the roof.

(a) into    (b) up    (c) through    (d) across

  • The car went ___ the narrow street to avoid traffic.

(a) across    (b) into    (c) through    (d) over

  • The boy jumped ___ the stream to reach the other side.

(a) into    (b) over    (c) across    (d) through

  • The airplane flew ___ the clouds during the storm.

(a) into    (b) over    (c) under    (d) through

  • We walked ___ the path until we reached the forest.

(a) up    (b) onto    (c) along    (d) across

  • The frog leapt ___ the lily pad.

(a) into    (b) onto    (c) across    (d) over

Prepositions of Movement Worksheets with Answers
Prepositions of Movement Worksheets with Answers

Sentence Construction: Prepositions of Movement

Below are some common prepositions of movement. Use each word to create a sentence that shows movement or direction. This activity helps you practice forming sentences that describe how someone or something moves.

Use Prepositions of Movement to make your own sentences.

  1. into: ________________________________________
  2. across: ________________________________________
  3. through: ________________________________________
  4. over: ________________________________________
  5. along: ________________________________________
  6. up: ________________________________________
  7. down: ________________________________________
  8. Behind : ________________________________________
  9. around: ________________________________________
  10. onto: ________________________________________
Prepositions of Movement Worksheets in English
Prepositions of Movement Worksheets in English
Worksheets for Practicing Prepositions of Movement
Worksheets for Practicing Prepositions of Movement

Answers for Prepositions of Movement Worksheets

Fill-in-the-BlankMultiple-Choice Question
1. over1. (b) through
2. through2. (a) across
3. into3. (a) across
4. up4. (a) over
5. around5. (b) up
6. onto6. (c) through
7. across7. (c) across
8. along8. (d) through
9. up9. (c) along
10. down10. (b) onto

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