HomeWorksheetsLinking Words Worksheets and Exercises with Answers

Linking Words Worksheets and Exercises with Answers


Linking words worksheets help students learn how to connect their ideas clearly when writing or speaking in English. These worksheets provide practice with different types of linking words, such as

  • Addition: also, furthermore, moreover, and
  • Contrast: but, however, although, yet
  • Cause and Effect: because, so, therefore, thus
  • Comparison: similarly, likewise, just as
  • Condition: if, unless, provided that
  • Time: then, later, before, after

To understand linking words perfectly you may like to read Linking Words

By using linking words exercises, learners can improve their writing skills and make their sentences more fluent and easy to follow. These exercises help students understand which linking words to use in different situations, making their writing more effective. Regular practice with these worksheets can build a strong foundation for clear communication, both in everyday conversations and formal writing.

Linking Words Worksheets

Linking Words Worksheet 1

Complete these Sentences using linking words.

  • She wanted to go out, ___ it was too late.
  • He studied hard, ___ he passed the exam.
  • You can have coffee ___ tea with your breakfast.
  • We went to the park, ___ we played soccer.
  • He cooked dinner ___ she set the table.
  • She was tired, ___ she took a snap.
  • We will start the meeting ___ everyone arrives.
  • he likes to read books, ___ her brother prefers watching movies.
  • I will come to the party ___ I finish my work on time.
  • They bought a new car, ___ their old one broke down.
  • He sings beautifully, ___ he also plays the guitar.
  • She wanted to go shopping, ___ she had no money.
  • He didn’t study, ___ he failed the test.
  • They will visit us ___ they return from vacation.
  • We stayed indoors, ___ it was raining outside.
  • She likes both cats ___ dogs.
  • You should exercise regularly, ___ you might gain weight.
  • She felt cold, ___ she put on a jacket.
  • He is not only smart ___ hardworking.
  • I want to travel, ___ I don’t have enough money.
  • You can choose to stay here, ___ you can come with us.
  • We decided to leave early, ___ we wanted to avoid traffic.
  • She sings beautifully, ___ her sister plays the piano well.
  • He forgot his keys, ___ he had to wait outside.
  • They wanted to go hiking, ___ it started to rain.

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25 Sentences using Linking Words Worksheets and Exercises. Fill in the Blanks with Linking Words Worksheets
Linking Words Worksheets

Linking Words Worksheet 2

Choose the correct option.

____ it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
A) if        B) although      C) yet        D) after

She was late to the meeting ____ she missed the bus.
A) yet      B) because       C) similarly       D) however

I wanted to go for a walk, ____ it started raining.
A) although       B) if       C) but        D) so

____ the movie, we went out for dinner.
A) similarly       B) after      C) however       D) but

We were tired, ____ we went to bed early.
A) so         B) similarly        C) yet         D) and

____, she managed to finish the project on time.
A) after      B) however       C) so        D) thus

____ he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.
A) because      B) although        C) similarly        D) if

She enjoys swimming, ____ she likes hiking too.
A) similarly          B) after         C) and          D) but

____, the project was completed ahead of schedule.
A) thus          B) although        C) so         D) yet

He is allergic to nuts; ____, he avoids eating them.
A) similarly       B) after         C) thus         D) but

She was excited about the trip, ____ she felt nervous.
A) although           B) yet             C) after            D) so

____ he enjoys playing tennis, his brother prefers soccer.
A) similarly          B) after         C) although           D) but

We went to the park ____ the weather was nice.
A) because         B) so          C) after            D) similarly 

____, she finds both painting and drawing relaxing.
A) so            B) after           C) similarly         D) yet

____ it was late, she decided to continue working.
A) so            B) although           C) similarly         D) if

He missed the bus, ____ he was late to work.
A) yet           B) thus            C) but          D) and

____ finishing her homework, she watched TV.
A) so           B) although            C) similarly          D) after

The restaurant was closed, ____ we went to a different one.
A) so         B) after           C) if             D) yet

____, he didn’t let that stop him from trying again.
A) similarly            B) yet             C) however              D) after

____ he was tired, he continued to work late into the night.
A) so              B) although             C) similarly             D) yet

____ she was nervous, she performed well in the interview.
A) if            B) similarly          C) although            D) so

He likes both pizza ____ pasta.
A) similarly            B) and            C) yet            D) so

She prepared a lot for the exam; ____, she felt confident.
A) although             B) if             C) so            D) thus

____ you finish your work early, you can go home.
A) if               B) although             C) so                  D) yet

20 Mcqs of Linking Words Worksheets and Exercises. Choose the Correct option for Linking Words Worksheets.
Linking Words Worksheets

Linking Words Worksheet 3

Underline the linking words.

  • She likes apples and oranges.
  • Yet it was late, the kids were still awake.
  • Because it was cold, we stayed inside.
  • If it gets dark, we will go home.
  • After the game, we had snacks.
  • Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  • Although she was sick, she went to school.
  • So it was raining, we took an umbrella.
  • He wanted pizza but his friend wanted sushi.
  • While I read a book, he watched TV.
10 Sentences using Linking Words Worksheets and Exercises. Underline the Linking Words
Linking Words Worksheets and Exercises

Answer of Worksheet 1

  • but: 1,12,19,20,25
  • so: 2,6,13,18,24
  • or: 3,17,21
  • and: 4,11,16
  • after: 7,14
  • while: 5,8
  • if: 9
  • because:10,15,22
  • similarly: 23

Answer of Worksheet 2

  • A: 1, 5, 9, 13, 18, 25
  • B: 2, 4, 7, 11, 15, 16, 22
  • C: 3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21
  • D: 6, 17, 20, 23, 24


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