HomeVocabularyPicture Vocabulary105 Animal Sounds in English with Pictures

105 Animal Sounds in English with Pictures

In this blog, you are going to learn about animal sounds and the unique noises animals make. This knowledge will help you learn more about animals. It’s about matching animals with the noises they make. Learning the sounds that animals make helps us understand them better, especially when we’re reading a story, watching a movie, or just spending time outdoors.

Why Learning Animal Sounds is Important:

  • Better Understanding: Helps us understand animals better.
  • Learning Fun: Makes learning fun and interesting.
  • Connection with Nature: Helps you connect with the animal world in a new way.

By knowing these animal sounds, you can enhance your learning experience and enjoy your time with stories, movies, and nature. This blog will guide you through the different noises animals make, making it easier for you to remember and recognize them.


AnimalAnimal SoundsImages
MouseChirp, SqueakSound of Mouse: Mouse chirps and squeaks.
BeaverHiss, GruntSound of Beaver: Beaver hisses and grunts.
CrocodileBellow, HissSound of Crocodile: Crocodile bellows and hisses.
AardvarkSnuff, GruntSound of Aardvark: Aardvark snuffs and grunts.
DeerGrunts, BleatsSound of Deer: Deer grunts and bleats.
Sound of Eagle: Eagle whistles.
Sound of Eagle: Eagle whistles.


Sound of Lion: Lion roars.


Sound of Ape: Ape gibbers.

HippopotamusYelp, Cry

Sound of Hippopotamus: Hippopotamus yelps and cries.


Sound of Giraffe: Giraffe hums.

CatMeow, Purr

Sound of Cat: Cat meows and purrs.


Sound of Dove: Dove coos.


Sound of Hare: Hare squeaks.

CamelRoar, Groan

Sound of Camel: Camel roars and groans.


Sound of Ant: Ant cries.


Sound of Armadillo: Armadillo grunts.


Sound of Donkey: Donkey hee-haws.
Sound of Donkey: Donkey hee-haws.

SnailRawr, Cry

Sound of Snail: Snail rawrs and cries.


Sound of Swallow: Swallow chirps.


Sound of Turkey: Turkey gobbles.

HyenaWhoop, Laugh

Sound of Hyena: Hyena whoops and laughs.

BearGrowl, Roar

Sound of Bear: Bear growls and roars.

CockerelCrows, Cackle

Sound of Cockerel: Cockerel crows and cackles.

FishBlub, Glug

Sound of Fish
Sound of Fish


Sound of Goat: Goat baas.

KangarooGrowl, Grunt

Sound of Kangaroo: Kangaroo growls and grunts.

PandaHuff, Snort

Sound of Panda: Panda huffs and snorts.

BirdSing, Chirp

Sound of Bird: Bird sings and chirps.
Sound of Bird: Bird sings and chirps.


Sound of Grouse: Grouse says pete-pete.

ChimpanzeePants, Grunts

Sound of Chimpanzee: Chimpanzee pants and grunts.


Sound of Frog: Frog croaks.

PenguinHonk, Bleat

Sound of Penguin: Penguin honks and bleats.

NightingaleSing, Tril

Sound of Nightingale: Nightingale sings and trills.


Sound of Duck: Duck quacks.


Sound of Rabbit: Rabbit squeaks.

WolfHowl, Growl

Sound of Wolf: Wolf howls and growls.

YakGrunt, Snort

Sound of Yak: Yak grunts and snorts.

PorpoiseClick, Whistle

Sound of Porpoise: Porpoise clicks and whistles.

RaccoonGrowl, Chatter

Sound of Raccoon: Raccoon growls and chatters.



Sound of Rook: Rook caws.

Sea LionBarking, Roar

Sound of Sea Lion: Sea Lion barks and roars.

SwanHiss, Cooing

Sound of Swan: Swan hisses and coos.


Sound of Viper: Viper hisses.

SquirrelSqueak, Bark

Sound of Squirrel: Squirrel squeaks and barks.

ParrotTalk, Screech

Sound of Parrot: Parrot talks and screeches.



Sound of Turtle: Turtle hisses.

WallabyBark, Hiss

Sound of Wallaby: Wallaby barks and hisses.

OtterChirp, Whistle

Sound of Otter: Otter chirps and whistles.

TermiteClick, Rustle

Sound of Termite: Termite clicks and rustles.

OwlHoot, Screech

Sound of Owl: Owl hoots and screeches.

ZebraGrowl, Squeal

Sound of Zebra: Zebra growls and squeals.
Sound of Zebra: Zebra growls and squeals.

HornetHum, Buzz

Sound of Hornet: Hornet hums and buzzes.

PigeonCoo, Purr

Sound of Pigeon: Pigeon coos and purrs.

Polar BearGrowl, Roar

Sound of Polar Bear: Polar Bear growls and roars.

GerbilHigh Squeak

Sound of Gerbil: Gerbil squeaks highly.

CattleMoo, Lowing

Sound of Cattle: Cattle moo and low.

RatSqueak, Chirp

Sound of Rat: Rat squeaks and chirps.


Sound of Cockroach: Cockroach hisses.

CheetahGrowl, Chirp

Sound of Cheetah: Cheetah growls and chirps.

ChickenChuck, Cluck

Sound of Chicken: Chicken clucks and clucks.

WombatGrowl, Grunt

Sound of Wombat: Wombat growls and grunts.

WhaleSing, Click

Sound of Whale: Whale sings and clicks.

SpiderHiss, Purr

Sound of Spider: Spider hisses and purrs.

BeeBuzz, Humm

Sound of Bee: Bee buzzes and hums.


Sound of Beetle: Beetle squeaks.


Sound of Sparrow: Sparrow chirps.

BitternCroak, Boom

Sound of Bittern: Bittern croaks and booms.

AlligatorBellow, Hiss

Sound of Alligator: Alligator bellows and hisses.

OpossumGrowl, Click

Sound of Opossum: Opossum growls and clicks.

PorcupineGrunt, Snuff

Sound of Porcupine: Porcupine grunts and snuffs.

RhinocerosGrunt, Snort

Sound of Rhinoceros: Rhinoceros grunts and snorts.

HorseNeigh, Whinny

Sound of Horse: Horse neighs and whinnies.

BadgerCall, Growl

Sound of a Badger: Badger growls and calls in the underbrush.


Sound of a Peacock: Peacock screams its vibrant call.


Sound of a Bat: Bat navigates with echolocation.

MooseGrunt, Bellow

Sound of a Moose: Moose grunts and bellows in the wild.


Sound of a Crow: Crow caws the day away.


Sound of a Buffalo: Buffalo grunts with the herd.

CoyoteBell, Trot

Sound of a Coyote: Coyote's bell and trot across the desert.


Sound of a Goose: Goose cackles in the flock.


Sound of a Crane: Crane's bugling dance in the sky.

Koala BearGrunt, Bellow

Sound of a Koala Bear: Koala Bear grunts and bellows in the eucalyptus.


Sound of a Pig: Pig oinks with delight.

Sugar GliderChirping

Sound of a Sugar Glider: Sugar Glider chirps in the treetops.


Sound of a Meerkat: Meerkat purrs with curiosity.

DogBark, Bay

Sound of a Dog: Dog's bark and bay echo loyalty.

LarkSings, Warble

Sound of a Lark: Lark sings and warbles a song of nature.
Sound of a Lark: Lark sings and warbles a song of nature.

WoodpeckerDrum, Tap

Sound of a Woodpecker: Woodpecker drums and taps on wood.

WrenSinging, Trill

Sound of a Wren: Wren's singing trill fills the air.


Sound of a Dolphin: Dolphin clicks in underwater conversations.

SeagullSquawk, Call

Sound of a Seagull: Seagull squawks and calls by the sea.


Sound of a Grasshopper: Grasshopper stridulates in the grass.

SheepBaa, Bleat

Sound of a Sheep: Sheep's baa and bleat in the field.


Sound of a Snake: Snake hisses with warning.


Sound of an Elephant: Elephant's roar reverberates in the jungle.


Sound of a Ferret: Ferret chuckles in its play.


Sound of a Fly: Fly's buzzing is the sound of summer.

FoxBark, Yap

Sound of a Fox: Fox barks and yaps in the woods.
Sound of a Fox: Fox barks and yaps in the woods.


Sound of a Gorilla: Gorilla grunts with authority.

HamsterSqueak, Chirp

Sound of a Hamster: Hamster squeaks and chirps cutely.


Sound of a Hawk: Hawk whistles from the heights.


Animal sounds: 35 different animals making unique sounds
First set of 35 animal sounds, showing unique noises each animal makes.

80 Unique Animal Sounds and Noises

Animal sounds are fascinating, and they vary significantly across species. Understanding these sounds helps us get closer to the natural world. Below, we explore 80 unique animal sounds and describe their usage. This article is particularly helpful for English learners aiming to expand their vocabulary on animal noises.

Rodents and Small Animals

The mouse chirps and squeaks in the quiet night.

The beaver hisses and grunts near the riverbank.

The aardvark snuffs around for food and occasionally lets out a grunt.

The hare can be heard squeaking in the tall grass.

The armadillo occasionally grunts as it searches for insects.

The gerbil makes a high-pitched squeak when excited.

The hamster squeaks and chirps cutely.


The eagle can be heard whistling high in the sky.

The dove in the garden softly coos in the morning.

The swallow can be heard chirping in the skies.

The turkey gobbles loudly during its displays.

The cockerel crows loudly at the break of dawn.

The nightingale sings melodious songs in the moonlight.

Raven and Rook
The raven and the rook both caw loudly in the trees.

The owl in the trees hoots and occasionally lets out a screech.

The sparrow in the trees chirps and fills the air with its melody.

The peacock is known to let out a resounding scream.

The crane bugles melodiously in the sky.

Large Mammals Sounds

Big animals make all sorts of cool sounds! Let’s learn the names of mammals and the sounds these large animals make. Moreover, consider learning the names of homes of animals.

The lion roars with majestic authority in the wilderness.

The hippopotamus occasionally lets out a yelp or cry in the river.

The giraffe makes a soft hum as it feeds on leaves.

The camel in the desert can roar and groan loudly.

The donkey on the farm hee-haws when it’s time to work.

The kangaroo growls and grunts in the Australian outback.

The panda may huff and snort as it eats bamboo.

The bear in the forest growls and occasionally lets out a roar.

The yak on the mountain grunts and snorts.

The zebra growls and squeals in the African savannah.

Polar Bear
The polar bear in the Arctic often growls and roars.

The rhinoceros often grunts and snorts.

The horse in the stable neighs and whinnies.

The buffalo can often be heard grunting in the grasslands.

The moose grunts and bellows in the wilderness.

Koala Bear
The koala bear grunts and bellows from the treetops.

Reptiles and Amphibians

The crocodile bellows loudly, and its powerful jaws hiss in the swamp.

The viper in the grass often hisses as a warning.

The turtle can be heard hissing when it’s disturbed.

The frog by the pond croaks throughout the night.

The alligator bellows and occasionally hisses in the swamp.

Marine Life

The porpoise in the ocean clicks and whistles.

The penguin on the icebergs honks and occasionally bleats.

The whale in the ocean sings and clicks in its underwater world.

The dolphin in the ocean clicks in its social interactions.

The shark is a silent presence in the deep ocean.

Farm Animals Sounds

The cat often meows for attention and purrs when content.

The goat on the farm baas loudly when it’s feeding time.

The cattle in the pasture moo and low peacefully.

The chicken on the farm often clucks and crows.

The pig on the farm is known for its oinking.

The sheep baas and bleats in the pasture.

Wild Canines and Felines

The wolf in the forest often howls and growls.

The hyena often whoops and laughs in the wild.

The tiger in the jungle often roars to claim its territory.

The fox barks and yaps in the moonlight.

Miscellaneous Animals Sounds

Ant colonies can be quite noisy as they cry to communicate.

Termite colonies can be heard clicking and rustling inside wood.

The badger calls and growls in its burrow.

Sugar Glider
The sugar glider chirps as it glides through the trees.

The wombat in Australia can growl and grunt.

Animal sounds: 35 more animals making distinct sounds
Second set of 35 animal sounds, showing distinct noises of each animal.
Animal sounds: last set of 35 unique animal sounds
Final set of 35 animal sounds, completing the collection of unique animal noises.


What are the sounds of all animals from a to z?

Here’s a list of animal sounds from A to Z:
A – Antelope: Snort
B – Bear: Growl
C – Cat: Meow
D – Dog: Bark
E – Elephant: Trumpet
F – Frog: Ribbit
G – Goat: Baa
H – Horse: Neigh
I – Iguana: Hiss
J – Jaguar: Growl
K – Kangaroo: Thump
L – Lion: Roar
M – Monkey: Chatter
N – Nightingale: Sing
O – Owl: Hoot
P – Pig: Oink
Q – Quail: Whistle
R – Rabbit: Squeal
S – Snake: Hiss
T – Tiger: Growl
U – Uakari (monkey): Chatter
V – Vulture: Screech
W – Wolf: Howl
X – (No common animal with a sound for X)
Y – Yak: Moo
Z – Zebra: Whinny

What is bull sound?

The sound a bull makes is called a bellow. It’s a loud, deep noise.

At what age should a child know animal sounds?

Children usually start to recognize and copy animal sounds around 12 to 18 months. By 2 to 3 years old, most kids can say the sounds of animals like dogs, cats, and cows. It depends on how often they hear the sounds in books, songs, or games.

What is animal sound for kids?

Here are some common animal sounds for kids:
1. Dog – Bark
2. Cat – Meow
3. Cow – Moo
4. Sheep – Baa
5. Duck – Quack
6. Chicken – Cluck
7. Pig – Oink
8. Horse – Neigh

How to teach your child animal sounds?

Here’s an easy way to teach animal sounds:
1. Show animals: Point to animals and say the sound, like “Moo” for a cow.
2. Read books: Find books with animal sounds and read them aloud.
3. Sing songs: Sing songs like “Old McDonald” with animal sounds.
4. Guess the animal: Make an animal sound and let them guess which animal it is.
5. Pretend: Act like the animal and make the sound.
6. Praise: Cheer when they get it right!

Free PDF on Animal Sounds Lesson

We also offer a free PDF guide on animal sounds. This detailed lesson covers 80 unique animal sounds and their corresponding noises, helping you learn how different animals communicate. Download the PDF to improve your knowledge and enjoy a fun learning experience.

Animals Sounds PDF

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