In this blog post, we will help you understand masculine and feminine words in English. These words are used to describe the gender of people, animals, and more. Learning them can improve your vocabulary and make your communication clearer. Whether you’re a beginner or want to master gender-specific terms, this post will make it easier for you to learn.
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Masculine and Feminine

Now, let’s understand how these masculine and feminine words are formed.
There are three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns:
1: By using an entirely different word; as
Masculine | Feminine |
Bachelor | Maid; Spinster |
Brother | Sister |
Bullock | Heifer |
Colt | Filly |
Drake | Duck |
Father | Mother |
Gentleman | Lady |
Husband | Wife |
Man | Woman |
Nephew | Niece |
Son | Daughter |
Wizard | Witch |
Boy | Girl |
Bull (or ox) | Cow |
Cock | Hen |
Dog | Bitch |
Drone | Bee |
Gander | Goose |
Horse | Mare |
King | Queen |
Monk | Nun |
Sir | Madam |
Stag | Hind |
English man | English woman |
He-mule | She-mule |
Stallion | Mare |
Sales man | Sales girl |
Tutor | Governess |
Drone | Bee |
Brother-in-law | Sister-in-law |
Son-in-law | Daughter-in-law |
Maternal-uncle | Maternal-aunt |
Step-son | Step-daughter |
Hostess | Steward |
Widow | Widower |
Brother-in-law | Sister-in-law |

2: By adding a syllable (-ess, -ine, -trix, -a, etc.) as,
Masculine | Feminine |
author | authoress |
count | countess |
heir | heiress |
Jew | Jewess |
manager | manageress |
patron | patroness |
priest | priestess |
baron | baroness |
giant | giantess |
host | hostess |
lion | lioness |
mayor | mayoress |
poet | poetess |
shepherd | shepherdess |
|Note that in the following -ess is added after dropping the vowel of the masculine ending!
Masculine | Feminine |
actor | actress |
conductor | conductress |
hunter | huntress |
negro | negress |
prince | princess |
traitor | traitress |
master | mistress |
benefactor | benefactress |
founder | foundress |
instructor | instructress |
emperor | empress |
tiger | tigress |
waiter | waitress |
murderer | murderess |

Note: – The suffix -ess is the commonest suffix used to form feminine nouns, and the is the only one which we now* use in forming a new feminine noun.
Masculine | Feminine |
hero | heroine |
fox | vixen |
sultan | sultana |
(3) By placing a word before or after; as.
Masculine | Feminine |
grandfather | grandmother |
manservant | maidservant |
milkman | milk-woman |
salesman | saleswoman |
great-uncle | great-aunt |
landlord | landlady |
peacock | peahen |

Masculine refers to things related to men or boys, and feminine refers to things related to women or girls. In some languages, words can be called masculine or feminine.
Here are 12 examples of masculine words:
1. Boy
2. Man
3. Father
4. Brother
5. King
6. Husband
7. Son
8. Actor
9. Uncle
10. Prince
11. Gentleman
12. Hero
These words are traditionally associated with males or male qualities.
Here are 12 examples of masculine and feminine words:
Masculine – Feminine
1. King – Queen
2. Father – Mother
3. Brother – Sister
4. Son – Daughter
5. Husband – Wife
6. Uncle – Aunt
7. Actor – Actress
8. Prince – Princess
9. Nephew – Niece
10. Boy – Girl
11. Emperor – Empress
12. Gentleman – Lady
These are traditional gender associations, though roles can be performed by anyone, regardless of gender.
Here are 12 examples of feminine words:
1. Girl
2. Woman
3. Mother
4. Sister
5. Queen
6. Wife
7. Daughter
8. Actress
9. Aunt
10. Princess
11. Lady
12. Heroine
These words are traditionally associated with females or female qualities.

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