HomeGrammarHow to Use WH Words with Ever in English Sentences

How to Use WH Words with Ever in English Sentences

The words that start with “WH” and end with “-ever” can be confusing for many people learning English. For example, words like “whichever” and “whatever” can seem similar, but they have different meanings and uses, which makes it hard to know when to use each one. These words are often used in different situations, which can make them hard to understand. Knowing when and how to use them is important for clear communication, as it helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that you can express your thoughts accurately and effectively.

Here is an easy way to remember how to use them:

  • Whichever is used when choosing between options. For example, “Take whichever book you like.”
  • Whenever is used for talking about time. For example, “Come over whenever you are free.”
  • Wherever is used for talking about a place. For example, “You can sit wherever you want.”
  • Whatever means anything or everything. For example, “Do whatever makes you happy.”
  • Whoever is used to talk about a person. For example, “Whoever arrives first will get a prize.”

Whenever (جب کھبی)
Whenever did you find time to do it?

Wherever (کہیں بھی)
Wherever you want is okay.

However (حالانکہ)
The tips are, however, not sustainable.

Whomsoever (جس کسی)
I will not call whomsoever I know.

Whomever (جسے بھی)
Give it to whomever you please.

Whatever (جو کچھ بھی)
I’ll try to do whatever is right.

Whichever (جو بھی)
Take whichever you like best.

Whatsoever (جو بھی)
It admitted no fault whatsoever.


1. How to use wh ever?

Here’s an easy way to understand “wh-ever” words:
Whoever: Any person.
Example: Whoever comes first can join.
Whatever: Anything.
Example: Take whatever you need.
Whenever: Any time.
Example: Come whenever you want.
Wherever: Any place.
Example: Go wherever you like.
Whichever: Any option.
Example: Pick whichever you like.
However: Any way.
Example: Do it however it works for you.
They simply mean “any” person, thing, time, place, option, or way!

2. How can we use whatever?

Here’s an easy way to use “whatever”:
For anything:
Example: Take whatever you want.
(You can choose anything.)
To show you don’t care:
Example: Do whatever you like.
(I’m okay with anything.)
To ask a question in surprise:
Example: Whatever did you say?
(What did you say?)
As a response when you don’t mind:
Example: “Let’s watch a movie.” — “Whatever!”
(I don’t mind.)
“Whatever” just means “anything” or shows you don’t care.

3. How to use whenever and wherever?

Means any time.
Example: Come whenever you’re ready.
Means any place.
Example: Sit wherever you want.

4. Is it whatever or whichever?

Here’s an easy way to remember:
Whatever: Means anything.
Example: Pick whatever you like.
Whichever: Means one from a group.
Example: Choose whichever one you want.
Whatever = anything.
Whichever = one from a choice.

5. What ever vs whatever?

Here’s the simple difference:
What ever: Used to ask or show surprise.
Example: What ever happened?
Whatever: Means anything or I don’t care.
Example: Do whatever you want.
“What ever” = question or surprise.
“Whatever” = anything or no care.

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