HomeVocabularyAdjectives For Smell with Meninges

Adjectives For Smell with Meninges


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In this blog post, we will learn adjectives for smell along with their meanings to help you describe different scents more effectively. These words are essential for expanding your vocabulary and improving how you express sensory experiences in English. Understanding these adjectives will make your descriptions clearer and more vivid. If you want to enhance your vocabulary on other topics, visit our Vocabulary Category.

List of Adjectives For Smell

Aroma / مہک   

Smell of something

I like the rose Aroma.

Bouquet / گلدستہ

Bunch of flowers

She gifted a bouquet of flowers to her friend at her wedding.

Body Odor / جسم کی بو    

The smell of a body

Every animal has a specific body odor.

Fetor / بَدبُو

Foul smell

I noticed a fetor in the air as I came out of my room.

Floral / پھولوں والا

Having flowers

Her dress was beautifully designed with different floral patterns.

Fruity / پھلوں جیسا

Giving a fruit-like smell

Different ice creams have different fruity flavors.

Faint Smell / ہلکی بو

Very less smell

The faint smell of roses in the garden was very enticing.

 Fragrance / خوشبو

Good smell

I like flowers’ fragrance.


Dirty things

Some of the areas in Karachi are full of foulness.

Fetidness/ سخت بو

Strong bad smell

A rotten egg smell is a good example of fetidness.

 Get A Whiff/ سونگھنا

Smell something intensely

He got a whiff of a flower bouquet.

Heavy Smell / سخت بو

Intense smell

I could not bear the intense smoking smell.

Intoxicating Smell / نشہ آور بو

Strong harmful smell

I don’t like the intoxicating smell of bears.

 Incense/ میٹھی چیزوں کے جلنے کی بو

Burning smell of sweet items

I like the incense of burning sweet items like sugar.

Leathery / چمڑے والا


Her shoes were giving a leathery look.

Muskiness/ مشک جیسی

 Musk like smell

Muskiness from the deer’s skin is natural.

Medicinal/ ادویاتی

Smell like medicines

The hospital’s atmosphere was full of medicinal smell.

Minty / پودینے جیسا

Mint smell

I like the minty smell of mint leaves.

Malodorous/ بدبودار


I hate the malodorous smell of raw egg.

75 Words That Describe Smells
75 Words That Describe Smells

Nasty Smell/ گندی بو

Bad smell

The heaps of garbage were giving out a nasty smell.

Nauseating Smell/ متلی کرنے والی بو

A smell that urges the sense of vomit

I felt a strong Nauseating smell in the van.

Odor / بدبو

Bad smell

The medical odor in the hospital is so disturbing.

Perfume/ خوشبو

Spray with a beautiful smell

Everyone loves perfume.

Reek/ بدبو

To stink

The Reeky smell of rotten fruits in the room was unbearable for me.

Rankness/ نا خوشگوار


You could clearly observe the rankness of the decaying wood.

Redolence/ تیکھی بو

Pungent smell

I suddenly noticed a redolent smell of vinegar as I opened the bottle.

Stink/ بدبو

Bad smell

The heaps of debris on the roads were stinking after the rain.

Smell/ بو


I love the mint smell.

Sniff/ سونگھنا 

To smell

The horse was sniffing the grass.

Savory /  چٹ پٹا

Full of flavor

Ahmad loves the savory essence of meat.

Stench/ بدبو

Unpleasant smell

Some insects have a stench smell.

Scent/ خوشبو

Pleasant smell

The atmosphere was full of floral scents.

Whiff/ سونگھنا

Faint smell

The whiff smell of moist soil is so appealing.

Wind/ ہوا

Blowing air

The strong wind was blowing outside.

Smell Vocabulary List
Smell Vocabulary List
Smell Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings


1. What are adjectives for smell?

Here are some adjectives used to describe smell:
Fragrant – Pleasant or sweet smell.
Foul – A bad, unpleasant smell.
Aromatic – Strong and pleasant smell.
Stinky – Strongly unpleasant smell.
Sweet – A pleasant or sugary smell.
Pungent – A strong, sharp smell, often overpowering.
Musty – Damp or stale smell, like mold.
Fresh – Clean and pleasant smell.
Rotten – Decayed or spoiled smell.
Sour – A sharp, tangy smell, often unpleasant.
These adjectives help describe how things smell, from pleasant to unpleasant!

2. What is the adjective for smell?

Here are simple adjectives for smell:
Fragrant – Pleasant smell.
Pungent – Strong, sharp smell.
Aromatic – Pleasant, strong smell.
Foul – Bad, stinky smell.
Musty – Damp, old smell.

3. What is a descriptive word for smelling good?

A descriptive word for smelling good is:
These words describe smells that are nice or enjoyable!

4. How do you say a strong smell?

To describe a strong smell, you can use these words:
These words describe smells that are very strong and noticeable.

5. What is a classy word for smell?

A classy word for smell is:
These words sound more elegant and refined when describing smells.

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