In this blog post, you will learn about 500 essential interjections in English with clear examples. Interjections are words that express strong emotions or sudden feelings. Understanding how to use these words correctly will help you improve your communication skills and make your speech more expressive.
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What is Interjection?
An interjection is a short word or sound we use to show feelings, like “Oh!”, “Wow!”, or “Oops!”. It stands alone and doesn’t connect to other words in a sentence.
Interjections Examples List
- rah
- rat-tat-tat
- unbeaten
- upadaisy
- feh
- fie
- view halloo
- wacko
- yiss
- yo
- pah
- pah
- you know
- oho
- oh-oh
- oi
- woo hoo
- woops
- word
- wuxtry
- wuzza
- yes
- yes way
- pardie
- pardon
- whoo
- whoopee
- aah
- aargh
- bye
- bye-bye
- caw
- phwoarr
- weh
- whallah
- migod
- morning
- this
- thwap
- mwah
- wahey
- naw
- blow me down
- blow me over
- blow me tight
- areet
- avast
- avaunt
- bejaysus
- big deal
- blabby
- chin-chin
Interjection Examples Used in Sentences
Interjection | Use in Simple English | Example Sentence |
rah | To cheer or support | “Rah! Go team go!” |
rat-tat-tat | Sound of knocking | “I heard a rat-tat-tat on my door.” |
unbeaten | Not defeated | “Our team remains unbeaten this season.” |
upadaisy | Encouragement to get up | “Upadaisy! You can do it!” |
feh | Disgust or dismissal | “Feh! I don’t like this food.” |
fie | Mild disgust or outrage | “Fie! That’s not fair.” |
view halloo | Hunting call | “View halloo! The fox is in sight.” |
wacko | Crazy or mad | “He’s gone wacko!” |
yiss | Yes, in an excited way | “Yiss! We won the game!” |
yo | Greeting or attention | “Yo! Over here!” |
pah | Disgust or disbelief | “Pah! I don’t believe you.” |
you know | Filler or emphasis | “It’s, you know, complicated.” |
oho | Realization or surprise | “Oho! Look who’s here.” |
oh-oh | Realizing a mistake | “Oh-oh, I forgot my keys.” |
oi | Attention or alert | “Oi! Watch out!” |
woo hoo | Excitement or joy | “Woo hoo! We’re going on vacation!” |
woops | Realizing a small mistake | “Woops, I dropped it.” |
word | Agreement or truth | “Word, that’s exactly how it happened.” |
wuxtry | Old call for newspapers | “Wuxtry! Wuxtry! Read all about it!” |
wuzza | Confusion or surprise | “Wuzza? I didn’t hear you.” |
yes | Agreement | “Yes, I understand.” |
yes way | Affirmation | “Yes way! It’s true.” |
pardie | Certainly or truly | “Pardie, that’s a great idea.” |
pardon | Asking for repetition | “Pardon? Could you say that again?” |
whoo | Excitement | “Whoo! That was close.” |
whoopee | Joy or excitement | “Whoopee! It’s a holiday!” |
aah | Realization or relaxation | “Aah, now I get it.” |
aargh | Frustration or pain | “Aargh! I stubbed my toe.” |
bye | Farewell | “Bye! See you tomorrow.” |
bye-bye | Casual farewell | “Bye-bye! Take care.” |
caw | Crow’s sound | “The crow went ‘caw’ from the tree.” |
phwoarr | Attraction or approval | “Phwoarr! Look at that car.” |
weh | Disappointment | “Weh, I thought we’d win.” |
whallah | Here it is or voila | “Whallah! The cake is ready.” |
migod | Surprise or shock | “MiGod! Is that really you?” |
morning | Morning greeting | “Morning! How did you sleep?” |
this | Emphasis | “This is what I’m talking about.” |
thwap | Sound of a hit | “The ball went thwap against the wall.” |
mwah | Sound of a kiss | “She said goodbye with a ‘mwah’ on my cheek.” |
wahey | Joy or celebration | “Wahey! It’s the weekend.” |
naw | No or refusal | “Naw, I don’t want any.” |
blow me down | Surprise | “Blow me down, I didn’t expect that.” |
blow me over | Great surprise | “Blow me over, it’s a miracle.” |
blow me tight | Utter surprise | “Blow me tight, he actually did it.” |
areet | Alright or greeting | “Areet, mate? How’s it going?” |
avast | Stop or pay attention | “Avast! Look at that ship.” |
avaunt | Go away or leave | “Avaunt, you scoundrel!” |
bejaysus | Surprise or emphasis | “Bejaysus, that was a close call.” |
big deal | Sarcasm or indifference | “Big deal, so he won a game.” |
blabby | Talkative | “Don’t be so blabby about secrets.” |
chin-chin | Cheers or toast | “Chin-chin! To a great evening.” |

- pip pip
- yarooh
- yay
- tut
- tut-tut
- shots fired
- peow
- phew
- ole
- ooch
- oo-er
- pop
- pow
- stop
- strewth
- here goes
- hey
- nah
- so there
- so what
- prosit
- pugh
- taa
- ta-da
- right-ho
- right-o
- whoosh
- why on Earth
- hah
- haha
- oright
- otay
- tchah
- tehee
- shitfire
- shoo
- yessir
- yessiree
- how
- howdy
- that’s a girl
- thiam
- ok
- okeydoke
- chrissakes
- tara
- ta-ra
- a-choo
- adieu
- dizamn
- do what
- doggone
- adios
- affirmative
- ah
- foom
- pooh
- twirp
- uck
Interjections Used in Sentences
Interjection | Use in Simple English | Example Sentence |
pip pip | British farewell | Pip pip, see you later! |
yarooh | Disappointment | Yarooh, I missed the bus. |
yay | Excitement or joy | Yay, we won the game! |
tut | Mild disapproval | Tut, you shouldn’t have done that. |
tut-tut | Stronger disapproval | Tut-tut, that’s not nice. |
shots fired | Highlighting a criticism | Did you hear that? Shots fired. |
peow | Sound of something fast | The car went peow down the road. |
phew | Relief | Phew, that was close. |
ole | Celebration, often in sports | Ole, ole, ole! We scored! |
ooch | Pain or discomfort | Ooch, that hurt. |
oo-er | Uncertainty or confusion | Oo-er, what do we do now? |
pop | Sudden sound or action | The balloon went pop. |
pow | Impact or explosion | The comic showed a punch with a big pow. |
stop | Command to halt | Stop, don’t move! |
strewth | Surprise or exclamation | Strewth, is that the time? |
here goes | Starting something risky | Here goes, wish me luck. |
hey | Attention or greeting | Hey, over here! |
nah | No or refusal | Nah, I’m not hungry. |
so there | Defiance or emphasis | I did it, so there! |
so what | Indifference | So what if he’s taller? |
prosit | Toast or cheers | To good health, prosit! |
pugh | Disgust or disdain | Pugh, what’s that smell? |
taa | Thanks | Taa for the gift. |
ta-da | Presentation or reveal | Ta-da, here’s the surprise! |
right-ho | Agreement or understanding | Right-ho, I’ll get on it. |
right-o | Agreement | Right-o, see you then. |
whoosh | Fast movement or sound | The train went whoosh past us. |
why on Earth | Confusion or emphasis | Why on Earth would he do that? |
hah | Laughter or surprise | Hah, I knew it! |
haha | Laughter | Haha, that’s funny. |
oright | Alright or okay | Oright, let’s go. |
otay | Okay or agreement | Otay, I understand. |
tchah | Dismissal or goodbye | Tchah, see you later. |
tehee | Giggling or amusement | Tehee, that tickles. |
shitfire | Surprise or emphasis | Shitfire, that’s hot! |
shoo | Dismissal or go away | Shoo, cat, don’t bother the birds. |
yessir | Affirmation or respect | Yessir, I’ll do it right away. |
yessiree | Strong affirmation | Yessiree, that’s the truth. |
how | Confusion or question | How did that happen? |
howdy | Greeting | Howdy, partner! |
that’s a girl | Encouragement for females | That’s a girl, keep going! |
thiam | Quiet or hush | Thiam, the baby’s sleeping. |
ok | Agreement or alright | Ok, I’ll meet you there. |
okeydoke | Okay or agreement | Okeydoke, let’s start. |
chrissakes | Frustration or emphasis | For chrissakes, be careful! |
tara | Goodbye | Tara, see you tomorrow. |
ta-ra | Goodbye | Ta-ra for now! |
a-choo | Sneeze sound | I think I’m getting a cold, a-choo! |
adieu | Farewell | Adieu, until we meet again. |
dizamn | Emphasis or surprise | Dizamn, that’s impressive! |
do what | Confusion or repetition | Do what now? |
doggone | Disappointment or emphasis | Doggone it, I missed the show. |
adios | Goodbye | Adios, my friend. |
affirmative | Yes or agreement | Affirmative, captain. |
ah | Realization or understanding | Ah, now I see. |
foom | Explosion sound | The fireworks went foom in the sky. |
pooh | Dismissal or disdain | Pooh, that’s not important. |
twirp | Insult or tease | Don’t be such a twirp. |
uck | Disgust | Uck, I hate spiders. |

- preface
- mu
- muahahaha
- tchah
- snap
- snerk
- jinx
- jislaaik
- yoo-hoo
- you go, girl
- wuzzup
- yaroo
- here
- you know it
- yow
- hurrah
- huzza
- hang it
- har
- leave off
- hrm
- hrmm
- goddamit
- goddammit
- goddamn
- goddidit
- ta-ta for now
- yum yum
- yup
- srsly
- kaching
- ta-dah
- tally-ho
- yo-ho-ho
- shh
- shhh
- whammo
- whatsay
- whee
- lee-ho
- lo
- loo
- hurray
- huzzah
- iunno
- wow
- wuxtra
- zounds
- zzz
- nom nom

- oh man
- pardy
- peace out
- oh my days
- ta-ta
- wotcher
- wough
- oh my God
- oh my Goddess
- good now
- goodbye
- oof
- ooh
- oops
- good job
- good Lord
- hmmph
- honk
- Goddy
- golly
- jeez
- sue me
- sure
- presto
- prethe
- hiya
- hm
- boh
- boo
- boo hiss
- boohoo
- fore
- frick
- brother
- bum
- by
- ftw
- fu
- fuckyeah
- cheerio
- chin chin
- boo-ya
- bow-wow
- bravo
- kill me
- kthxbai
- la
- lackaday
- phoh
- phut
- flummery
- crikey
- cripes
- crud
- euoi
- eureka
- farewell
- gadzooks
- gah
- gee
- nu
- nuh
- och
- oh
- oh boy
- oh dear
- oh em gee
- oh God

- a-ha
- ahem
- ahh
- alas
- alleluia
- aloha
- amen
- death to
- dildo
- ding dong
- oh me oh my
- oh my
- sry
- ssh
- Goddidit
- losh
- mhm
- good heavens
- poof
- poogh
- good luck
- good morrow
- right-oh
- rrah
- good-bye
- gosh
- grumpity
- h’lo
- h’m
- heehaw
- heh
- geronimo
- getaway
- get bent
- ello
- ullo
- aaargh
- chuffing hell
- ciao
- codswallop
- aagh
- ugh
- uh
- uh-oh
- whallah
- wham
- aooga
- aoogah
- ar
- dammit
- damn
- darn
- white rabbit
- yuck
- yuk
- hai
- halleluja
- hallo
- shana tova
- shazaam
- shazbot
- heads up
- heave-ho
- heck
- heck no
- heeelp
- heeey
- shough
- sibo
- tiddely
- tiddledy
- that’s a girl
- thiam
- cooee
- cooey
- cor
- aw
- ay
- aye
- bacaw
- bah
- Basta
- bastard
- batter up
- begorrah
- haw
- land sakes
- leave it out
- blabity
- blah
- blimey
- blow me
- cya
- d’aww
- dag
- oh my gods
- oh my gosh
- oh my heck
- ho
- hoo
- hoorah
- hooray
- whoa
- whoah
- howzat
- hoy
Interjection Examples in Sentences
Interjection | Use in Simple English | Example Sentence |
a-ha | Realization | A-ha, I found the missing piece! |
ahem | Getting attention | Ahem, may I have the floor? |
ahh | Relaxation or understanding | Ahh, that feels good. |
alas | Sadness or pity | Alas, the hero did not survive. |
alleluia | Praise or joy | Alleluia, the drought is over. |
aloha | Greeting or farewell | Aloha, welcome to Hawaii. |
amen | Agreement or prayer end | Amen, let’s hope for the best. |
death to | Strong dislike or hate | Death to tyranny! |
dildo | Insult or tease | Don’t act like such a dildo. |
ding dong | Doorbell sound or joy | Ding dong, the witch is dead. |
oh me oh my | Surprise or dismay | Oh me oh my, what have you done? |
oh my | Surprise | Oh my, that’s unexpected! |
sry | Sorry (informal) | Sry, I can’t make it. |
ssh | Quiet or silence | Ssh, the baby’s sleeping. |
Goddidit | Explanation or excuse | Why’s the sky blue? Goddidit. |
losh | Surprise or exclamation | Losh, that was close! |
mhm | Agreement or yes | Will you be there? Mhm. |
good heavens | Surprise or shock | Good heavens, is that true? |
poof | Sudden disappearance | And just like that, poof, he was gone. |
poogh | Dismissal or disdain | Poogh, that’s not important. |
good luck | Wishing fortune | Good luck on your exam! |
good morrow | Old greeting for good day | Good morrow, kind sir. |
right-oh | Agreement | Right-oh, I’ll do that. |
rrah | Cheer or support | Rrah, go team! |
good-bye | Farewell | Good-bye, see you soon. |
gosh | Surprise or emphasis | Gosh, I didn’t expect that. |
grumpity | Being grumpy or moody | Don’t be so grumpity today. |
h’lo | Greeting | H’lo, how are you? |
h’m | Thinking or hesitation | H’m, I’m not sure. |
heehaw | Laughter or donkey sound | Stop that heehaw, it’s not that funny. |
heh | Mild laughter | Heh, that’s clever. |
geronimo | Jumping with excitement | Geronimo! He leaped off the diving board. |
getaway | Disbelief or surprise | Getaway, you can’t be serious! |
get bent | Dismissal or annoyance | Oh, get bent! |
ello | Greeting | Ello, mate! |
ullo | Greeting | Ullo, what’s new? |
aaargh | Frustration or pain | Aaargh, I can’t figure this out! |
chuffing hell | Frustration or surprise | Chuffing hell, that’s cold! |
ciao | Goodbye or hello | Ciao, see you later! |
codswallop | Nonsense or lies | That’s pure codswallop! |
aagh | Frustration or fear | Aagh, that scared me! |
ugh | Disgust or annoyance | Ugh, I hate doing laundry. |
uh | Hesitation | Uh, I don’t know. |
uh-oh | Realizing a mistake | Uh-oh, I forgot the keys. |
whallah | Here it is or voila | Whallah, the masterpiece is complete. |
wham | Impact sound | Wham! The ball hit the wall. |
aooga | Alarm or alert sound | Aooga! The car horn blared. |
aoogah | Alarm or alert sound | Aoogah! Watch out! |
ar | Pirate sound or agreement | Ar, that be a fine treasure. |
dammit | Frustration | Dammit, I spilled my coffee. |
damn | Frustration or emphasis | Damn, that was a good movie. |
darn | Mild frustration | Darn, I missed the bus. |
white rabbit | Good luck charm | Say white rabbit on the first of the month. |
yuck | Disgust | Yuck, I don’t like broccoli. |
yuk | Disgust | Yuk, this milk’s gone bad. |
hai | Yes (in Japanese) | Hai, I understand. |
halleluja | Praise or joy | Halleluja, the rain has stopped. |
hallo | Greeting | Hallo, is anyone there? |
shana tova | Jewish New Year greeting | Shana tova, happy new year! |
shazaam | Magic or surprise | Shazaam, and the magician pulled a rabbit out. |
shazbot | Frustration or surprise | Shazbot, the computer crashed again. |
heads up | Warning or alert | Heads up, flying ball! |
heave-ho | Effort or throwing | Give it the old heave-ho. |
heck | Mild surprise | Heck, I didn’t see that coming. |
heck no | Strong refusal | Heck no, I won’t do that. |
heeelp | Calling for help | Heeelp, I’m stuck! |
heeey | Greeting or attention | Heeey, long time no see. |
shough | Quiet or hush | Shough, don’t wake the baby. |
sibo | Yes (informal) | You coming? Sibo! |
tiddely | Drunk or tipsy | He’s a bit tiddely after that wine. |
tiddledy | Drunk or tipsy | She’s feeling tiddledy. |
that’s a girl | Encouragement for females | That’s a girl, you can do it! |
thiam | Quiet or hush | Thiam, someone’s coming. |
cooee | Calling out | Cooee, over here! |

Here are 12 examples of interjections:
1. Wow!
2. Oh!
3. Oops!
4. Hey!
5. Yikes!
6. Ugh!
7. Hooray!
8. Yay!
9. Ouch!
10. Aha!
11. Huh!
12. Bravo!
These words show strong emotions or reactions and are often used on their own.
Here are 10 examples of interjections with their meanings:
1. Phooey! – Disappointment or frustration
2. Duh! – Obviousness or sarcasm
3. Achoo! – Sneezing
4. Hallelujah! – Joy or celebration
5. Blah! – Boredom or dissatisfaction
6. Yum! – Enjoyment of taste
7. Boing! – Springing or bouncing
8. Hmm! – Thinking or uncertainty
9. Hmph! – Disapproval or frustration
10. Hah! – Surprise, joy, or triumph
11. Brrr! – Feeling cold or shivering
Here are 12 interjection sentences:
1. Wow! That was an incredible game!
2. Oh! I didn’t see you there.
3. Oops! I dropped the plate!
4. Hey! Wait for me!
5. Yikes! That noise scared me!
6. Ugh! This homework is so boring!
7. Hooray! We won the match!
8. Yay! I passed the test!
9. Ouch! That really hurt!
10. Aha! I figured out the solution!
11. Huh! That’s an interesting idea.
12. Bravo! What a fantastic performance!
These sentences use interjections to show feelings like surprise, joy, pain, and excitement.
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