Consonants and Vowels Worksheets and Exercises with Answers

Consonants and Vowels Sounds Worksheets. Vowels and Consonants Worksheets
Consonants and Vowels Worksheets
Consonants and Vowels are important parts of words, and you can understand them better with Consonants and Vowels Worksheets and Exercises. These sheets have questions that make it easy to learn about vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants (other letters). By answering these questions, you can improve how you read and spell words. The worksheets are like a guide to help you get better at recognizing the sounds of letters in different words. They’re useful tools to boost your language skills and make learning more enjoyable.

Consonants and Vowels Worksheets

Worksheet 1: Choose the Correct Option.

  • In this which letter is a vowel?

a) D        b) O        c) G

  • How many vowels are there in the word “CAT”?

a) 1        b) 2         c) 3

  • Identify the consonant in the word “SUN.”

a) S       b) U         c) N

  • Which of the following is a vowel?

a) B       b) E         c) F

  • How many consonants are there in the word “RUN”?

a) 1      b) 2             c) 3

  • In the word “JUMP,” which letter is a consonant?

a) J      b) U            c) M

  • Which letter is a vowel in the word “PIG”?

a) P        b) I           c) G

  • How many vowels are there in the word “HAT”?

a) 1        b) 2         c) 3

  • Identify the consonant in the word “FISH.”

a) F        b) I          c) S

  • Which of the following is a consonant sound?

a) A        b) O         c) S

  • In the word “RED,” which letter is a consonant?

a) R         b) E           c) D

  • How many vowels are there in the word “CUP”?

a) 1        b) 2          c) 3

  • Identify the vowel in the word “FROG.”

a) F       b) R         c) O

  • Which of the following is a consonant?

a) I        b) U          c) Y

How many consonants are there in the word “BED”?

a) 1          b) 2          c) 3

  • In the word “MILK,” which letter is a consonant?

a) M         b) I          c) L

15+ Mcqs of Vowels and Consonants Worksheets. Choose the Correct Option.
Consonants and Vowels Worksheets

Worksheet 2: Fill in the blanks using Vowel and Consonants

  1. B__t
  2. S__p
  3. F__sh
  4. Ch__s__
  5. H__pp__
  6. Gr__n
  7. L__ght
  8. Tr__n
  9. C__ff__
  10. J__mp
  11. M__lk
  12. D__ll__
  13. R__d
  14. P__ll__w
  15. Sn__k__
Vowels and Consonants Worksheets. Complete these Words and Whether the Letter you Wrote is Vowel or Consonants.
Consonants and Vowels Worksheets


Vowels and Consonants Worksheets. Circle the Vowels and Underline Consonants.
Vowels and Consonants Worksheets

Answer of Worksheet 1:

  • b) O
  • a) 1
  • a) S
  • b) E
  • c) 2
  • a) J
  • b) I
  • a) 1
  • a) F
  • c) S
  • a) R
  • a) 1
  • c) O
  • c) Y
  • c) 3
  • a) M

Answer of Worksheet 2:

  1. Bat
  2. Step
  3. Fish
  4. Cheese
  5. Happy
  6. Green
  7. Light
  8. Train
  9. Coffee
  10. Jump
  11. Milk
  12. Doll
  13. Red
  14. Pillow
  15. Snake