HomeGrammarCommon Pronoun Errors with Uses and Example Sentences

Common Pronoun Errors with Uses and Example Sentences

Common Pronoun Errors happen a lot in English. They can make sentences confusing. For example, using ‘they’ for one person or ‘he/she’ when we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl. These mistakes mess up what we mean to say. This post talks about Pronoun Errors so you can avoid them and make your writing clear.

Common Pronoun Errors

1He called at mine house yesterday.  

He called at my house yesterday.

2I am, yours sincerely, etc.

I am, yours sincerely, etc.

3This is mine book.

This is my book.

4One should do his duty well.

One should do one’s duty well.

5Everyone should do one’s duty well.

Everyone should do his duty well.

6They are enjoying.

They are enjoying themselves.

7He availed of the opportunity.

He availed himself of the opportunity.

8He overate yesterday.

He overate himself yesterday.

9Yours letter of the 10th instant to hand.

Your letter of the 10th instant to hand.

10I cannot endure his separation.

I cannot endure separation from him.

11I want his reply by return of post.

I want a reply from him by return of post.

12Let you and I do it.

Let you and me do it.

13It is him who did it.

It is he who did it.

14Such men who work hard succeed in life.

Such men as work hard succeed in life.

15This is the same book which I bought yesterday.

This is the same hook as (or, that) / bought yesterday.

Common mistakes with Pronouns, exercises and uses

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