HomeGrammar300 Homophones Words List with Examples

300 Homophones Words List with Examples


First thing first, What are homophones, and how a list of homophones can help us improve our English in a broader aspect. Homophones are tricky, they can be misunderstood when they are spoken, and the listener can misinterpret the words. Homo means “of the same kind” and Phone means “Voice” In? English you can use the word pronunciation, so it means the words having the same pronunciation – they can be two or more than two e.g. hair, hear hare, and even heir. To see a person having the basic vocabulary and listening skills can easily be mistaken, this is why it is highly recommended to understand at least the most common homophones used in English.

Homophones Words Examples

1. Ale ———- Ail
2. Allowed ———- Aloud
3. Axes———-Axis
4. All Ready ———-Already
5. Alms ———- Arms
6. Axel ———-Axle
7. Ad ———- Add
8. Abel ———- Able
9. Affected ———-Effected
10. Accede ———-Exceed
11. Air ———- Heir
12. Affect———- Effect
13. Accede ———- Exceed
14. Ant ———-Aunt
15. Adds ———-Adz
16. Aural ———- Oral
17. Altar ———-Alter
18. All ———- Awl
19. Accept———- Except
20. Ate ———-Eight
21. Addition ———- Edition
22. Arc ———- Ark
23. Ax ———-Acts
24. Blue ———- Blew
25. Auger ———- Augur
26. Byte ———-Bight
27. Braid ———- Brayed
28. Baize ———- Bays
29. Beer ———-Bier
30. Bridal———- Bridle
31. Bald ———-Bawled
32. Buy ———-By ———- Bye
33. Bored———-Board
34. Broach ———-Brooch
35. Beet———-Beat
36. Break ———- Brake
37. Band ———-Banned
38. But ———-Butt
39. Ball ———- Bawl
40. Bell ———-Belle
41. Bard ———- Barred
42. Bussed———- Bust
43. Be———-Bee
44. Bib———- Bibb
45. Bare ———-Bear
46. Brews ———- Bruise
47. Berry ———-Bury
48. Beach ———- Beech
49. Bury ———-Berry
50. Baron ———- Barren
51. Berth ———-Birth
52. Bean———-Been
53. Better———- Bettor
54. Bight———-Bite
55. Billed ———- Build
56. Byte———-Bight


57. Check ———-Czech
58. Cache ———-Cash
59. Cops ———-Copse
60. Caddie ———- Caddy
61. Cheap ———-Cheep
62. Clique ———- Click
63. Coop———-Coupe
64. Cain ———- Cane
65. Coral ———-Choral
66. Coolie———- Coulee
67. Complement ———-Compliment
68. Cite———- Sight / Site
69. Crepe ———- Crape
70. Colonel ———- Kernel
71. Core ———-Corps
72. Creak———-Creek
73. Cereal ———-Serial
74. Cored———- Chord
75. Census———-Sense
76. Coward———-Cowered
77. Cord ———- Cored
78. Chili ———- Chilly
79. Coy ———- Koi
80. Cellar———- Seller
81. Coughers———- Coffers
82. Crawl ———-Kraal
83. Council ———- Counsel
84. Cozen ———-Cousin
85. Course ———-Coarse
86. Corps ———- Core
87. Capital ———- Capitol
88. Dyeing ———- Dying
89. Discreet ———- Discrete
90. Deer ———- Dear
91. Done ———-Dun
92. Die ———-Dye
93. Draft ———- Draught
94. Dual ———- Duel
95. Doe ———- Dough
96. Earn ———- Urn
97. Fort ———-Forte
98. Flaw ———- Floor
99. Farther ———- Father
100. Fare ———-Fair
101. Find ———- Fined
102. Flyer ———- Flier
103. Fate ———- Fete
104. Flea ———- Flee
105. Fir ———-Fur
106. Flu ———-Flue ———- Flew
107. Faun ———-Fawn
108. File ———- Phial
109. Flower ———- Flour
110. Flex ———- Flecks
111. Fax ———-Facts
112. Fort ———-Fought
113. Flow ———- Floe
114. Foreword ———-Forward
115. Feat ———- Feet
116. Flour ———- Flower
117. Foul ———- Fowl
118. Faze ———-Phase
119. Fends ———- Fens
120. For ———-Four
121. .Feint ———- Faint
122. Graphed ———- Graft
123. Gait ———- Gate
124. Gnu ———-Knew ———- New
125. Graham ———- Gram
126. Genes ———-Jeans
127. Groan ———- Grown
128. Gofer ———-Gopher
129. Graft ———-Graphed
130. Gored ———- Gourd
131. Grade ———-Grayed
132. Gorilla ———-Guerilla
133. Great ———-Grate
134. Gamble ———- Gambol
135. Heroin ———-Heroine
136. Hue ———-Hew
137. Hertz ———- Hurts
138. Holed ———- Hold
139. Hew ———-Hue
140. Hey ———- Hay
141. Hold ———-Holed
142. Hi ———-High
143. Hoes ———- Hose
144. Heel ———- Heal
145. Higher ———- Hire
146. Hole ———- Whole
147. Hoe ———-Ho
148. Hoarse ———-Horse
149. Hear ———-Here
150. Him ———- Hymn
151. Hire ———- Higher
152. Hart ———-Heart
153. Hoard ———- Horde
154. Hour ———-Our

100 Examples of Homophones155. I———-Eye
157. Incite ———- Insight
158. Leased ———-Least
159. Lessen ———- Lesson
160. Lone ———-Loan
161. Led ———- Lead
162. Lode ———- Load
163. Lee ———- Lea
164. Locks ———-Lox
165. Leech ———- Leach
166. Lock ———- Loch
167. Loan ———- Lone
168. Liar ———- Lier
169. Loch ———- Locks
170. Lichen ———- Liken
171. Lie ———-Lye
172. Loot ———- Lute
173. Levee ———- Levy
174. Leak ———-Leek
175. Literal ———- Littoral
176. Links ———- Lynx
177. Lieu ———-Lou
178. Lien ———-Lean
179. Knew ———- New
180. Know ———- No
181. Knead ———- Need
182. Knot ———-Not
183. Mail ———-Male
184. Mucous ———- Mucus
185. Main ———- Mane
186. Mrs ———- Misses
187. Maize ———- Maze
188. Mown ———- Moan
189. Male ———- Mail
190. Mwn ———- Moan
191. Mall ———- Maul
192. Mowed ———- Mode
193. Marc ———- Mark
194. Mousse ———- Moose
195. Mare ———- Mayor
196. Moat ———- Mote
197. Meteor ———- Meatier
198. Moan ———- Mown
199. Mints ———- Mince
200. Missal ———- Missile
201. Mite ———- Might
202. Missed ———- Mist
203. None ———- Nun
204. Navel ———- Naval
205. Night ———- Knight
206. Nay ———- Neigh
207. Niece ———-Nice
208. Nickers ———- Knickers
209. Need ———- Knead
210. Nice ———-Gneiss
211. Neigh ———- Nay
212. New ———-Gnu ———-Knew
213. Overdo ———- Overdue
214. Ode ———- Owed
215. Oar ———- Or
216. One ———- Won
217. Overseas ———- Oversees
218. Principal ———-Principle
219. Pedal ———- Peddle
220. Pore ———- Pour
221. Padded ———- Patted
222. Pole ———-Poll
223. Paean ———- Paeon
224. Plum ———- Plumb
225. Pail ———- Pale
226. Pistil ———- Pistol
227. Profit ———- Prophet
228. Pain ———- Pane
229. Parish ———- Perish
230. Pair ———-Pare
231. Palate ———- Pallet
232. Plane ———- Plain

Homophones Words with Meaning
233. Read ———- Reed
234. Rued ———- Rude
235. Real ———-Reel
236. Rue ———- Roux
237. Reek ———- Wreak
238. Rude ———- Rued
239. Rows ———- Rose
240. Room ———- Rheum
241. Root ———- Route
242. Roe ———-Row
243. Rain ———-Reign
244. Rode ———- Road
245. Right ———- Write
246. Role ———- Roll
247. Rung ———- Wrung
248. Rouse ———- Rows
249. Ring ———- Wring
250. Red ———- Read
251. Rain ———-Reign
252. Rode ———-Road
253. Right ———- Write
254. Role ———-Roll
255. Rung ———- Wrung
256. Scull ———- Skull
257. Sane ———-Seine
258. Sole ———- Soul
259. Sun ———-Son
260. Soar ———- Sore
261. Stalk ———- Stork
262. Stationary ———- Stationery
263. Sort ———- Sought
264. Scene ———-Seen
265. Saver ———-Savor
266. Steal ———-Steel
267. Stare ———- Stair
268. Sail ———-Sale
269. Slay ———- Sleigh
270. See ———- Sea
271. Sauce ———- Source
272. Stile ———- Style
273. Sari ———-Sorry
274. Shoe ———- Shoo
275. Side ———-Sighed
276. Sashay ———- Sachet
277. Some ———- Sum
278. Staid ———- Stayed
279. Toe ———- Tow
280. Tail ———- Tale
281. To ———- Too ———- Two
282. Team ———-Teem
283. Tide ———- Tied
284. Than ———- Then
285. Throne ———- Thrown
286. Their ———- There
287. Veil ———- Vale
288. Vain ———- Vein
289. Vein ———-Vain
290. Vary ———-Very
291. We’ll ———-Wheel
292. Which ———- Witch
293. Waste ———- Waist
294. Who’s ———- Whose
295. Way ———-Weigh
296. Wear ———- Where
297. Weak ———-Week
298. Won ———- One
299. Weather ———- Whether
300. Would ———- Wood
301. Where ———- Wear
302. You’re ———-Your
303. Yew ———- Ewe ———-You
304. Yews ———-Use
305. Yule ———- You’ll
306. Yoke ———- Yolk

Homophones Words with Sentences

Ant Ants are the very smallest insects.
Aunt My aunt is so pretty.
Ate I ate an apple yesterday.
Eight Eight number my lucky number.
Addition She likes addition questions in math.
Edition The Rose edition is now available at bookshops.
Blue The blue count is a cool colour.
Blew The boy blew a bubble balloon.


Buy She buys a vegetable daily.
By The T.V is by the door.
Bare Bare kids enjoying the rain.
Bear Kids are colouring on bears.
Billed I billed electricity yesterday.
Build The builder will build tower very soon.
Complement We complement when we go well together.
Compliment His compliment I never forget.

Homophones List with Sentences

Cereal Her baby eats cereal in breakfast.
Serial Sara favourite serial is not on the program me.
Deer Deer live in herb.
Dear My dear friend ‘I miss you’.
Die One day we will die.
Dye Sara dyes her hair.
Flower Rose is king of flower.
Flour Flour has vitamin C.

1000 Homophones List

For I made it for you.
Four The number of four is my lucky number.
Knew I knew her yesterday.
New This is new car.
Great You’re doing a great job
Grate Do not grate carrot.
Hi Hi my lovely friend.
High  I fear the top of a high mountain

Homophones Examples with Sentences

Graham cookie made with graham crackers.
Gram Gram have protein.
Hear I hear you.
Here Please come here.
Hour They have been working for 2 hours.
Our Our home is large.
I I am happy.
Eye His eyes colour is green.
Homophones List
Homophones List
Loan My father took loan from bank.
Lone The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.
Leak The tap is leak.
Leek Leek is green vegetable.
Mail She will mail you.
Male Male are not allow.
Mints Mints is green herb.
Mince I like mince in dinner.
Homophones Words
Homophones Words
Niece His niece is 7-year-old.
Nice They have nice car.
One She is in one of the best girls.
Won He won the match.
Knead Cook knead the flour
Need I need food.
Pain He is feeling pain in finger.
Pane The children broke the pane of window.
100 Examples of Homophones for kids
100 Examples of Homophones for kids
Pare Pears are full of vitamins.
Pair I am seeking of pair of gloves.
Rows This table has 3 rows.
Rose Red rose symbol of love.
Right My right hand is in pocket.
Write Please write the correct spelling.
Sun sun rise from the east
Son My son is intelligent.
Homophones Examples
Homophones Examples
Steal Robber Steal The Gold.
Steel Spoons Made From Steel.
Toe There Is A Hole In The Toe Of Her Sock.
Tow I Have Two Kids.
Their They Have Their Own House.
There Do Not Go There.
Veil Muslims ladies wear veil.
Vale The ghost lives in vale.
Homophones Words with Sentences
Homophones Words with Sentences
Waste Please do not waste the water.
Waist Her waist size is 32 inch.
Vain She is vain woman.
Vein Veins need valves to keep the blood flowing toward the heart.
Yoke Every farmer knows how to yoke the oxen together.
Yolk Yolk has Calcium.


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