HomeGrammar4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF

4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF


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Learn important 4th grade spelling words. Enhance your language skills with these academic word patterns and sounds.

4th Grade Spelling Words List

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Academic le pattern Words Academic schwa sound Words  Academic al/il


jiggle again metal
bible pleasant illative
brake monitor school
shake vowel practical
hassle problem illusive
near scratch courage
stifle celebrate fatal
paddle enemy anvil
bake hours reached
gentle album local
stand usually courage
gurgle bottom lentil
plate straight enough
nectar spread touch
startle syringe raise
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Academic el Words Academic  uel Words  Academic ule


label sequel rule
nickel jeruel soule
gospel ferule reschedule
foil knop dried
angel bunuel pule
moist wreath thigh
cruel defuel poule
hope thought pamphlet
diesel textuel ductule
join distance extend
parcel prequel gule
choice knew determine
chapel outduel ampoule
broke nothing apostrophe
bagel synfuel capsule
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Academic ile/oil Words Academic  air Words  Academic ure


volatile staircase assure
turmoil repairman pure
can’t plunge latch
mile bairnlier enclosure
both quotient engine
boiling disrepair pressure
vanish sledge history
immobile affair leisure
topsoil airbus unsure
shelf wife village
sile antiaircraft treasure
oilseed hairstyle sure
hoe strange division
quartile airy cure
brush edge cherry
Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Academic sher pattern Words Academic et pattern Words   Academic op/ot


thrasher ricochet crop
excellent celery mood
pusher duvet ascot
exciting steel iron
feldsher ballet pop
usher bouquet depot
century office food
sherd buffet plop
gusher cabaret gemot
adapt fence proof
tundra race cool
wisher fret maggot
admonisher beret stop
notice slice scoop
lavisher get ergot
Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
Academic cher pattern Words Academic vce pattern Words   Academic aw


chert clove squawk
around hair data
bellyacher scribe yawn
butcher truce raw
handout among tallest
cherty dyne scrawl
abound fair jerked
torcher style drawn
matchers pine trawl
ocher invite spawn
began pair thick
switchers excuse hawk
witcheries save claw
doughty flair prawn
Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
Academic it pattern Words Academic age pattern Words   Academic long o


jackfruit gage dough
river air claw
emit wage oboe
accredit ambage meadow
clit intervillage swallow
handout among tallest
bushtit anecdotage though
aquavit phage encroach
aloud delta shawl
account bayou trawl
cockpits remarriages soap
bit lieage groan
distrait stage although
devout establish drawn
backfit surplusage borrow
Week 19 Week 20 Week 21
Academic idge pattern Words Academic long u pattern Words   Academic edge pattern Words
flybridge eulogy hedge
gate verb greatest
browridge fluid impledge
drawbridge prune kentledge
loose swimmer burned
ridge frugal sledge
berry talk planets
cellar pulled reflect
porridge fluid wedge
find list happier
bridge group dredge
teethridge juice acknowledge
sense sharper simplest
fidge mutation nutsedge
four baker greater
Week 22 Week 23 Week 24
Academic tion pattern Words Academic cian pattern Words   Academic r-controlled  vowel Words
situation physician person
aggressive lawyer stubborn
ventilation magician sternly
attraction optician turkey
revolution clinician serpent
brilliant fortnight dinner
construction electrician permit
difficult lifeblood family
caution beautician turnip
devotion politician hurt
attic forefinger cotton
exhibition musician third
imagination statistician nerve
collect format servant
fiction magician scarf
Week 25 Week 26 Week 27
Academic prefixes anti Words Academic suffixes ness Words   Academic prefixes fore Words
antisocial fairness forecast
mixed gardening fearful.
antiaircraft kindness forehead
anticlimax tidiness foreword
decimal garden painful
antiseptic nastiness foremost
antidote happiness foresee
helped spelling difference
antibody fitness foreground
compare winter playful
antidepressant darkness forerunner
antigravity witness foreboding
simplify continuity useful
antibiotic loveliness foreshadow
antifreeze awareness foregather
Week 28 Week 29 Week 30
Academic oo /ew Words Academic eam Words   Academic shun sound Words
snooze beam musician
president operation carefully
behind gladly we’d
grew cream fiction
topic relation deeply
school daydream confusion
stew gleam proportion
promise female wasn’t
loop preach attention
moose ream exclusion
cashew team magician
second imagination happily
baker explorer flavor
andrew scream electrician
choose bundle public
Week 31 Week 32 Week 33
Academic ssion pattern Words Academic polysyllabic CVCC Words   Academic number related Words
Expression children count
inevitable nonfat fly
discussion sandip decimal
confession softest amount
advisable aren’t semicircle
permission windmill add up
possession pondweed integer
extend they’ll unable
expression children count
inevitable nonfat fly
discussion drwaing decimal
confession softest amount
advisable aren’t semicircle
permission windmill add up
possession pondweed integer
Week 34 Week 35 Week 36
Academic singular changes Words Academic homograph Words   Academic Greek root graph Words
crises address autograph
beautiful dental crabby
indices bass photograph
analyses desert geography
mammoth often studies
dried jolly nothing
happy wave vital
genera produce polygraph
oxen separate telegraph
hospital format whopping
tuna combine biograph
brave medal nasty
tundra practical behavior
mice record paragraph
aircraft moped definition
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF
Grade 4th Spelling Words Printable
Grade 4th Spelling Words Printable
4th Grade Spelling Words Worksheets
4th Grade Spelling Words Worksheets
4th Grade Spelling Words Worksheets
4th Grade Spelling Words
4th Grade Spelling Words List
4th Grade Spelling Words List
Spelling Bee Words For Grade 4th
Spelling Bee Words For Grade 4th


1. What spelling words should a 4th grader know?

Here’s a shorter list of spelling words for 4th graders:
1. Adjectives: Happy, Funny, Smart
2. Nouns: Friend, School, Dog
3. Verbs: Run, Jump, Write
4. Common Words: Water, Together, Today
5. Silent Letters: Knife, Thumb, Listen
6. Endings: Running, Quickly
7. Beginnings: Unhappy, Rebuild
These words cover basic types and spelling rules!

2. What are week spelling words in 4th grade?

Here’s a short list of week spelling words for 4th grade:
1. Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
2. School: Teacher, Student, Class
3. Actions: Study, Read, Write
These focus on everyday school and time-related words.

3. How to improve spelling grade 4?

Here are easy tips to improve spelling in 4th grade:
1. Practice Writing: Write words over and over.
2. Use Flashcards: Make cards with words and test yourself.
3. Words Up: Split long words into smaller parts.
4. Read a Lot: Reading helps you remember spelling.
5. Learn Rules: Focus on rules like “-ing” or “-ly.”
6. Say the Word: Say the word while writing it.
7. Use Words: Write sentences with your spelling words.
These simple steps can help you improve your spelling!

4. What are short O spelling words 4th grade?

Here are some short O spelling words for 4th grade:
These words use the short “o” sound and are great for practice!

5. What is easy spelling?

Easy spelling means using words that are simple to write and remember. These words usually follow common patterns and don’t have tricky letters or rules. Examples of easy spelling words include:
These words are short, familiar, and often sound like they are spelled!

6. What are the O words for kids?

Here are some O words for kids:
These words are simple and fun for kids to learn!


4th Grade Spelling Words List PDF

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